Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hall, Stuart. Introduction Who Needs Identity Questions of Cultural Identity.
Corridor, Stuart. Presentation Who Needs Identity Questions of Cultural Identity. Stuart Hall centers around a significant issue concerning personality. The issue has been considered by numerous masterminds and there is no single response to the inquiry raised by Hall: who does require ‘Identity’? Corridor asserts that to respond to this inquiry it is important to break down such idea as â€Å"identification†(2).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Hall, Stuart. â€Å"Introduction: Who Needs ‘Identity’?†Questions of Cultural Identity. explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hall expresses that ID is people’s capacity to perceive â€Å"some basic cause or imparted qualities to someone else or group†(2). The creator likewise makes reference to that this procedure is very emotional and it is almost difficult to locate an ideal fit. In any case, the idea of distinguishing proof impeccably fits the idea of character. Corridor additionally asserts that character is exposed to numerous progressions that happen over the span of time. Hence, it is fundamental to examine characters as for chronicled improvement of social orders (Hall 4). Accordingly, the scientist characterizes ways of life as people’s positions which they pick attempting to fit the gathering, however they comprehend that there can be no ideal match and it is fine to contrast by one way or another (Hall 6). Lobby additionally breaks down a few perspectives and spotlights on Foucault perspective. Lobby asserts that Foucault’s clarification of character is excessively restricted (13). Lobby expresses that it is critical to hypothesize the thought of character to make it increasingly relevant. In this way, the scientist alludes to Butler’s thoughts concerning personality (Hall 15). Corridor focuses on that Butler built up her comprehension of character as far as women's liberation, sexuality and self-personality. In any case, Hall asserts that Butler’s thought that character depends on avoidance isn't deceptive as some could might suspect. Corridor additionally expresses that issues concerning personality and hypothesizing character are yet to be understood. To summarize, Hall uncovers the significance of hypothesizing ‘identity’ which will prompt further comprehension of the procedures and elements that influence personalities. Significant contentions As has been referenced above, Hall gives a meaning of personality and spotlights on hypothetical issues concerning character. Nonetheless, Hall despite everything claims that it is critical to comprehend what character (or ID) is. Corridor likewise explains the significance of characters in the contemporary world. Similarly, such creators as Nakayama, Tanno or Hedge guarantee that the idea of character is one of the most significant in the cutting edge world (Gonzalez et al.). It's a given that the writers referenced above spotlight on the down to earth side.Advertising Looking for article on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They center around people’s endeavors to discover their places in this world. In any case, the significant purpose of works by Hall, Nakayama, Tanno or Hedge is as per the following: issues concerning character ought to be broke down so individuals could undoubtedly locate the most appropriate positions. In fact, this thought is significant as far as Communication Studies. The examination focuses on people’s correspondence. Decent variety is one of the most significant issues in this regard. Clearly, it is imperative to comprehend what components impact people’s personalities. It is fundamental to realize which positions individuals will in general possess and why. It is important to see how individuals distinguish themselves. This will assist specialists with understanding how individuals connect and speak with others. Gonzalez, Alberto, Marsha Houston, and Victoria Chen. Our Voices: Essays in Culture, Ethnicity, and Communication. New York, NY: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2003. Print. Lobby, Stuart. â€Å"Introduction: Who Needs ‘Identity’?†Questions of Cultural Identity. Eds. Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd., 1996. 1-17. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ulysses S. Grant Essays - Ulysses S. Grant, Julia Grant, Galena
Ulysses S. Award Essays - Ulysses S. Award, Julia Grant, Galena Ulysses S. Award Ulysses S. Award rose to order all the Federal militaries in the Civil War and lead them to triumph. He was regarded so much that he proceeded to be leader of the United States for two terms. His season of brilliance didn't keep going forever however, he created disease and kicked the bucket bankrupt. Ulysses Hiram Grant was conceived April 27, 1822, in a two room outline house at Point Pleasant, Ohio(Ulysses S. Award 1). His dad, Jesse Root Grant, was foreman in a tannery and a rancher. His mom, Hannah Simpson Grant, was a persevering boondocks lady. At the point when Ulysses was a year old, the family moved to Georgetown. There his dad purchased a ranch, fabricated a house, and set up his own tannery. Jesse and Hannah had five more kids there, two young men and three girls(Ulysses S. Award 1). Award love ponies and figured out how to oversee them at an early age. At the point when he was seven or on the other hand eight he could drive a group and started pulling all the wood utilized in the house and shops. Starting there on until he arrived at seventeen, Grant accomplished all the work finished with ponies; for example, separating the land, wrinkling, furrowing corn, getting the harvests when collected, and pulling wood(Ulysses S. Award 1). A quarter of a year each winter when work was limited Grant went to a one room school building, and that is the way he was instructed until he went to West Point at age seventeen. At the point when Grant turned seventeen, his dad got him an arrangement to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The congressman who made the arrangement did not know Grants' complete name, so he forgot about Hiram and included Simpson. Simpson, was Awards', moms' lady name(Ulysses S. Award 1). He was satisfied with his new name since he despised his old initials H.U.G. Cadet Grant couldn't have cared less for military life and never expected to remain in the military. He was acceptable in science and trusted at some point to instruct it. In different subjects he was about normal. He was, in any case, the best horseman at the institute. Peaceful and timid, he made not many friends(The Civil War). At the point when he was dispatched, Ulysses was requested to Jefferson Barracks, close St. Louis, Missouri. While positioned there he met Julia Dent, little girl of a slave claiming Southern family(Ulysses S. Award 2). Inside a quarter of a year he proposed to her and was acknowledged. Since he had just his compensation as lieutenant, the wedding was postponed(Ulysses S. Award 2). Award was in pretty much every skirmish of the Mexican War. He battled by walking, watching a wide range of commandants and how they lead their soldiers. This experience, he stated, was of incredible incentive to him, since he got familiar with about all the officials of the normal armed force. Some of them including the incredible warrior Robert E. Lee were to be on the Confederate side in the Civil War(Krick 15). Award returned from Mexico a skipper, with great notice. He without a moment's delay hitched Julia and took her to his new station, Sackett's Harbor, New York. During the Mexican War Grant framed the propensity for drinking. At Sackett's Harbor he joined a moderation society, yet he overlooked the vow the following year when he was sent to Detroit(Ulysses S. Award 1). In 1852 Grant?s regiment was requested to the Pacific coast by method of the Isthmus of Panama. Mrs. Award remained with her folks since she didn?t need to take their multi year old kid out traveling that way. Cholera assaulted the regiment in Panama. Award indicated incredible administration and cleverness in getting the donkeys to convey the incoherent men over the isthmus(Krick 16). He kept his cool and indicated how he could lead men when times got unpleasant. Award went through two years on the Pacific coast. He missed Julia and wasn?t there when his subsequent youngster was conceived. He went again to drink and wore messy garbs. His colonel requested his acquiescence, and Grant acquired cash to return home(Ulysses S. Grant2). Julia?s father gave Grant 80 sections of land to cultivate, close St. Louis. Award called the spot Hardscrabble(Ulysses S. Grant2). He cleared the land, constructed a log lodge, and buckled down be that as it may, couldn't make cultivating pay. Two additional kids were conceived and Grant couldn?t bolster his family. Award offered his stock and actualizes and went to selling land in St. Louis. He flopped again and strolled the avenues searching for something to do. At last his father convinced his more youthful children to bring Grant into their calfskin business at
Friday, August 21, 2020
Actividades Independientes
Actividades Independientes El año pasado, yo tomé algunos clases durante de IAP como una introducción a Python y una práctica de teatro por trabajar en la producción Margo Veil. Pero en Diciembre, decidà que este IAP yo debo usar el tiempo para recuperarme del semestre pasado y disfrutarme con mis amigos en la comunidad de MIT. Por eso, aunque mis amigos y yo estamos involucradas en muchas actividades (por ejemplo, 6,270 [una competición de robots construido de LEGOs], practicando la esgrima, representando en una obra de teatro, haciendo un UROP o un trabajo corto, trabajando en Battlecode, o tomando clases), nosotros tenemos tiempo para divertirnos. Usualmente, algunas personas están jugando videojuegos competitivos en nuestra sala. La semana pasada, los favoritos fueron Mario Kart Wii y Súper Smash Brothers Brawl (no sé las traducciones). Además, porque hay alrededor de once o doce personas en la sala cada noche, nosotros pudimos jugar Mafia. Para los lectores quienes no conocen el juego, es una batalla entre “ciudadanos†y “mafiosos.†Hay un dios que está narrando el juego y durante la fase nocturna del juego, la Mafia elige un inocente para matarlo. Durante la fase diurna, todos los jugadores debaten la identidad de los mafiosos y votan para matar al mayor sospechoso. Si los ciudadanos matarÃan a todos los mafiosos, los ciudadanos ganarÃan y viceversa. Aparte de muchos juegos y pelÃculas, no hicimos alguna cosa interesantÃsima. Pero yo puedo compartir unos cuentos cortos y chistosos: Anteayer, alguien regresó de la cena con un CD que un estudiante de Harvard le dio en el metro. El artista se llama sombra cisne negra (Shadow Black Swan) y el álbum de música se llama Un Brindis Amargo a mi Mas Interno (A Bitter Toast to my Inner Most). Pues… es muy extraño. El otro dÃa, alguien envió un correo electrónico a un creador de Soylent, una comida liquida que contiene todos los nutrientes que una necesitarÃa en un dÃa. Mi amigo escribió que nosotros somos un grupo de estudiantes del MIT y quisimos probar su producto. Por el Soylent, nosotros le vamos a crear unos blogs de video a cambio para hacer la critica de su producto. Por el momento, no recibimos una respuesta pero ojalá que el respondiera. A veces, nosotros vemos la tele. Un cosa nosotros hemos vieron es La Belleza y El Geek. Es un programa que presenta a muchas parejas de una belleza y un geek. Cada pareja tiene que trabajar juntos para completar o ganar competiciones. Si una pareja ganarÃa, ellos obtendrÃan 100,000 dólares australianos. Aunque muchas de las personalidades son falsas, es muy divertido burlar de los actores. Por último, mi amigo que trabaja por Twitter en San Francisco y unos amigos aquà estamos filmando unos blogs de video para compartir nuestros vidas y ser creativos. Cada persona hizo mas o menos tres videos hasta hoy, pero filmaremos mas en el futuro.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Physics The Physics Of Weightlifting - 1281 Words
