Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914
Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914 The period 1914 to 1945 was the bloodiest and most destructive in European history. The period was characterized by wars, confrontations, and rivalry among nations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914-1945? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This rivalry led to World War I and World War II. Many people lost their lives during this period as nations rose against each other, property worth millions destroyed, and Europe’s hegemony lost (Heyman 32). The once mighty Europe was divided into two influential spheres. There emerged â€Å"Soviet†and Western spheres of influence, each pursuing different ideologies. The period 1914 to 1945 is the bloodiest in the history of Europe since it is the period in which World War I and World War II occurred. World War II alone claimed approximated 22 million military and 40 million civilians, the highest num ber of casualties ever (Kirk 46). There are many reasons that drove Europe to war and brutal killings. Some of the reasons were misunderstandings among leaders that had lasted for decades, while others were a result of spontaneous reaction to aggression from other nations. Though it is not possible to point a single reason for the aggression witnessed in Europe around 1914 to 1945, the following factors must have contributed greatly to the war. Formation of alliances by the countries played a great role in triggering the bloody war. Tension among European countries had long existed. However, the rise of nationalism and imperialism furthered the tension among states forcing them to seek alliance with states considered friendly for fear of attack. Other countries soon â€Å"joined the race and formed alliances†to further their interests too (Martel 78). Germany first joined Austria-Hungary and were later joined Italy to form the Triple Alliance. Russia soon joined France to wo rk together and protect each other if attacked. The Triple Entente Alliance was finally formed in 1904 when Britain joined France and Russia. With support from alliance members, the countries were definitely craving for war. It was not long when the war begun pitting the Triple Alliance against the Triple Entente Alliance. Frankly, if the alliances never existed, the war could have been avoided. The tension that existed that eventually led to the European wars was also a result of imperialism. Imperialism pushed countries to colonize other countries and to form political empires that acted as overseas states for raw materials and market for finished products. From the 15th century, European countries had begun colonizing other countries for industrial inputs and markets. However, the main contest came in 1870 when Britain, France, Italy and Germany almost clashed in the scramble for North American territory (Heyman 38). The same problem reoccurred in Africa as the scramble for parti tion continued. Many countries were discontent with their possessions while other like British had conquered too much for it to control.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This led to a bad feeling among the nations, which also contributed to the war. Rise of nationalism in the states was another reason for the war. People who spoke the same language, had a common historical origin, and cultural beliefs, viewed each other as family. This â€Å"family†feeling bonded them together and made them support their nation faithfully. Lee states that, â€Å"Leaders, in their bid to unite their people to join war, used nationalism to generate and consolidate their support†(113). Nationalism was particularly popular in Germany, Italy, and Japan. It is worth noting that nationalism in Japan had been widespread as people diligently served their leaders without complaint. Howeve r, the German leader Bismarck, in his attempt to unite the Germans used their passion and love for war to his advantage. The rise of dictators to power in many countries in Europe was also another possible cause of the war. The period of 1914-1945 saw the rise of dictators such as Stalin of Russia, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Adolf Hitler of Germany. These leaders ruled with iron feast and wanted to assert their authority in the entire European region. This made them recruit many soldiers to help in conquering new lands and extending their territories. Eventually, this greed and desire for fame and control brought them to conflict with other European nations. In 1937, Japan invaded and subdued the republic of China, which angered many European nations. In 1939, German’s aggressive behavior eventually brought all European nations against each other when she attacked Poland and Soviet Russia. Officially, the declaration of World War II followed the two aggressive attacks tha t lead to great destruction of property. Arms race among the nations was also a direct cause of the war that led to the brutal killings in Europe. By 1914, Britain was the largest empire by both size and wealth (Martel 78). The German king of the time, Kaiser William II, was not impressed with Britain’s superiority. He invested heavily in building of warships to rival Britain. This made Britain to build even more ships and to increase her navy to remain superior arms wise. The result was a competition that only increased tension and readiness for war. With such developed weapons, the countries were ready to go to war at the slightest instigation. The attempt to stop the rise of communism by Central and Western European powers also sparked the war. In November 1917, radical Bolsheviks rose to power in Russia. Further, they moved to topple other regimes like Hungary and Bavaria, which they occupied briefly. Seeing the activities of this violent communist group rising and rising , the central and western European countries had to move in to stop them for they feared that the revolutions would move to their countries. The decision was a grave mistake as other militia groups and nations joined the race. The immediate cause of European countries conflict was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by G. Principe. What followed the assassination was retaliation and war that lasted for years. The assassination easily sparked war since the countries had been in tension for some time. The tension among nations was a time bomb waiting to explode.