The Physics of Weightlifting What would one of America’s greatest authors, physics, and weightlifting all have in common? Mark Twain is quoted saying that its not the size of the dog in the fight, but it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Olympic weightlifting is not about being the biggest dog in order to lift the heaviest weights, but understanding how physics rewards those who learn to fight with acceleration, minimize moment forces, and to control their center of gravity. It is essential to learn about the unchangeable laws of physics which make the Clean and the Snatch lifts possible. There are numerous techniques for teaching somebody the Clean or Snatch pull, but all need to operate in the same manner, from a physics point of view. The entire Clean requires the lifter to approach a barbell and stand with their feet directly underneath their shoulders so that the center of gravity is in line with the rest of the body. The lifter will reach down and grab the bar, with the hands located just outside the knees, and prepare to engage the bar while in a squatted position. The bar is lifted up along the shins, knees are pressed backwards, hamstrings are engages and shoulders hoist the bar as high as one can. The lifter pulls oneself underneath the bar, catches it in their front rack position. From there the core and legs take over as the lifter pushes against the ground to stand up. The Snatch requires similar technique. The lifter approaches the bar in the same mannerShow MoreRelatedBodybuilding And Its Effect On The Body1514 Words  | 7 PagesEugene Sandow, he would let the masses view his muscular figure in awe as he flexed on stage for the crowds. Though he was not being compared to other bodybuilders on stage like present-day bodybuilders would be, he was the first person to use his physic strictly for aesthetic and viewing purposes. Most large muscular men at the time used their bodies for wrestling or strength performance. Eugene bec ame so popular he later patented his own exercise equipment for the public. These workout devicesRead MoreResearch Paper (Footballs Effects on Personal Health)2377 Words  | 10 Pagesalso highly beneficial to the sport. Their are many lifts that are specific to football, but weight lifting in general is a remarkably healthy life practice. First of all, it takes a lot of calories to build and maintain muscle, therefore just weightlifting alone could be a great way to get rid of fat. Basically, if someone lift weights to lose fat, he/she will be losing fat and replacing it with muscle making him/her leaner, lighter and stronger. Lifting weights is also a healthy way to socializeRead MoreSport Science13852 Words  | 56 Pageshowever, in a competitive market, practising a skill repeatedly to improve is not always enough. Learning skills has become a science in itself. Now, to reach the top of their game, athletes need to understand and consider the nature of skills, the physics of movement and the athletes’ own physical attributes and psychology. The following chapters delve into the science of learning skills that will assist you to develop and reï ¬ ne physical skills and maximise your sporting potential. Focus questions Read MoreCultural Analysis of North Korea Essay12722 Words  | 51 PagesOctober 1946, is the countrys only comprehensive institution of higher education offering bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees. Its colleges and faculties include economics, history, philosophy, law, foreign languages and literature, geography, physics, mathematics, chemistry, atomic energy, biology, and computer science. Figure 6: Students at the Grand Peoples Study House Outside the formal structure of schools and classrooms is the extremely important social education. This educationRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesa specific dog and saying, This is what I mean. A definition by pointing is an ostensive definition. Ostensive definitions are a kind of definition by example. If I define physical science as something like geology, chemistry, astronomy, or physics, I am giving a definition by example. Dictionaries cannot use ostensive definitions, but occasionally they do use definitions by example. A dictionary definition is called a lexical definition because dictionaries are called lexicons. Here is an
Thursday, May 14, 2020
America, Mexico, The Caribbean, And South America Make Up...
Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America make up Latin America. Approximately 640 million people reside in this region. Latin America is the largest foreign supplier of oil to the United States. It is the United States’ fastest growing trading partner, as well as its biggest supplier of illegal drugs. Latin America is also the largest source of U.S immigrants, both documented and not. The life expectancy for females is 72 years of age and the life expectancy for males is 79 years of age in Latin American. Just about 35 million people in Latin America over the age of 15 are illiterate, meaning they can neither read nor write. In this region, child poverty affects about 81 million people under the age of 18. Latin America has recorded a decrease in the infant mortality rate. The infant mortality dropped from 128 deaths per 1,000 lives births to 26 per 1,000 live births, which an 80 percent decline. ( Life Expectancy in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015 | Statistic) Unlike many other countries where their levels of health concerns may be low, Latin America has a high rate of growth stunting, which is when a person is very short for their age. Although income poverty has not changed very much over the years, there has been many improvements in child health and nutrition. Many of the population of Latin American countries are still faced with economic decline. Although Latin America is only home to about 10% of the world’s population it accounts for 30%Show MoreRelatedPoverty in Latin America805 Words  | 4 Pagesthe poverty in Latin America. Latin America has always been in poverty and although there have been some ups and downs, the poverty level remains great. First, we will discuss the region that is known as Latin America, the determining factors of poverty, the statistics and history of the poverty in Latin America and the future of the poverty in Latin America. Latin America refers to the areas of America in which the Spanish or Portuguese languages prevail. These areas include Mexico, most of CentralRead MoreIndigenous Tribes of Latin America1511 Words  | 7 PagesIndigenous People of Latin America Throughout the world, when new lands were conquered, old customs would be lost. However, in Latin America, a great deal of their indigenous tribes not only survived being conquered, they are still around today. Different regions of Latin America are home to different peoples and many tribes are part of ancient full-fledged kingdoms. Some of these kingdoms are among the most well-known in the world. The Meso-American native peoples make Latin America famous. TheseRead MoreAmerica s Trade Area Of The Americas1494 Words  | 6 PagesHistory Latin America is composed of seventeen countries which was colonized by Spain’s and Portugal. They are large in diverse population with four hundred and ninety million people in total. The percentage of the Indian and African that lives in Latin America is basically seventy-five percent just in the cities. The industrial and development grew since the 1960’s; also the free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) proposes to integrate economies of Latin America, North America and the Caribbean (exceptRead MoreThe Decline Of The Latin American And Caribbean Region1400 Words  | 6 PagesFor the Latin American/Caribbean region, one human induced environmental problem would be the severity of deforestation due to mining practices. According to Lisa Naughton’s lecture, the price of gold has skyrocketed due to the stock market crash, leading to a higher demand of gold and driving roughly 7,000 miners into the forest, making this a global resource demand. Gold mining has a significant history South America. According to page 281 of the textbook, Spain demanded that their colonies provideRead MoreTelecommunications Companies: America Movil Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesLatin America has been known throughout history to take orders and to have resources taken away from their bare hands. They were never appreciated for the struggles that they went through to provide distant countries with useful resources. Fast-forward to the new twentieth century and Latin America has taken over the corporation scene, an example being the company known as America Movil. A company that is putting Latin American countries on the map once again, but this time no one is managing themRead MoreEducation is key to knowledge that strengthens the perspectives, skills, and abilities of learners1500 Words  | 6 PagesCultural and economic expectations also negatively affect many kids, as girls may be expected to do domestic work and boys to do outside labor; child labor take educational opportunities away (Torche 2010; Frankema 2008). Also, many governments in Latin America have neoliberal policies that favor economic development have cut social and education spending, negatively affecting the educational opportunities and achievement of children. Inequality in educational opportunities deprives many children andRead Moreindex.html Mexico Location Mexico is bordered by the United States to the north and Guatemala and900 Words  | 4 Pagesindex.html Mexico Location Mexico is bordered by the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the southeast. In the east is the Gulf of Mexico. The center of Mexico is a great plateau with mountain chains on the east and west and also with ocean low lands. History of Mexico Three great civilizations the Mayas, the Olmecs and the Toltecs previous the Aztec empire, conquered in 1519–1521 by the Spanish under Hernando Cortà ©s. Spain ruled Mexico until Sept. 16, 1810, when the MexicansRead MoreDescription Of Nicaragu The Spanish Word For Water1392 Words  | 6 PagesNicaragua from Mexico, after the fall of the Aztec empire. According to legend, the Nicarao were directed to travel south until they found an island with two volcanoes in the middle of a lake. An interesting Nicaragua fact is that the Nicarao tribe found Ometepe Island with two volcanoes in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, realized they had found the promised land, and then setttled on the shores of Lake Nicaragua. Geography The Republic of Nicaragua is bound on the north by Honduras, on the south by CostaRead MoreEssay on Exam 1 Study Guide COMPLETE2069 Words  | 9 Pagesgeographers, a region is: 8. Which of the following is not a major characteristic of a region as defined by geographers? 9. Alfred Wegeners supercontinent is known as: 10. The process by which a tectonic plate consisting of less heavy rock rides up over a heavier plate is known as: 11. The current interglacial period is known as the: 12. Which water body is surrounded by a geologically-active Ring of Fire: 13. Which of the following locations is not one of the worlds great population clustersRead MoreLatin American International Locations Aren t Resistant The Global Disaster1352 Words  | 6 PagesLatin American international locations aren t resistant to the global disaster. It hit this place as it was emerging from one of the maximum severe periods of expansion in current many years. according to ECLAC figures, local GDP grew an annual common of five% among 2003 and 2008. that is a median growth of greater than three% consistent with capita, a figure that had no longer been carried out because the days of the import substitution model (ECLAC, 2008, p. 13). a few countries like Argentina
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Who Else Is Misleading Us About How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples?
Who Else Is Misleading Us About How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples? The 30-Second Trick for How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples The essay is your opportunity to demonstrate how you are the perfect representative. You need to get creative. By applying the web, you can readily search decent scholarship essay samples. If you wish to succeed and know how to write a scholarship essay, it's also advisable to find familiarized with the most frequently made mistakes. Anyway, instructive way regarding how to begin a scholarship essay is to earn a very good plan which is like a roadmap. A high-quality scholarship essay are able to keep your pockets full. What Has to be Done About How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples There isn't one sure-fire approach to compose an essay, but here are a few universal recommendations to help elevate every one of your submissions. Even if you're self-reliant, it won't be rational to compose a fantastic paper in a day left for a deadline. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. By the way, have a look at ourprocess essay guideto learn to craft the ideal process papers ever! In a nutshell, the meat of the essay was not there. Remember that the chief body of your essay should contain a couple of paragraphs where you should develop all the points about the topic of your essay. The Chronicles of How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples Be sure your essay is well-organized and flows smoothly from 1 paragraph to the next by producing an outline of the chief points you wish to cover and the order that you want to cover them in. Usually most of the essay should concentrate on your own position, so don't get bogged down in refuting different positions at length. On the flip side, obtaining a pristine essay substantially increases your odds of being selected. To put it differently, a strong scholarship essay does not have to produce the conclusion do the double duty of supplying additional content and providing an ending statement at the very same time, which is characteristic of an extremely brief essay. Essay writing is frequently a significant part applying for scholarships. An individual may follow several basic steps as a way to turn the high school scholarship essay into the actual success. Considering all the knowledge areas and tips that you're already conscious of in writing a scholarship letter, it's possible to easily put together all of the info that you have to make sure you and your scholarship letter will stick out. If you're planning to put in an application for a college scholarship, you will likely will need to submit an essay alongside a resume, transcript and other background info. The main reason why it's necessary for you to make sure you will produce an extensive and in depth scholarship essay is a result of the benefits it can provide to your scholarship applic ation. The necessary length of your scholarship essay will vary based on the particular demands of the competition. When you begin trying to find college scholarship opportunities you will shortly learn there are dozens of them that require you to compose a scholarship essay. Don't use any fancy fonts as it can produce the essay seem informal. To put it differently, you are going to be in a position to compose an essay that conveys the message that you're the very best applicant. Even if not, utilize a very simple font and attempt to create reading of your essay a fine experience. By picking a subject for which you're passionate, you will have the ability to finish an engaging essay that will grab the review boards attention. Being invited for a scholarship application is a wonderful experience that's why you ought to make the absolute most out of it. Just being considered to turn in an application for a scholarship is already a pleasure and an achievement that you need to be pleased with. Scholarships are free money that don't will need to be paid back, and have the present of prestige. The scholarships you find are likely to fit into specific themes that you must have the ability to identify so as to save your family time, frustration, stress, and most significantly money. When writing your essay be sure to come up with your ideas along a very clear and logical path. Many students make the error of selecting the topic they think will appeal most to the review board, but if you're bored by the subject of your essay it'll be reflected in your finished submission. You must follow the topic. If you're not provided with a prompt, and the subject of the essay is left open for you, make certain to cover the appropriate info and attempt to clearly show your creative side in your approach. Getting the Best How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay Samples This information is crucial to writing a thriving scholarship essay. You don't need to possess the very best writing skills as a way to be creative and compose an effective essay. Use the following suggestions to help you polish your essay, and to aid you produce a solid and productive submission. Yet another thing to discuss to comprehend how to compose a personal essay for scholarships is the topics to pick from. A prosperous scholarship essay should present a constructive and relatable tone that will help you win. Your success will heavily rely on the language and tone you are using in your essay. There are not many main techniques to make your scholarship essay conclusion. There are various ways to begin an essay and all you have to do is to use one that can offer the most positive impact to the men and women who will review your scholarship essay. In the end, there's another thing you can't afford missing your essay to find a scholarship. What type of further remarks you select will depend on what seems most appropriate to your distinct essay. To increase the odds of your essay being successful, analyze the institution you're applying to. Without understanding the significance of the vital themes, it is not possible to compose an impeccable essay. Understanding how to end a scholarship essay is a fundamental part of the success. To win, you must compose a brief essay about the Seventh Amendment and the way it influences your life.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Influences of International Perspectives on Current UK Curricula
Question: Discuss about the Influences of International Perspectives on Current UK Curricula. Answer: Introduction The essay clearly states the childhood curriculum reforms that had been undertaken in the UK curricula which indicate the identification of the international trends and thereby the early childhood development in the education becomes easier. For the purpose of depicting the existence of the many trends, the influence on the education of the children are being depicted which enables the analysis in an appropriate way (Bell, 2004). This plays a major role in the development of the services and thereby the exploration of the curriculum reforms is undertaken for the development of the characteristics of the children. The reform process enhances the reliance on the stakeholders, and thereby the appropriately planned changes are undertaken for reforming the enhancement of the changes. Therefore the structure clearly explains the impact on the development of the services and also the government policies are appropriately constructed for the development of the services and the government pol icies of the UK. It also describes the obstacles that are faced by the government that potentially hampers the reform process in the country of UK and the Wales (Carr and Lee, 2012). The acknowledgments clearly explain the meaning of the early childhood education with depicting the importance of the roles of the particular parents in the development of the children. The holistic approaches are undertaken and fruitfully implemented for the growth of the children, and also the reform process seems to be providing the benefits to the children in constructing their life with a meaningful guidance. Curricula, importance of national curriculum and impact on the children The word curricula clearly describe the approaches that are undertaken for the purpose of running the coursework for the children. It provides the path for the arrangement of the contents with regarding the teaching, and the provision of the elements must be appropriately prepared by the students for the affecting the process of learning. Thereby the curriculum is exemplified by the help of the many different means, and thereby the program contents are fixed for the enhancement of the planning with depicting the execution of the course work (Clark and Waller, 2007). The considerations are constructed for the purpose of fulfilling the set of the performance activities that are depicted to be important for the children learning. The importance of the education in the life of children plays an important role, and thereby the critique clearly explains the documentation of the report in the educational purpose. Therefore the sociological perspectives are considered in this study that clea rly explains the views in the form of the designing the relation with the issues depicted in the form of segmenting the courses as per the semesters is segmented. This clearly explains the inclusion of the document that enhances the development of the theories by describing the importance and the implementation. Therefore the pedagogical approaches are depicted to be specific in accordance with the areas of the document covered for describing and enlisting the courses (Colwell and Beaumont, n.d.). Therefore the enhancement of the sociological perspectives is clearly defined by defining the term Curricula. The sequence also considered in this essay that clearly explains the importance of the learning designing sequence that enables the proper guidance. As per the national government is considered, the development in the child care and the early childhood educations system is being focused. Therefore the enhancement of the output is being considered with launching the policy Early Childhood Education and Care Policy. This policy clearly states the enhancement of the education system of the childhood which becomes the major step taken by the government of the UK. The enhancement of the project is being undertaken by enhancing the improvement of the system with depicting the areas for the improvement. The growth clearly states the reviewing of the objectives that must be undertaken for the study. It also shows the enhancement of the values that depicts the analytical framework with showing the importance of the framework undertaken by the nation government of UK (De Chesnay, 2005). The monitoring of the skills and the development of the descriptions are clearly provided with showing the importance of the national curriculum. The devel opment of the children clearly states the enhancement of the views that are focused to be very much important for the improvement of the education system and the learning procedures. Therefore the life of the children seems to be guided with arranging a better education system and the application of the advanced education system is indicated to be very much useful for the development of the styles of the study. The enhancement of this kind of the system creates a positive impact on the life of the children which can be easily addressed by the arrangement of the learning system. Holistic approach The holistic approach seems to be structuring the positive environment of study for the children which enhance the education policies. The education philosophies are also focused which depicts the important factors that provide a prepared environment with consisting of the specific materials which must be used by the children. The independent roles are focused on being the most important part which includes the enhancement of the responses and also records the construction of the particular readiness with specific sensory and the intellectual stimuli. The enhancement of the approaches is provided on the basis of the intuitive (Desai, 2010). The holistic approach is being undertaken with depicting the enhancement of the system of the education, and thereby the construction of this project depicts the learning of the group activities with proper enhancement of the project. This depicts the enhancement of the group activities which are considered for the enhancement of the data. It clea rly explains the enhancement of the case which is being used by depicting the enhancement of the teachings in the humanistic process. Therefore the intuitive insights are being well depicted by the subject of the education and also the teachings are depicted to be engaged in the creativity and the adoption of self-experiences (Gysbers, Heppner and Johnston, 2014). Therefore the construction of this system indicates the enhancement of the silent reflection and also the enhancement of the system can be well depicted by the process of the meditation, yoga, silent reflection of the activities and the through care natures. Therefore the enhancement of these needs becomes the important part of the holistic approach, and thereby the enhancement can be easily measured in the form of the reflections created by the children. The four key aspects of the holistic approach are depicted to be in the form of the cooperation, and thereby the learning environment is being created for the