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914-1945? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The arms race provided weapons while the colonies provided capital, seriously fueling the war and increasing the number of casualties. The result was a brutal, ruthless and bloody killing of innocent people. In conclusio n, it is evident that the civil war that engulfed Europe in the period 1914 to 1945 was surely divesting. The war was especially notable for the political rift it created between nations. Thousands of people, both soldiers and civilians, lost their lives. Despite the effort made after 1945 to unite the European nations, the damage done could not be repaired. For centuries, it will still be bitter memories for the descendants of those who perished in the war. Some of the effects of that war still exist especially in Japan where the United States of America dropped bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Heyman, Neil M. World War I. London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997. Print. Kirk, D. Europes Population in the Interwar Years. New York: Taylor Francis, 1969. Print. Lee, Stephen J. European dictatorships, 1918-1945. 2nd. London: Routledge, 2000. Print. Martel, Gordon. A Companion to Europe 1900-1945. 10th. Califonia: John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Print.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Guideline for Conducting Research
A Guideline for Conducting Research Here is a guideline on conducting research for writing a research paper or any kind of essay. Research can be defined as systematic investigation and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research involves collecting data on a given subject that usually relates to the real world. Data includes information found in surveys, interviews, observations, primary/secondary sources, journals, magazines, and books. In the academic setting, the research obtained on a subject will be used by the student in a paper or essay of some sort. Questions to Answer When Conducting Research: What do I want to discover? How do I plan on discovering it? (Recognized as research methods/methodology) Who am I going to talk to? Who or what will I be observing? What are my biases about this topic? How can I make sure my biases are not reflected in my research methods? What do I expect to discover? Regardless of the assignment, the writer at the college level usually needs to conduct research before anything else – long before they ever put a word on paper. It involves hours spent doing some kind of work to answer a question, which is either determined by the student or the assignment instructions. If you need to choose a topic to conduct a research on here are some lists that may help you: 60 Best Research Paper Topics Argumentative Essay Topics A Guideline on Conducting Research 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many experts and resources on a college campus. The student should if they’re having trouble conducting appropriate research, talk with their professor who has given them the assignment. In most cases that professor will be more than willing to direct them to a good place to start, usually the college’s library or to online academic sources. Librarians are there to help, as well. It is their job to direct students to sources where they can find information on any given subject. 2. Read extensively on that subject. The more a student reads on a subject, the better they will understand it  – which means they will be better able to write at length on it and in a professional manner. There is a good chance someone else, in the best scenario, a scholar, has researched a subject or topic extensively and has already produced a lengthy treatise on that subject. The student should search for these treatises to learn the basics about this subject, and to understand the issues or controversies that surround it. 3. Know the reason for gathering the information. This helps the student decide what exactly they are looking for, how much information they need, and what they are going to do with the research they find. Not all the research the student finds needs to be incorporated into their paper; most of the time, research helps a student to better understand a topic in general, which helps make their paper’s content more clear, concise and accurate. 4. Look for credible sources. This includes being skeptical about the sources the one finds – as not all are helpful, credible or even accurate. Since issues change and evolve, it is also best for a student to obtain and identify scholarly sources that have been currently published. A student unsure of the legitimacy of a source should ask their professor or librarian for help, or to teach them how to identify a worthy scholarly source. When the process of conducting research is completed a student is to start writing a research paper. Here is a guideline of research paper writing: How to Write a Research Paper The process of conducting research effects the goals set thats why its important to make this process effective and gather all information on the topic possible. If you dont have time to gather information and write a research paper you may outsource your assignment to a professional writer.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