development of the planned teaching environment. The great respect for the interior life of the children can be easily depicted and thereby the methods seem to be ranging from the environmental aspects of the life that facilitate the time outcomes of the competitive environment. The enhancement of this case is depicted to be in the form of the strong connections and thereby the meaning of the life and the spirituality can be easily constructed. Therefore the description of the interior life can be well explained by the help of the holistic approach to depicting the developments in the life of the children. Therefore the structure and the explanation of the holistic approach is depicted by the help of the intrinsic life processes which seems to be dependent on the aspirations and also the enhancement of the academic curriculum can be well expressed by the aid of the instructional packages (Le Navenec and Bridges, 2005). The Holistic education system also nurtures the sense of the children with providing them with the cosmic knowledge. Therefore the wholeness of the life can be appropriately extracted by the aid of the aspirations and also range responsiveness can be depicted in the social context where the family plays an important role for the nurturing of the children. Analysis of Two internal curricula The analysis of the two internal curricula with the examination of the key foundation phase of the Wales is well described in the following two points. The strengths and the weaknesses of the practices are described with depicting the reason for adopting the two curricula. The descriptions of the two curricula are provided in the following points which are as follows:- Experiential Education Curricula which clearly describes the effective learning process for the well-being of the children. The structure of the life of the children can be well described by the help of the series of the sessions that helps in reflecting the educational life of the children. The intentional approach is being defined for the betterment of the movement with describing the routine characteristics and planning (Meggitt and Walker, 2004). The description clearly explains the form in which the sessions are being divided for the betterment of the children. It also learning capability testing of the children which enables the identification of the capability of the student and thereby the growth of the children can be easily depicted. Apart from this main strength, the weakness is also determined in this system which seems to be obtaining the long-term process, and it also becomes difficult for the covering the system prepared for the children. Though the equipment and the s tructure for the children are being well established, the delaying of the activities it creates a negative impact while making the preparation of the education system for the children. The reason for adopting these curricula is that the teaching methods undertaken in this curricula best suit the early childhood teachings and the developments of the children (Nutbrown, 2011). For this reason, the curricula are being selected for the enhancement of the approaches, and thereby the preschool education seems to be presenting a better situation for the establishment of the life of the student. The High/Scope curriculum clearly enables the description of the active learning system which depicts the key activities that are depicted through the active learning processes indicated in the life of the children. The development of the children life is being undertaken for the growth and also the satisfaction can be easily indicated in the form of the experiences gained from the events, materials, persons and the adults. The strength that is determined in this case easily depicts the enhancement of the system and also the developments can be easily conducted with the help of the approaches undertaken in this curriculum (Oers, 2012). The intergenerational programs bring maturity and the growth of the children and also the expansion in the memory is being depicted with the help of the curriculum. Therefore the enhancement of the system can be well depicted in the form of constructing the implementation and the success of the establishment of the innovative programs. The weakness tha t is being indicated in this curriculum is that the setting of the active learning lacks the concentration of the children which can also create a negative impact on the growth of the children. The reason for the purpose of adopting this indicates the rapid progress of the educational development with the advancement of the system. For this reason, the approach is being undertaken for the development of the children. Role of Adult/Partnership with parents The foundation phase in the Wales is scrutinized through: The implementation of foundation phase: timing, process, support, content mechanisms. The evaluation of the transition issues among three to five years old children (Yelland, 2005). The evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum and assessment of the strategies Training and qualification of staff members Resources and accommodation Management and organization Partnership with the parents and other stakeholders Quality assurance The main focus is on establishing partnership with parents and other stakeholders such as education organizations to encourage the greater use of the learning environment. The schools in more than 60 nations have discovered that partnership provides a wide opportunity to young people to learn about the wider context of the world and to become active and well global citizens. The school partnership relies on the long term relationships which is strong enough to overcome of the challenges. The staff members discusses with parents about the behavior, thinking and attitude of their child. Other organization donates in different schools for improving their quality of education and for the well being of the future generation. The foundations phase in the Wales has also included the importance and role of partnership with parents and other stakeholders (Wright, 2010). The parents are encouraged to participate in the school life and supporting each and every aspect of the school. The involve ment of parents, community and other organizations is very much important for improving the education system of a country. The school, community and family partnership includes fathers and mothers, grandparents, stepparents, foster parents, relatives, community groups and business leaders. The involvement of family, community and parents in the education system correlates school improvement and academic performance. The foundation phase in the Wales has involved parents and other stakeholder partnership in the education system as it is considered as an essential aspect of the phase (Winnick and Porretta, n.d.). The profile supports reporting and communicating with carers and parents on different aspect such as current learning stage and development of a child which includes reporting the skilled expressed in Literacy and Numeracy Framework. The framework focuses on the discussion with children, parents and other stakeholders. The schools annually need to produce reports to the parent on the progress of the child and the next step on learning is based on the following assessments (Wilding, 2013). The prof ile includes all the information for the parents about the progress of the child. The reports can be in the form of annual reports and can be in informal discussion about the progress with the parents. The directions and guidance will be based on the report and statistics generated by the teachers of the school. The practitioners has to use appropriate assessment framework for a specific purpose and getting advice from the learning needs coordinators about how to establish relationship with the parents. The teachers should discuss on the activities carried out by the child and also helping them to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities. The early years development assessment framework has been developed in the foundation phase. The framework provides support to the practitioners about how to develop the skills of child and establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders. The profile is designed with the assessment carried out by the health professionals and supporting the early identification of development delay, additional learning needs or special education needs that would ensure adequate support to the children who need the support. The family, parents and community plays a significant role in the development of their child (Taylor, Bond and Woods, 2013). The involve ment of parents, community and family affects the academic achievements of the students across all races. The schools focus on the establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders. The researchers has determined and evaluated different types of involvement: volunteering, communicating, decision making, parenting, communication and collaborating. The involvement process provides a wide range of community, family and schools to engage in the developmental process of their child. Considerations and Influences of International Curriculum The school curriculum discussed in the successful report of Donaldson includes all the assessment activities and learning experiences planned in the pursuit of the agreed aims of education. The content of the curriculum of the schools in any nation is subject to different competing influences. The practices and assumptions about the fundamental importance of good and quality education is based on the quality of education and establishing relationships with the parents and stakeholders (Rao, Zhou and Sun, 2017). Parents, community and family expect to recognize and determine what their children are doing and they need their progress report. They worry about different difficult situations that will come in front for their children and can also affect their future. The development of children at their early stage is very much important as they can become a good citizen and can deal with difficult situations. The teaching profession structure influences the education system and curriculu m that should be organized in an appropriate manner. The infrastructure should be based on ensuring that the current expectations are met by the management department and the students are guided appropriately towards their goals. The report focuses in many aspects of school curriculum and it is also recognized that the enhancement of any system depends on many factors. A support is required and educating child at their early stage helps them to become a confident and motivated citizen in the country. The curriculum is subjected to the pressures to change and specific forms that curriculum would change over time. The changes that may occur in the development process are psychology, educational theory and neuroscience (Quality in diversity in early learning, 2003). They are response to the developing political, economic and social circumstances. The pressures can be directed towards other directions for example adding fresh dimensions and contents such as key knowledge and skills as t he response to perceive required needs of the moment. The needs of skilled and trained teachers have also been focused in the report which is very important for the development of child. The demand for skilled and young people has increased and the curriculum is focused on increasing their skills. The national curriculum has been established for the development of the children and providing them appropriate guidance. Conclusion Care and education are split frequently into two aspect of the routine of a child. The modern developmental theory states that learning begins at the early stage of a child and splitting care and education settings ignores the significant nature and characteristic of development. The first nation to integrate the responsibility for childhood services at early stage is New Zealand. In many counties, providing adequate care and education at early age has become a major concern. It has been recognized by many investigators that adequate care and education contributes and supports the goals of the children (Paciorek and Munro, 2005). Early childhood care and education is given because of the social reasons such as parents can go for work. However, early childhood care and education settings are different in different countries as it reflects their own beliefs, values, culture and histories. The main focus of the report is on early development of children. References Bell, S. (2004).Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings. Baltimore, Md.: Paul H. Brookes. Carr, M. and Lee, W. (2012).Learning stories. Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE. Clark, M. and Waller, T. (2007).Early childhood education and care. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Colwell, J. and Beaumont, H. (n.d.).Reflective teaching in early education. De Chesnay, M. (2005).Caring for the vulnerable. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett. Desai, M. (2010).A Rights-Based Preventative Approach for Psychosocial Well-being in Childhood. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Gysbers, N., Heppner, M. and Johnston, J. (2014).Career Counseling. Hoboken: Wiley. Le Navenec, C. and Bridges, L. (2005).Creating connections between nursing care and the creative arts therapies. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A.: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. Meggitt, C. and Walker, J. (2004).An introduction to child care and education. [London]: Hodder Stoughton. Nutbrown, C. (2011).Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care. London: SAGE Publications. Oers, B. (2012).Developmental education for young children. Dordrecht: Springer. Paciorek, K. and Munro, J. (2005).Early childhood education 05/06. Guilford, Conn.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Papatheodorou, T. and Moyles, J. (2012).Cross-cultural perspectives on early childhood. Los Angeles: Sage. Quality in diversity in early learning. (2003). London: National Children's Bureau. Rao, N., Zhou, J. and Sun, J. (2017).Early childhood education in Chinese societies. [Dordrecht, The Netherlands]: Springer. Taylor, J., Bond, E. and Woods, M. (2013).Early Childhood Studies. London: Hodder Education. Wilding, C. (2013).Teach Yourself. London: Hodder Stoughton. Winnick, J. and Porretta, D. (n.d.).Adapted physical education and sport. Wright, R. (2010).Multifaceted assessment for early childhood education. Los Angeles: SAGE. Yelland, N. (2005).Critical issues in early childhood education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant
Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant Free Online Research Papers Desalination is the process of removing salt from water making it suitable for drinking. Distillation, electro dialysis, freezing and reverse osmosis are all methods of desalination. (â€Å"Water, desalination of, 2006) In the distillation method, saltwater is heated and the water evaporates leaving the salt behind. Due to fuel cost of turning water into vapor other distillation methods were developed. The multi-stage flash distillation method is conducted by either applying a vacuum to reduce the boiling temperature or exposing a thin film of water to high heat causing flash evaporation. Plants using this method account for 85% of all desalinated water in the world. (â€Å"Multi-stage flash distillation†, 2010) In electro dialysis salt is dissolved in water splitting up the salt into ions. The ions are then filtered by membranes and allow desalinated water to be tapped. This process uses a great amount of energy and is impractical. The most promising approach is the reverse osmosis process, which applies pressure to saltwater to force it through a special membrane that only allows pure water to pass. The reverse osmosis process is being put to use in North America’s largest desalination plant. The Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant began construction in 2001 to help meet the long-term water needs of the west-central region of Florida. This region has often suffered from long periods of drought and dwindling groundwater resources. (Fravel,) The region is also trying to meet the increase need due to a growing population in the region. The desalination process in place at the Tampa Bay Desalination Plant includes a pretreatment of the water to be desalinized, the actual reverse osmosis process of desalinization and a post-treatment stage. In the pretreatment stage, water from the cooling tanks at the neighboring Big Bend power station is diverted into the intake. It is then treated with ferric chloride and sent through a single-stage sand filter to filter out particles and sediment that could clog the reverse osmosis membranes. It is then sent through diatomaceous earth filters and five-micron cartridge filters. After the pretreatment stage the water is now ready for the reverse osmosis stage. In the reverse osmosis stage high-pressure pumps force the water through 9,408 semi permeable reverse osmosis membranes. The membranes make up seven independent trains that leave behind a concentrated salt solution. The membranes have a spiral design allowing a large surface area in a compact design. Each membrane has 380 square feet of active area and is made up of 3 layers. The ultra thin polyamide barrier allows a high water flux. The microporous polysulfone interlayer is the substrate for the salt barrier layer. (Fravel, 2008) The polyester support web provides the structural support to help the membrane withstand high pressure. These membranes have a flow rate of 6,000 GPD (gallons per day) and remove 99.7% of salt and other particles from the water. The trains are set up on both ends of the pressure vessel; three on the front and five on the back, known as the split permeate design. In the post-treatment stage chemicals, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide are added to the water. Sodium hypochlorite is added to chlorinate the water and calcium hydroxide is added to harden the water. Both chemicals aid in stabilizing the water. The concentrated salt solution that was extracted from the water is added to the 1.4 billion gallons of cooling water at the neighboring power plant. The Tampa Bay Desalination Plant has had to overcome several issues to remain in production. The high-energy cost of desalinating water is one that prevents desalination from being a leading provider of drinking water. The Tampa Bay Plant was designed to minimize energy use. The plant was purposely built next to Tampa Electrics Big Bend Power Station. This strategic location alleviates the cost of pumping water from the ocean and the relatively warm water increases water flux. The power station gets the water from the bay, which has lower salinity properties that require less pressure to desalinate. Another way the plant minimizes energy costs was by equipping the reverse osmosis feed pumps with energy recover units. The use of the split-permeated design maximizes the pressure and results in water having to be sent through the membranes a second time a rare occurrence. Other issues that the plant has had to overcome include: equipment failure or inefficiencies leading to economic issues, environmental issues and political issues. In April 2003, just after the opening of the plant, a ruptured pipe forced the plant to shut down and in March of 2009 a leaking intake pipe caused the plant to shut down for 24 hours and lowered the rate of production to less than 19 mgd for a week. A test to determine the amount of water to be produced led to the discovery that cartridge filters seemed to be going bad quickly and at $10 per unit could quickly become costly, resulting in the plant changing membranes to Filmtec SW30HR-380 membranes. The disposal of 19 million gallons of concentrated salt solution a day posed an environmental issue for the plant but due to the strategic placement the solution was easily mixed with the 1.4 billion gallons of water in the cooling tanks of the power plant, minimizing the environmental effects. Political issues slowed the o pening of the plant. Before the opening of the plant it’s developer, Covanta Tampa Construction, filed for bankruptcy protection. Covanta filed for bankruptcy protection due to Tampa Bay Water indicating their desire to have an outside firm take over resolution of problems that Covanta had failed to resolve in the agreed upon time frame. Tampa Bay Water says that Covanta’s motion for bankruptcy protection was a, â€Å"betrayal of the public trust that simply delays fixing and operating the plant.†(Landers, 2004) Despite the set backs of the Tampa Bay Desalination Plant, the plant currently produces 25 million gallons of drinkable water per day, approximately 10% of the Tampa Bay regions drinking water. The plant has produced more than 18 billion gallons of water in two years. General manager of Tampa Bay Water said that, â€Å"the facility provides an important, drought-proof component to the region’s water supply system and is a true example of a successful public-private partnership.†(â€Å"Tampa Bay Milestones, 2010) The systems energy efficient features have attracted visitors from around the world and will likely be replicated in other parts of the nation very soon. (Fravel, 2008) References Fravel, H. (2008). Desalination System Helps Tampa Bay Drought Proof Water Supply. WaterWorld, 24(12), 8. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database. Landers, J. (2004). Tampa Bay Desalination Dispute Goes to Court. Civil Engineering (08857024), 74(2), 26. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database. Multi-stage flash distillation. (2010, September 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:19, October 27, 2010, from Pittman, C. (2009, March 17). More problems for tampa bay water desalination plant. St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from (2010). Tampa Bay Desalination Plant Achieves Performance Milestones. Underground Construction, 65(4), 7. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database. Water, desalination of. (2006). In The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Retrieved from . Research Papers on Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination PlantThe Hockey GameThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Spring and AutumnAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementWhere Wild and West MeetHip-Hop is ArtMind TravelIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paper
Friday, February 21, 2020
Law of International Sales and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law of International Sales and Finance - Essay Example In international sales, however, several applicable laws co-exist creating several standards that determine whether or not a valid acceptance was made. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), or the Vienna Convention, and Domestic Common Law are examples. Their applicability illustrates what Michael Bridge refers to as the "'bifocal' world of international sales law," where the broad provisions of the Vienna Convention and the details found in Common law are applied depending on the type of transaction being conducted2. Hence, it is crucial for contracting parties to understand the applicability of each in particular cases, as well as the differences and similarities embodied, to determine if a contract is duly enforceable or not. Since an acceptance of an offer indicates an offeree's assent to the terms of the offer and be bound by a contract, a set of established rules of acceptance are crucial in determining whether an acceptance is effective or not. First, a valid acceptance must be unqualified and without modifications or conditions of the offer. This is illustrated in Masters v. Cameron (1954) 91 C.L.R. 353, where in the case of a conditional offer, it was held that the use of the words "subject to contract" in the formation of the contract is "prima facie [to] create an overriding condition, so that what has been agreed upon must be regarded as the intended basis for a future contract and not as constituting a contract"3. With regard to counter-offers, Livingstone v. Evans (1925) 4 D.L.R. 769 states that "[i]f an acceptance does not mirror the offer, then it is ought to be construed as counter-offer4" and is considered as a rejection of the original offer. Second, acceptance must be communicated by the offeree to the offeror, where actual communication exists. Hence, silence or inactivity does not embody acceptance5. The case of Felthouse v. Bindley (1862) 11 C.B. (N.S.) 869 illustrates this point. However, acceptance can also expressed based on a party's conduct. In St. John Tug Boat Co. v. Irving Refinery Ltd. (1964) S.C.R. 614, although no acceptance was communicated, it was held that if a man's conduct indicates acceptance to an offer, "the man thus conducting himself would be equally bound as if he intended6." As illustrated in Powell v. Lee (1908) 99 LT 284, acceptance must also come from the offeree himself, or a person authorized by the offeree to accept the offer7. The manner in which an acceptance is communicated must also be given consideration. In this regard, Eliason v. Henshaw [1819] US SC, concludes that acceptance of an offer must be communicated "according to the terms in which the offer was made" such that "[a]ny qualification of, or departure from, those terms, invalidates the offer8." Offerees are therefore bound to abide by the stipulations of the offeror in terms of deadline for acceptance, method of acceptance, and the like. In Tallerman & Co. Pty. Ltd. V. Nathan's Merchandise Pty. Ltd. (1957) 98 CLR 93, the date and time that an acceptance is communicated and becomes effective is also the date and time that a contract is formed9. However, since offers are revocable10, and an offer is only effective until a time specified by the offeror or
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Side Effects of Marijuana Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Side Effects of Marijuana - Assignment Example An overdose of the drug may lead to hallucination and the loss of self identity, overdose occurs when the drug is eaten because the user can take in a larger dose at once, The use of the drug is also addictive which is evident whereby the individual experiences an uncontrollable crave for the drug, marijuana addiction cycle is very powerful whereby the individuals find it impossible to stop the habit. The chemical compound of the drug also disrupts the proper function of the brain. The use of the drug causes chemical imbalances in the brain, as a result, the individual experiences difficulties in learning, difficulties in remembering, and the lack to quickly respond. The drug use also causes pain and individuals are required to take up more other drugs to stop the pain as a result the drug may lead to depression. When the drug is smoked it is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the brain, the chemical compound delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol interact with brain receptors... art rate and the breathing rate, as a result, the individual is more prone to heart attacks and other heart problem, this effect is caused by the chemicals in the drug which causes an increase in body processes, as a result, the drug taxes the body more and therefore speeding up the aging process.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Issues Of The Work-Life Conflict
Issues Of The Work-Life Conflict Work-life conflict occurs when time and energy demands imposed by our many roles become incompatible with one another; participation in one role is made increasingly difficult by participation in another. Work-life balance (WLB), from an employee perspective, is the maintenance of a balance between responsibilities at work and at home. When the employees have conflicts between their work life and personal life it creates distractions in their work, preventing employees from performing in their best level, which creates obstacles in the achievement of organizational and individual goals. Therefore failure in managing work-life conflict among the employees could lead to problems within the organization. Hemas Hospital is a newly started hospital in Sri Lanka in the year 2008. It is a multi specialty hospital which caters for the whole family by providing highly specialized medical services according to the highest international standards. Around 100 consultants practice in this hospital. As a newly started hospital working for 24 hours they are confronted with problems of employees struggling to strike a balance between their work and life. Employees commitment to their service is vital to provide to provide a according to the standards. At Hemas Hospital Nurses play a major role. Professional nursing is a highly skilled practice directed towards improving the health status of individuals, groups and communities. Nursing activities encompass promoting health, preventing disease, aiding and supporting people in daily living as well as during recovery and rehabilitation, and helping people to die comfortably and with dignity (Nursing, n.d.). The purpose of this essay is to highlight and discuss on the issues of work life conflict how it affects further to discuss about the solutions that could be applied to tackle the conflicts. Secondary researches have been used in order to support the discussion in an effective way. 2.0 Causes 2.1 Womens Family Commitment Over recent years there has been an enormous increase in the number of women employees entering to the paid workforce labor of Hemas Hospital Wattala. Despite the rapid growth in womens involvement in the paid workforce; it appears that little has changed for women in terms of their family commitments. Culture plays a big role in Sri Lanka in relation to this topic. Traditional gender roles prescribe for women to place the role of wife and mother above all others; men are expected to be the family breadwinner. Given the burden of household responsibilities and child care, women employees (doctors, nurses, receptionists) face the demands of multiple roles, which often go beyond the general three roles working mothers generally take on (wife, mother, and worker) to include responsibilities such as: caretaker of aging parents, sister, aunt, cousin, etc. (Scott Coltrane, n.d.) As a result of these multiple tasks work life conflict has been identified as a common problem among most women employees at Hemas Hospital. 2.2 Personal Health Problems Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. Having problems is a part of life. Most of the researches have found that effects of stress affect the health. The reason is the stress and health is closely linked. And also they have found that the risk factors for health caused by chronic stress causes as much as 60 to 90% of all illnesses. The impact it has on your health, both physical and mental, can be very harmful. And individuals stress does contribute to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiac risk factors such as addictions and obesity. We found that 55% of Hemas hospitals nurses getting sick because of the stress they have. Some of the shifts they have to cover up without taking breaks. Therefore they cannot balance their personal lives with the work they have. So that stress arises and automatically they get ill. 2.3 Tight Work Schedules Workers have to control their working hours to enjoy a better life. Most of time nurses have to do night duty and also they have to do over time work because of this reasons lack of flexible working hours can be arising. Most of times who worked as nurses are young mothers so then they have do their children work, they have to care about children and also their home work. It is very hard to do night duty person who has small child then they might feel time is more important than money after that there can be arise a stress on work place. Organization culture can shape the work life balance. According to our culture most of time mothers are house wifes and also childrens need care of mothers. If mother busy with her job then there will be arises social problem and also family problems. In Hemas hospital every nurse has to do two night duties in each week and then there arises conflict between work life balances. 2.4 Lack of Employee Rewards and Appreciation As a nurse Caring for the sick and dying has never been easy. Though it is a respected, intellectually stimulating, and deeply meaningful career today it offers limited benefits and many challenges. Though its been 2 years Hemas Hospital started their management hasnt introduced proper rewarding system for the nurses. This will directly affect the employees morale; therefore employee productivity would be less. 2.5 Transportation Issues Transportation is one of the main issues that Hemas Hospital employees are facing. Since there are both day and night shifts, the employees main problem will be the transportation. In Sri Lanka with the cultural situations most of the people think in negative way when the females doing the night shifts and/or when they arrives at home in mid night, Since the public transportation is not too safe for female after around 7.30 8.00 pm the transportation will be highly regarded when comes to night shifts. 3.0 Effects 3.1 High Absenteeism Absenteeism is an expensive problem in both public and private sector organizations. Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in the impact of womens family responsibilities, personal health problems and transportation problems on absenteeism. Many women employees at Hemas Hospital find it hard to achieve their desired combination of work and family time. For example, family responsibilities appear to constrain a womans choice of occupation. Women taking leave due to illnesses of children or their elder parents. 3.2 Less productivity Due to personal health problems, lack of rewards and appreciations and tight work schedules employees productivity getting reduced. This situation is not good for a working place like hospital. Productivity is one of the most important factors when it comes to work. When employees are not healthy they are unable to work properly. Therefore their productivity comes down and the job they do cannot be performed properly. When working in a hospital, the employees have to work very effective manner, because they are the savers of patients lives. It will be a big disaster if they forget or neglect to give proper medicine or giving wrong medicine to a patient. This would highly affect to Hemas hospital if they do not work properly up to the standard. 3.3 Dissatisfaction While the majority of reasons for dissatisfaction usually point to elements of the workplace itself such as: management style, environmental conditions or opportunities for growth, lack of rewards and appreciations, tight work schedules etc. (A guide to grow your personal growth, n.d.). It was found that especially nurses are dissatisfied with their job. Due to this they may move towards competitors or leave the job. Therefore Hemas Hospital has to consider ways of minimizing the work dissatisfaction. 3.4 Stress Stress is the most hated part of the job of healthcare employees. This can be occurring due to personal health problems, womens family commitments and tight working schedules. Therefore it leads nurses to be dissatisfied with their work. Due to the dissatisfaction they will not perform efficiently and effectively through less performance. Furthermore their loyalty for the company will be less and will tend to move towards competitors or leave the job. One of the respondents at the Hemas hospital said that, Too much pressure on this shift Scanty facilities very meageryou feel really exhaustedamounting to tensions and conflicts which are often displaced onto people aroundyou knowyelling at colleagues 3.5 High employment turnover This can be happened due to all of the causes mentioned above. More than the cultural influences nursing is a more stressful and challenging job therefore its a must to recognize them as very precious for the hospital to make them retain in the hospital. The impact of turnover has received considerable attention by senior management, human resources professionals, and industrial psychologists. It has proven to be one of the most costly and seemingly intractable human resource challenges confronting organizations. Analyses of the costs associated with turnover yield surprisingly high estimates. The high cost of losing key employees has long been recognized. When consider the Hemas Hospital the situation also same. It appears high employment turnover, especially nurses. 3.6 Work overload for other employees Due to health problems and family commitment some employees cannot perform their duties to the expected level. So others will have to carry out the sick employees work load too. Some times since they havent time to fulfill the work load they might not do even their assigned duties properly. They do not care about the patients very well. Then again it will affect to the overall performance of the Hemas hospital. In addition, inadequate facilities, improper functioning of other employees and neglected responsibilities created pressure and conflict among the personnel. These inadequacies eventually reduced the tolerance threshold, which in turn contributed to the conflict experienced. One of the respondents at Hemas hospital said that, We cant ignore the fact that heavy workload and shortage of skilled human resources affect our performance; despite our effort to get used to the situation, we are limited in coping. When you see that the supervisor stops backing us up and never steps into the ward to listen to us it makes us feel our rights have been violated. 4.0 Solutions 4.1 Paternity leave Paternity leave is the time a father takes off work at the birth or adoption of a child. This kind of leave is rarely paid. A few progressive companies offer new dads paid time off, ranging from a few days to a few weeks. Hemas Hospital can arrange paternity leave for doctors and therefore can avoid the absenteeism and dissatisfaction towards the job. 4.2 Dependent care arrangements Many nurses will be faced with issues of child or adult care giving. Without adequate support, these can create a host of distractions from work. There are many ways that the Hemas Hospital can support their nurses with their personal responsibilities. Some of the ways are on or off site child and adult care centers, lactation programs, dependent care referrals, etc. 4.3 Job sharing Job sharing is a form of permanent part-time work in which a full-time position is divided between two or more people, each of whom shares responsibility for the entire workload. Each job sharer receives conditions of employment and entitlements on a pro-rata basis in proportion to the hours worked. Job share arrangements are suitable for both professional and academic positions. A change from full-time work to a job sharing arrangement does not break continuity of employment. Job share arrangements can facilitate increased workplace flexibility because job sharers can relieve or cover for each other without loss in efficiency and effectiveness. Hemas Hospital also can implement this program and can get the maximum benefit out of it. 4.4 Flexible work schedules A flexible work schedule is a type of flexible work arrangement that allows employees to vary when they begin and end their work day to accommodate their individual and family needs. This flexibility greatly eases the burden of busy employees as they try to juggle their work and home lives Flexible work schedules benefits both employees and organization it self. For employees Increased satisfaction and productivity, reduced stress and health care costs, decreased absenteeism and reduced commuting time. For organizations improved retention and reduced turnover, higher levels of loyalty and commitment ,no change in managers supervisory time, attracts diverse employees who may not be able to conform to rigid schedules (i.e., disabled) 4.5 Incentives As a result if the hospital is not rewarding nurses well the Sri Lankan culture influences them to be not loyal towards hospital and as well to perform poorly. If an employee appreciated or rewarded it will influence them to work hardly than the before and also motivate to keep the work and personal life in a balance. For that reason this is the best time for Hemas to start an appropriate rewarding and appreciation system for their nurses to make them satisfy and happy situation between work and life. 5.0 Recommendations 5.1 Short Term Out of the number of solutions available, according to the situation, a strategy needs to be developed according to the problem but this would consume lots of time and energy to be done, So till a proper strategy is developed, in the short term the hospital can reward employing workers with an incentive programmed to facilitate them to balance their work /life.Hemas Hospital can reward financial non financial incentives to encourage their work force. Under financial incentives they can grant child vouchers and can have a special funding system for employees children. Furthermore the management of Hemas Hospital can introduce a transportation allowance system for the employees who come from distance areas. Under non financial incentive system Hemas Hospital can arrange family friends benefits or annual trips or get together, so that they have sometime to spend their leisure time with their colleagues. Furthermore nurses can be given promotions, scholarships or they can select best nur se annually to encourage nurses. 