It has been said that we are living in a period of the cult of the Essay
It has been said that we are living in a period of the cult of the personality. With specific examples, consider the emergence and criticisms of docusoaps and - Essay Example The contemporary media scene is such that the main focus is on vague and superficial qualities such as â€Å"the personality†and â€Å"the style†– a distinguishable shift from earlier programming that was more intellectually stimulating and culturally refined. Genres such as Reality shows, talent hunts, game shows, etc rule the roost in what is becoming an increasingly consolidated media space. Within an apparently diverse offering to the public, the issues and topics that find representation are very limited, more so in the news media (Marshall; 2004: 102). The rest of the essay will discuss the conditions that led to the present state of popular media, the direction it is headed and some possible remedies to reverse the situation. To begin with, let us consider the meaning of the phrase â€Å"the cult of the personality†. The phenomenon of people being famous for being famous, as commonly seen in popular media of today is an apt description of the term â€Å"personality cult†(Marshall; 2004: 102). Such factors as the famous person’s achievements, virtues, values, etc are pushed to the background and intellectually thin attributes such as aesthetic looks, eccentric lifestyles, etc are given greater importance. The end result is the manufacturing of celebrity figures, conjured up on the basis of some superficial merits; hog a large share of communication airwaves, depriving representation for more weighty public issues. So while a majority of the general public is addicted to the â€Å"often-grotesque desperation of the rich and the famous†, we have to ask who the real beneficiary of this enterprise is: â€Å"One of the attractions is the many, many levels of stardom. So, while at the top of the pile sit the Madonnas and the Tom Hankses of this world, at the bottom are the reality TV cast-offs that spend their day chasing agents to get them something - anything - that will allow them to strut around inquiring
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Neurological Disorders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Neurological Disorders - Research Paper Example Asia particularly the West and Central areas also are not spared from the disorder. Russia, Middle East and India have high prevalence of neurological disorders with multiple sclerosis on the top list. With this situation, not only the budget of the country and families with neurological cases are challenged but also in the treatment and researches. The discussion of pathophysiology, prognosis, treatment, considerations, and impact on self and family may lead to a better understanding of the disease. Among the neurological disorder that is of interest is the Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a slow degenerative disorder of the central nervous system affecting the cognitive, motor, and other bodily functions (Tortora, 2008). Despite the many medical researches that were conducted regarding the Parkinson illness, it still is the second neurological disorder affecting many. Unfortunately, the treatments are focused not on Parkinson itself but on alleviating the s igns and symptoms of it because the cause is unknown. It is believed that the disorder is the result of the interplay of genetics and the environment. It has been known that mutations in the genes are being passed from one generation to the next. Other factors like smoking, toxins, and deficiency in vitamin E are all contributory factors to the sensitivity of the nervous system which may in turn elicit its prevalence. Age is also found to be another culprit of the disease. In the study of Stephen and company (2003), they revealed that the rapid increase of incidences occur at the age of 60 with lesser percentage of victims below 50 of both sexes. They further found out that ethnicity and race also plays a role in the prevalence of Parkinson. Physiological Basis Although the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease is not fully understood, the disorder is a result of the interplay of several factors. Normally, stimulus from either outside or within the body causes impulses that could travel several meters along the billion neurons in just seconds to the brain. The impulse travels to the pre synaptic axons where it activates calcium gated channels that may trigger calcium influx. This may in turn activate neurotransmitters which diffuse into the synaptic gaps of the myelinated sheath to stimulate the next node. Thus, impulses leap from node to node along the mylelinated sheath until it is conducted to the brain for interpretation and proper action to take place. The fastest impulses involve those that innervate the skeletal muscles (Thibodeau & Patton, 2003). This might be the reason why individuals can retrieve their hands immediately if subjected to hot iron. Furthermore, actions are refined with the help of chemicals in the brain to adjust and guide actions. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, neurons of the substantia nigra undergo degeneration resulting in dopamine depletion. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter related to purposeful movement that inh ibits the excitatory action of another neurotransmitter called acetylcholine to maintain balance. In addition, it controls emotion and pleasure. Dopamine is believed to be located within the nuclei thus the role of cerebral nuclei is very crucial in Parkinson disorder. Cerebral nuclei are diencephalic gray matters located in the cerebral cortex within the basal ganglia that function to inhibit several motor actions. For the cerebral nuclei to function normally, neurons from
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mayella Violet Ewell Essay Example for Free
Mayella Violet Ewell Essay Mayella Violet Ewell is Tom Robinsons 19-and-a-half-year-old accuser and the eldest daughter of Bob Ewell; she has to take care of her siblings (such as Burris Ewell) due to Bob Ewells alcoholism. Before the trial, Mayella is noted for growing red geraniums outside her otherwise dirty home. Due to her familys living situation, Mayella has no opportunity for human contact or love, and she eventually gets so desperate that she attempts to seduce a black man, Tom Robinson. Her father sees this through a window, and in punishment he beats her. Ewell then finds the sheriff, Heck Tate, and tells him that his daughter has been raped and beaten by Tom. At the trial, Atticus proves that it was her father who beat her by pointing out that the bruises are on the right side of her face only. This is important because Toms left hand is mangled and useless, while Bob Ewell is left handed. When Atticus Finch asks her if she has any friends, she becomes confused because she does not know what a friend is. During her testimony, she is confused by Atticus polite speech and thinks that his use of Miss Mayella is meant to mock her. By testifying against Tom Robinson, Mayella is trying to destroy the evidence suggesting that she had attempted to seduce him, and to do what her father wants her to do so that he wont hurt her  to eliminate her own guilt and fear of breaking a rigid and time-honored code. Mayella is played by Collin Wilcox in the movie.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Oedipus the King and Mason’s Shiloh Essay -- comparison compare contra
Oedipus the King and Mason’s Shiloh    "Shiloh," written by Bobbie Ann Mason, and Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, contain extremely different story lines but jointly have one unique quality, the role of the woman. In each of these stories, the females struggle to overcome one major obstacle plaguing them by using their inner-strength. Norma Jean from "Shiloh" fights to leave a seemingly endless marriage, and Jocasta from Oedipus the King struggles against an ill-fate. Norma Jean and Jocasta believe that they are strong enough to conquer these challenges, but, in the end, they both realize they are not strong enough and commit suicide because of this defeat. Norma Jean and Jocasta strive to beat the one main obstacle placed before each of them; Norma Jean fights against marriage, and Jocasta struggles against fate. In "Shiloh," Norma Jean is married to a man with which she cannot live anymore. By strengthening herself mentally and physically, Norma Jean believes that she can leave her husband, Leroy. In preparation for the day when Norma Jean will leave Leroy, she takes a body-building and English composition class. After working out one day Norma Jean explains to Leroy, "I'd give anything if I could just get these muscles to where they're real hard" (491). Strengthening the mind and body is the only way Norma Jean knows to build her self-esteem and prepare herself for this day that will soon be upon her. On the other hand, Jocasta has always been a mentally strong woman. Jocasta's battle is against something much more severe than a bad marriage; she battles fate. When Jocasta first had her baby, Oedipus, an oracle declared to Jocasta th at "doom would strike him[Laius] down at the hands of a son, / our son, to... ...r too overwhelming for her. Once again the woman was not strong enough to overcome life's many challenges. How does one know if he or she has enough strength? In both of these stories, the women try to battle life using inner-strength. Even though Norma Jean and Jocasta are under extremely different circumstances, both make the same ultimate decision, death. Whether or not death was the right choice, this choice was made by both characters. Their strength was not enough to surpass the problems of life. Works Cited Mason, Bobbie Ann. "Shiloh." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Sixth edition. Eds. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Discovering Literature: Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Eds. Hans P. Guth and Gabriele L. Rico. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993.  Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Financial Aid Essay