5.2 Long Term But in the long term proper strategy should be developed to address this problem, because incentives cannot be a solution for all the problems of the employees. While developing strategies the different situations of nurses need to be considered to facilitate them. Providing a flexible work options is a good method that could be developed, because job satisfaction is directly connected to a persons work schedule, especially to a nurses healthy mentality it is very important when dealing with patients. A variety of schedule options could be made available to fit their priorities and life styles. Full-time Options include: Three 12-hour shifts Five 8-hour shifts A combination of 8 and 12-hour shifts Part-time Options include: 8-hour shifts 12-hour shifts A combination of 8 and 12-hour shifts Weekend Program This program is an appealing option for nurses who are in school or who care for children during the week. This option provides short-term disability coverage. Weekend nurses work 24 hours each weekend They receive pay equivalent to 32 or 36 hours The schedule begins Friday at 7:30 a.m. and ends Monday at 7:30 a.m. Casual This option is appealing to nurses who want to work fewer hours but maintain a relationship with their unit and with Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Casual nurses work 40 hours during a 6-week schedule Float Pool Nurses may choose the flexibility and variety of working on multiple units through the Float Pool. Float Pool nurses are required to work two weekend shifts per month. Options include: Full-time work Part-time work Dynamic scheduling to accommodate personal work requirements. Schedule Choices Many nursing units offer nurses a Self Schedule option. They are able to select the days on the upcoming schedule they want to work. When their manager creates the schedule, he or she will balance the schedule requests with current patient needs in the unit (Careers, n.d.). The best recommendation would be to make available lots of flexible work schedule options and offer the nurses with a self schedule option, so that they can use choose a schedule according to their life style. These work options should be for the mutual benefit of both the employee and the employer so that employee can fulfill their responsibility towards their work place and as well as their families. 6.0 Conclusion There is a big difference between doing things and getting something done. Most work-life efforts by HR and work-life balance teams fail despite lots of doing. The problem is that all the doing didnt get anything done. If the organization wants to get something done that produces strong positive results and feedback, it should be start by taking an action in order to ensure success. Good work-life balance seems to be something that well-run firms in competitive markets do naturally. They need to treat their employees well to keep them if not; their competitors will hire them away. Government policies on work-life balance should take this into account. Whether the organization just introducing a work-life program or making an already great one better, the organization will be substantially improving its bottom line results and changing individuals lives for the better. To be an effective worker he/she has maintain a better balance in between work life and the personal life. We can see that there is a clear link between causes for the conflicts and effects of them. So that if Hemas can implement the above mentioned recommendations we think that Hemas can be the best hospital by getting the maximum use of their employees while providing them a conflicts free work life environment. Hence the entire organization and employees will be proud of the results.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Historical Context of Terrorism and Our Next Steps :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
The Historical Context of Terrorism and Our Next Steps  As the horrific tragedy of September 11 settles into permanent corridors of our conscious life, our reactions as a society are manifold. There is shock, grief, anger and other emotions that we have not fully understood or found words to describe. As we search for explanations, our sages in government, the media and the academy try to help us articulate what we have experienced. We have been told that our innocence is gone, that the third world war has begun and that we are confronting a new and more lethal form of terrorism than the world has ever seen.  There is no doubt that our life as a nation will be altered by the destruction of that day. The thousands of lost lives cannot be restored, and their loss cannot be explained to those left without them. Fear will become a presence that increased security can never really dispel. Sacrifices will be made if our government chooses to seek retribution by war, as seems now to be the case.  We are urged to resume normal life, as both a healing mechanism and a tactic in the war against terrorism. Sports events resume and we will cheer for another kind of victory, movie theaters will again draw crowds to view digitalized specters of violence, mayhem and terrorism, and our daily routines of earning a living, providing food for our families, and seeking temporary escape in front of televisions, at bars and in restaurants with friends will go on. The firebomb that brought down the World Trade Center will be a memory.  In historical perspective, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are not really new; they are part of an evolutionary pattern that continues to metastasize into the social fabric of the Western world. Modern terrorism began in a democracy: In 1793, the French government, after four years of experimenting with the problems of establishing a democratic republic, inaugurated a self-proclaimed "reign of terror" in which tens of thousands of citizens were victimized and executed as "enemies of the revolution." Terror from below began with the Italian Carbonari, small cells of Italian patriots who killed French officers during the occupation of Europe under Napoleon. In 1849, Karl Heinzen wrote the first manifesto on modern terrorism in which he justified the killing of "the barbarians" in government as the only means of ending the injustice and brutality of monarchical rule.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Intramuscular Injection Techniques Essay
The synthesis of art and science is lived by the nurse in the nursing act JQSEPHINE e PATERSON If you would like to contribiito to the art and science section contact: Gwcn Clarke, art and science editor, Nursing Standard, The Heights, 59-65 Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex H A l 3AW. email: gwen.clarkeva Intramuscular injection techniques Hunter J (2008) Intramuscular injection techniques. Nursing Standard. 22, 24,35-40. Date of acceptance: October 29 2007 Summary The administration of intrairiLiscLitar (IM) injections is an important part of medication management and a common nursing intervention in clinical practice, A skilled injection technique can make the patient’s experience less painful and avoid unnecessary complications. Intramuscular injections AnIM injection is chosen when a reasonably rapid systemic uptake of the drug (usually within 15-20 minutes} is needed by the body and when a relatively prolonged action is required. The amounts of solution that can he given will depend on the muscle bed and range from 1 -5ml for adults. Much smaller volumes are acceptable in children (Rodger and King 2000, Corben 2005). The medication is injected into the denser part ofthe muscle fascia below the subcutaneous tissues. This is ideal because skeletal muscles have fewer pain-sensing nerves than subcutaneous tissue and can absorb larger volumes of solution because ofthe rapid uptake ofthe drug into the bloodstream via the muscle fibres. This means that IM injections are less painful when administered correctly and can be used to inject concentrated and irritant drugs that could damage subcutaneous tissue (Rodger and King 2000, Greenway 2004). Examples of drugs administered via this route are analgesics, anti-emetics, sedatives, immunisations and hormonal treatments. It is important to recognise and understand potential complications associated with IM injections and that rapid absorption of the drugs may increase these risks (Foster and Hilton 2004). The administration of any medication can present a risk and, therefore, the nurse must be able to recognise the signs of an anaphylactic (allergic) reaction, with signs of, for example, urticaria, pruritus, respiratory distress, shock or even cardiac arrest. Inappropriate selection of site and poor technique can increase the risk of patient injury and lead to pain, nerve injury, bleeding, accidental intravenous administration and sterile abscesses caused through repeated injections at one site with poor blood flow (Rodger and King2000). Author Janet Hunter is lecturer in adult nursing, City Community and Health Sciences, incorporating St Bartholomew School of Nursing and Midwifery, City University, London. Email: Keywords Clinical procedures; Drug administration; Injection technique Tliese keywords are based on the subject headings from the British Nursing Index. Tliis article has been subject to double-blind review. For author and research article guidelines visit the Nursing Standard home page at For related articles visit our online archive and search using the keywords. THE NURSING and Midwifery Council’s (NMC’s) (2007) Standards for Medicines Management state that administration of medicines ‘is not solely a mechanistic task to be performed in strict compliance with the written prescription of a medical practitioner (now independent/supplementary prescriber). It requires thought and the exercise of professional judgement.’ Therefore, the administration of intramuscular (IM) injections requires the healthcare practitioner to possess the knowledge and rationale of the guiding principles that underpin these clinical skills. It is essential that all aspects of these techniques -anatomy, physiology, patient assessment, preparation and nursing interventions – are evidence based so that the nurse can perform safe and accountable practice (Shepherd 2002, NMC 2007). The aim of this article is to update the nurse’s knowledge and skills on injection techniques. This article describes the practical, step-by-step approach for administering IM injections, which will assist nurses to perform this skill safely and competently. NURSING STANDARD Intramuscular injection sites There are five sites that can be considered for IM february 20 :: vol 22 no 24 :: 2008 35 art & science clinical skills: 37 injections (Figure 1). The two recommended sites for IM injections are the vastus lateralis and the ventrogluteal sites (Donaldson and Green 2005, Nisbet 2006). However, when the patient is obese, rhe vastus laterahs is a better option (Nisbet 2006). When choosing an appropriate site for administration, the nurse needs to ensure that the medication will be absorbed. The nurse needs to consider whether the patient is receiving regular ]M injections because the site will need to be rotated to avoid irritation, pain and sterile abscesses. Choice will also be influenced by the patient’s physical condition and age. Active patients are more likely to have a greater muscle FIGURE 1 Sites for intramuscular injections (IM) Mid-deltoid site The mid-deltoid site is easily accessible but due to the size of the muscle the area should not be used repetitively and only small volumes shouid be injected. Tlie maximum volume should be 1ml (Rodger and King 2000). Tlie denser part of the deitoid must be used. It is Lisef j l to visualise a triangle whereby the horizontal line is located 2.5-5cm below the acromial process and the midpoint of the lateral aspect of the arm in line with the axilla forms the apex. The injection is given about 2.5cm down from the acromiai process, avoiding the radial and brachial nerves (Workman 1999, Rodger and King 2000). Dorsogluteal site Tliis a’&3. is used for deep IM and Z-track injections. Up to 4mi can