The role of financial aid in college access and success is immense. Lack of adequate financing of education make many students from low income backgrounds fail to realize their educational aspirations (Reindl, 2007). It is from this premise that obstacles which accompany financial aid to low income students come to fore. The influence of aid on the enrollment persistence of students consists of interrelated factors which include timing, amount and type of aid and how they correlate with persistence among other attributes that relate to students (Pascarella & Terenzini 2005) Although it is prudent to consider the positive implications of financial aid to needy students, especially those of the minority groups that have felt sidelined for long, the question of how best to carry out the financing should be looked into. Many a student in higher education fails to achieve high academic performance due to their inability to focus on academics prompted by frustrated efforts to get financing. Financiers of the education of such student need to look into their procedures to be followed by students seeking financing of their education. This is in terms of the conditions to be satisfied by the needy students as well as the length of time the financial assistance will take before the recipient gets his / her college account credited. The reason for this is that not all institutions have provision for late arrival of the aid. The implication therefore if the aid delays is that the student will be forced to be out of the institution for some time, a matter which may make them fail to do their exams, tutorials, researches and vital lessons. In the long run such students will have low aggregate points and consequently failing to achieve their r personal educational and life goals. When the aid delays, or when the procedures to be followed in securing one prove to be too taxing, students get undue stress. This has far reaching implications both in terms of their health and general academic performance. In the long run, assistance will be a problem added to their financial incapacitation (Immerwahr 2003). Literature review Several researches have been undertaken on the problems that students under finance aid scheme face. Most of them point to the fact that financial aid can be an impediment and not a solution to students’ academic issues related to finance especially if the student fraternity is not informed of the availability and procedures In his journal â€Å"With diploma in Hand: Hispanic High School Seniors Talk about Their Future†, Immerwahr, J. (2003) uses interviews to highlight the challenges that these students faced in college as far as financial aid among other things are concerned. He interviewed 50 Hispanic High School seniors in San Antonio, Santa Clara Tucson, Chicago and New York. His findings were that many students on financial aid had difficulties at the end of it all because the aid was unpredictable making the students to be stressed. This is echoed by Stampen and Cabrera, (2007) who used questionnaires and interviews in their quest to know the effects of financial aid packaging on attrition and Pascarella and Terenzini (2005) in their journal How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research who use the same methods to expound on what affects students in college. A variety of issues are raised including the moral and social growth for some and despair for those dependent on finance aid which in most cases is unpredictable. Students may also fail to estimate how much in terms of amount of aid they require. The amount they get can be less than what is sufficient for them to complete their education. The aid that they get can be in the form of loans, work study opportunities or grants and scholarships. In the case of work study opportunities, the students may not get sufficient time for their studies as they are required to work also. This creates a lot of stress on the aid beneficiaries according to Voorhees (2005). Voorhees used on campus surveys in drafting his Student finances and campus? based financial aid: a structural model analysis of the persistence of high? need freshmen. Bias in aid allocation translates into variables exhibited by students in terms of their academic performance (Titus, 2006; Rubin, 2004). Using propensity score matching, it was established that there is a significant difference between financially aided and unaided students. Results based on five thousand freshmen at a public university in the US and retention in second year before and after noting their GPA and math experience showed that there is a relationship between aid influence and enrollment persistence (Adelman, 2004; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005) When looking at the issue of aid extension to low-income students, it is imperative that women be also assisted. This is because they are more likely to be affected more than their male counterparts, in most cases being affected by stress when they fail to secure aid in time to enhance their studies. Financial aid influences the retention of students based on their estimated family contribution. The challenge here is that those students whose families’ contribution is less than $4000 have higher chances of getting lower GPA’s (Adelman, 2004; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005) Methodology and Findings Since there are individual disparities that may affect the performance of the students who may be getting the same financial aid, this study used propensity score matching model which cater for the variables that may be of demography nature, or pre-college experiences. The new freshmen were categorized into those that get aid in form of loans or grants and those that do not get any aid at all. The two groups were then subjected to a comparison, that is, those that get aid package vis-a-vis those without any aid in their first year. The group that did not get any aid was called untreated. The methodology used (estimated propensity score) helps in ridding the bias based on self-selection. The effects of aid bias may not be fully accounted for using this method of study (Titus, 2006; Lunceford & Davidian, 2004) as other unaccounted for reasons may come into interplay. The amount that the students are able to get from their families affect the outcome of the study. It categorized the students in terms of those who could pay for their education and those who could not. In the findings that have been tabulated, the columns that are unmatched show the effect of aid without making a match of students on propensity for aid assistance. The matched average effect column is used as a control for the bias in aid selection. The matched average untreated and matched average treated give the probable retention results if the aided student(s) had not been aided or if the unaided one had received some financial assistance. Matched students with an average possibility of receiving aid are more likely to persist into their second year of studies compared to those with low aid chance. This study furnishes separate estimates by EFC in gauging the influence that financial aid has on student retention. An EFC of 4000 dollars and less encompasses students from low- income background eligible for grants. These students got an aid of between $2000 and $ 3000 in their first year while middle income students with $ 4000-10000 receive between $ 800- 900 aids. Those with Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of more than $ 10000 receive less to no aid at all, only relying on merit-based aid. They however show a greater possibility of remaining in college in their next academic year as compared to their aided counterparts who have higher remaining need after using their aids to pay for schooling. There is no correlation between the net persistence of students with $ 4000-$10000 EFC in their GPA or math experience and the aid they receive. Gift aid for those with high EFC increases their persistence by 18% meaning that the more EFC these students have, the better they work towards their academic endeavors (Dowd, 2004). The following are the tabular summaries of the information obtained from the study. Not all parts of the study have been tabulated but only the seminal ones. From the literature analysis and the results of this study, some issues are apparent: Financial aid to low- income students may greatly hamper their studies if we look at the securing of the finances. If the aid delays, the students get stressed up and may therefore not concentrate in class. Those who do not know the whole procedure get more problems because their studies are hampered. The effect of the Expected Family Contribution on the capability of the learner to proceed to the next year has been shown. The less the EFC a student is capable of raising, the lower their performance and possibility of proceeding to the next year. Those with EFC of more than 10000 dollars show no effect if not given an aid but show considerable possibility of proceeding to the next year and also of passing well. References Adelman, C. (2007). Do we really have a college access problem? Change (July? August): 48? 51. Bodvarsson, O. B. & Walker, R. L. (2004): Do parental cash transfers weaken performance in college? Economics of Education Review 23: 483? 495. Caison, A. L. (2006): Analysis of institutionally specific retention research: A comparison between survey and institutional database methods. Research in Higher Education 48(4): 435? 451. Dowd, A. (2004): Income and financial aid effects on persistence and degree attainment in public colleges; Education Policy Analysis and Archives, 12(21). Herzog, S. (2005): Measuring determinants of student return vs. dropout vs. transfer: a First-to-second year analysis of new freshmen; Research in Higher Education 46 Immerwahr, J (2003): With Diploma in Hand: High School Senior Talk about Their Future. NCPPHE (8): 883? 928. Lunceford, J. K. , and Davidian, M. (2004): Stratification and weighting via the propensity score
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Botox: Almost Trouble-Free New Faces
Botox: Almost Trouble-Free New Faces Synopsis The Botox case illustrates the accidental success of a product developed for an entirely different purpose. Originally, Botox was used in the treatment of crossed-eyes, but ophthalmologists quickly learned that it would also erase wrinkles and frown lines around eyes. It wasn’t long before doctors across the United States were using Botox for treating wrinkles even though Allergan could not promote the product for this use.The case discusses the advantages (fewer frown lines) and disadvantages and side effects (drooping eyelids and the need to repeat treatments) of Botox; explains what the product is; lists potential target markets; selling of the product at â€Å"Botox parties†; use of Botox treatments to attract customers to resorts; Allergan’s marketing of Botox once it was approved for cosmetic purposes and the use of Botox to support the new strategy of Allergan to become a major player in the pharmaceuticals ind ustry.It closes with the observation that the formula for Botox is one of the most closely guarded product secrets in the worldâ€â€along with the formula for Coca-Cola. The case is especially useful for discussing added value and the creation of customer satisfaction.It raises questions about the difference between needs, wants, and demands; what constitutes value; is useful for illustrating the difference between a marketing oriented company (Allergan after Botox) rather than a non-marketing oriented company (Allergan before Botox); the potential benefits of marketing and raises questions about societal marketing (should Botox be promoted for cosmetic purposes? Should it be sold through parties? ) The case can also be used to illustrate relationships in the marketing paradigmâ€â€between Allergan and doctors, Allergan and final consumers and doctors, and final consumers.Allergan’s marketing efforts are two-pronged in order to successfully promote to both markets. It i s important for students to realize the pivotal role of the doctor in this purchase process in which consumers do not buy the product directly. Teaching Objectives 1. To illustrate the effect of publicity on product success. 