be injected into this muscle (Workman 1999, Rodger and King 2000). Commonly referred to as the outer upper quadrant, it is located by using imaginary lines to divide the buttocks into four quarters. To identify the gluteus maximtis, picture a line that extends from the iiiac spine to the greater trochanter of the femur. Draw a vertical line from the midpoint of the first line to identify the upper aspect of the upper outer quadrant This location avoids the superior gluteal artery and sciatic nerve (Workman 1999, Small 2004). Rectus femoris site This site is used for deep I M and Z-track injections. Between mass than older or emaciated patients, so individuals will need to be assessed to see if they have sufficient muscle mass. If not, the muscles may need to be ‘pinched’ up before the injection (Workman 1999, Rodger and King 2000). Any area or presence of inflammation, swelling or infection should be avoided (Workman 1999). Patient preparation It is important to explain the procedure so that the patient fully understands and is able to give his or her informed consent and co-operation. The discussion should include the choice of site for the injection and information about the medication, action and side effects. The patient can then express any concerns or anxieties relating to the procedure and the patient’s knowledge can be l-5ml can be injected, although for infants this would be 1-3 mi. The rectus femoris is a large and well-defined muscle and is the anterior muscle of the quadriceps. I t is located halfway between the superior iliac crest and the patella (Workman 1999), Vastus lateralis site The vastus lateralis site; used for deep IM and Z-track injections. Up to 5ml can be administered (Rodger and King 2000). The muscle forms part of the quadriceps femoris group of muscles and is located on the outer side of the femur. If is foLind by measuring a hand’s breafh from the greater trochanter and the knee joint, which identifies the middle third ofthe quadriceps muscle (Workman 1999). There are no major blood vessels or structures which could cause an injury in this area (Rodger and King 2000). Ventrogluteal site This site is used for deep IM and Z-track injections. This site is located by placing the palm ofthe nurse’s hand on the patient’s opposite greater trochanter (for example, the nurse’s right palm on the patient’s left hip), then extending the index finger to the anterior superior iliac spine to make a ‘V. The injection is then given into the gluteus medius muscle, which is the centre of fhe V (Workman 1999, Rodger and King 2000). Evaluated. It is important to check whether the patient has any known allergies to identify potential reactions to the medication. FVeparation ofthe equipment All the necessary equipment shouid be prepared before commencing the procedure to avoid any delays or interruptions during rhe procedure. The equipment required for administering IM injections is listed in Box I and preparation of rhe equipment is described in Box 2. The techniques used for administering IM injections are outlined in Box 3. Skin cleansing There are inconsistencies regarding skin preparation for IM injections. It is known rhar cleansing the injection site with an impregnated alcohol swab before an IM injection reduces rhe number of bacteria on the skin (Workman 1999, Lister and Sarpal 2004). However, if rhe injection is given before rhe skin is dry this procedure is ineffective and rhe patienr may experience pain and a sdnging sensation from rhe antiseptic. This may allow entry of bacteria inro rhe injection site and cause local irritation (Workman 1999, Lister and Sarpal 2004). Therefore, when using an alcohol swab ro prepare the skin it should be used for 30 seconds and then allowed to dry (Lister and Sarpal 2004). Some local policies no longer recommend skin cleansing ifthe patient’s skin is physically clean (Little 2000, Wynaden et al2005) and the nurse maintains rhe required standard of hand washing and asepsis during rhe procedure (Workman 1999). Equipment for intramuscular injections I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Prescription chart. Prescribed drug to be administered. If required, diluent for reconstitution. Clean tray or receiver for equipment, Syringe of appropriate size (2-5ml), Sterile 21G (green) needle for adult patients. Alcohol-impregnated swab with isopropyi alcohol 70%. Gloves. Tissue or clinical wipe. 10. Clinical sharps container. Preparation for intramuscular (IM) Injection administration The following steps describe the procedure when preparing the equipment for an I M injection. †¢ Wash and dry hands thoroughly with bactericidal soap and wafer or use bactericidal handrub to prevent any contamination of the equipment or medication. Put on gloves. Gloves are required for all invasive procedures including IM injection (Pratt etal2Q07). Check the patient’s prescription chart and determine the: – Drug that is to be administered. – Required dose. – Route for administration. – Date and time of administration. – Prescription is legible and signed by an authorised prescriber. These actions ensure that any risk to the patient is minimised and that the patient is given the right dose of medication at the correct time by the prescribed route (Jamieson et al 2002, Lister and Sarpal 2004). If any errors are noticed withhold the medication and inform the medical team. Check the drug against the prescription chart. As all medications deteriorate over time, check the expiry date – this shows when a drug will no longer be guaranteed to be effective. To prepare the syringe for medication: (a) Check all packaging is intact to retain sterility. Check the expiry date. If any packaging is damaged or has expired, discard. (b) Open the packaging of the syringe at the plunger end and remove the syringe. Make sure that the plunger moves freely inside the barrel. Take care not to touch the nozzle end to prevent contamination. (c) Open the needle packaging at the hilt (coloured) end. Hold the syringe in one hand and then attach the needle firmly onto the nozzle of the syringe. Loosen the sheath but do not remove it. Place the syringe on the tray. This prevents contamination or any potential injuries. †¢ Examine the solution in the ampoule for cloudiness or sedimentation. This may show that the medication is contaminated or unstable. Make sure that all the contents are in the bottom o f t h e ampoule by tapping the neck gently. To prevent injury, splashing or contact with the medication use a clinical wipe or tissue to cover the neck of the ampoule and break it open. Observe the solution for any glass fragments because these pose a risk to the patient if injected. Discard the ampoule and contents if any foreign matter is visible. !f you are using a plastic ampoule, break the top off, making sure not to touch the top. †¢ Pick up the syringe and allow the sheath to fall off the needle onto the tray and insert the needle into the solution of the ampoule. Avoid scraping the needle on the bottom of the ampoule, because this wilt blunt the needle. †¢ Pull back the top of the plunger with one finger on the flange and draw up the required dose. I t may be necessary to tilt or hold the ampoule upside down to make sure the needle remains in the solution to prevent drawing in air (Figure 2). Take care not to contaminate the needle. †¢ Re-sheathe the needle carefully using the aseptic non-touch technique to to maintain sterility (Figure 3). †¢ Expel the air. Hold the syringe upright, at eye level and let any air rise to the top of the syringe To encourage air bubbles fo rise, lightly tap the barrel ofthe syringe. Slowiy, push the piunger to expel the air until the solution is seen at the top of the needle. Needles Re-sheathing a needle betore the medication is administered to a patient is safe. This method is achieved hy using the aseptic non-touch technique (Figure 3) and prevents droplets of the medication from heing sprayed onto the skin or inhaled when air is heing expelled from the syringe (Nicol etal 2004). When giving an !M injection a ‘green’ or size 21 gauge needle is used for all adult patients to ensure that rhe medication is injected into the muscle. This also applies to patients who are cachectic or thin, except that the needle is not inserted as deeply. If a smaller gauge needle is used the nurse needs to apply more pressure to inject the solution, which will increase the patient’s discomfort (King 2003). Single and multi-dose powder vials Some medications come in single or multi-dose vials and need to he reconstituted before heing drawn up and mjected. The following steps should be undertaken when administering I M injections to patients: †¢ Take the tray with the syringe, ampoule, impregnated alcohol swab, tissue, prescription and sharps container to the patient’s bedside. Re-check the prescription and medication with the patient’s name band according to local policy. Draw the curtains for privacy and assist the patient into a comfortable position to allow access to the injection siteandto make sure that the identified muscle group is flexed and relaxed. †¢ Clean the skin with an impregnated alcohol swab for 30 seconds and then allow to dry to minimise the risk of infection (Lister and Sarpal 2004), or alternatively it should be cleansed in accordance with local policy, †¢ With the non-dominant hand stretch the skin slightly over the chosen injection site to displace the underlying subcutaneous tissues and to aid the insertion of the needle. †¢ With the dominant hand hold the syringe like a dart Having informed the patient, quickly and firmly in a ‘dart-like’ motion insert the needle into the patient’s skin at a 90 ° angle until approximately 1cm of the needle is left showing (Nicol et al 2004, Corben 2005) (Figure 4). †¢ Hold the skin with the ulnar edge of the hand and with the thumb and index finger hold the coloured part of the needle to maintain stability and prevent movement. †¢ Withdraw the plunger slightly to confirm that the needle is in the correct position and has not entered a blood vessel. If blood is not present, depress the plunger and carefully inject the solution at a rate of 1ml per 10 seconds until the syringe is empty to allow the tissues to expand and absorb the solution (Workman 1999, Lister and Sarpal 2004). This rate also reduces patient discomfort. If blood is present stop the procedure and withdraw the needle and syringe. Start again with new equipment and drug and explain to the patient what has happened to reduce patient anxiety. †¢ Wait ten seconds to allow the drug to diffuse into the tissues then quickly and smoothly withdraw the needle. Use a tissue to apply pressure to the injection site or until any bleeding ceases. It is not necessary to massage the area because this may cause the drug to leak from the injection site and cause local irritation (Rodger and King 2000). †¢ Discard the needle and syringe immediately into the sharps container to prevent any injury. Do not re-sheathe the needle. Remove gloves and wash hands, †¢ Record the administration of the medication on the prescription chart to show that the drug has been given. Report any abnormalities or complications. †¢ Replace any clothing and make sure that the patient is comfortable. Return to the patient after 15-20 minutes to observe and check the effectiveness ofthe medication, especially anti-emetics and analgesics. Observe the injection site within two to four hours for signs of local irritation {Rodger and King 2000), involves some key principles to ensure safe practice. †¢ Before reconstiruting any medication, the nurse should first read rhe manufacturer’s information sheet. †¢ It is important that the powder is at the bottom of the vial so thnt all the medication is dissolved. †¢ The cap must be cleaned with an alcoholimpregnated swah and allowed to dry to prevent bacterial contamination. * It is vital that the correct volume of diluent is used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to provide the most therapeutic concentration. †¢ The diluent should be injected slowly into the vial so that the powder Is wet before mixing. †¢ When mixing, ensure the needle remains inside the vial to maintain sterility. If there is pressure In the vial hold the plunger down while doing this to avoid the separation ofthe needle and syringe from the vial {Nicol etal 1004}. To mix the medication, agitate or roll the vial until the powder has dissolved. For some powder multi-dose vials, a needle is inserted into the cap before adding the diluent because this allows air to escape and releases the vacuum in the vial. Then with a second needle and syringe, inject the diluent into the vial. Remove the needle and syringe and place a sterile swab over the venti ng need le to prevent contamination ofthe drug and the atmosphere. Agitate or roll the ampoule until the powder has dissolved (Jamieson etal2002., Lister and Sarpal 2004). All solutions need to be inspected for precipitation and cloudiness. Continue to agitate until the powder and diluent have fully mixed to form a solution. †¢ Todrawuprhedrug, hold the ampoule upside down to avoid drawing in air, insert the needle so that it is below the level ofthe solution and pull back the plunger to withdraw the correct amount of solution. For multi-dose vials, clean the cap with an impregnated alcohol swab and allow to dry before inserting the needle and syringe to prevent bacterial contamination.
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