2. To raise questions about the differences between needs, wants, and demands. 3. To challenge students to define added value and how it relates to consumer satisfaction. 4. To demonstrate the importance of target market selection (not just for women! ). . To illustrate the marketing of a pharmaceutical product and the importance of the doctor in the marketing process. 6. To illustrate consumer-oriented marketing. 7. To raise questions about the social impact of a marketing success such as Botox. 8. To illustrate the role that marketing plays in the development of company strategy. Answers to Discussion Questions 1. What are the needs, wants, and demands of consumers for Botox products in its dif- ferent treatment markets? What value does Botox deliver in each m arket? How does value affect the price for Botox?The use of Botox for ocular treatment illustrates a classic need. The consumer has a defect that needs treatment. When used for crossed-eyes, the product not only has strong physical properties, but social properties as well. Patients can see better, but they may also feel much better about themselves as their appearance improves. This can have a strong impact on their ego and social needs. Of course, this also illustrates wants. People with crossed eyes can still read and function. The want here is not that they will expire from lack of the drug, but that they want to look better and feel better about themselves.The value of this is undeniably high. What probably constitutes the major portion of the value are the social and ego wants. One can live without it, but does one want to? Because the value is high, the price can be high. But in this market, insurance reimbursements may operate to lower the price that consumers are willing to pay. After all, they don’t have to have the product. Although there is need, want is also high. Botox for cosmetic purposes is quite different. This situation illustrates want. We can all live with wrinkles, but we want to be rid of them. Want drives the purchase process.Given American’s obsession with appearance, the value of improving appearance would be very high. Again this value would primarily be ego (I look better) and social (others think I’m younger). And one would pay for it. As the case indicates the cost of Botox is quite high and unlikely to be covered by insurance companies for cosmetic purposes. The Botox example illustrates want and need are quite different and they affect value. Unfortunately many U. S. consumers place a higher value on ego and social wants than physical needs which accounts for the run-away success of Botox. . When Allergan sold Botox as a specialty drug for ocular problems, what marketing management orientation was it employi ng? When it sells Botox as a cosmetic treat- ment, is it employing the same or a different orientation? One could argue that Botox as a specialty drug for ocular problems illustrates the product concept. The focus of the company was on eye and skin treatments. Thus, it developed products within those categories and sold them on a product need basis to doctors. The success of Botox cosmetic has forced the company to become more marketing oriented.The company is now focusing on target markets and developed promotional efforts aimed at final consumers as well as promotion to doctors. The company has found a new use for an existing product that lies outside their tradition product focus. 3. When doctors treat patients with Botox in their office, is that an example of a selling concept or marketing concept? When they hold parties for patients in private homes? The answer to these questions depends on what the Botox is used for and the motivations of the doctors.When doctors are prescribi ng Botox for ocular problems, this would seem to be the marketing concept because they are focusing on the needs of the consumer. The same could be said for Botox cosmetic. Parties, however, seem to be different. Here the doctor’s motivation seems to be on selling a greater quantity of the product. That resembles the selling concept. This is not a focus on the needs of individual consumers as treating individual consumers in the office would be. The goal seems to be to increase revenues by cutting costs and serving multiple customers at once. . Apply the concepts of customer lifetime value and customer equity to Botox. How do doctors and Allergan improve the way they manage customer relationships? Because customers need an on-going series of treatments, Botox has the opportunity to provide lifetime value over and over. The value added will depend on how well Botox continues to work and aging consumers’ desire to appear young. The efficacy of Botox over time is a proble m for Allergan. At this point, no one knows how Botox treatments will work over a period of years. Will their effectiveness decrease?Are there side effects, unknown at this time, to continued use of Botox cosmetic? Eventually, consumers may be more willing to live with their wrinkles and/or tire of paying for Botox. One advantage that Allergan has is that many consumers may only recognize the Botox name with the result that loss of efficacy will not affect sales of other Allergan products. Consumers may be quite willing to buy other Allergan products even if they become disenchanted with Botox. The issue of efficacy affects equity. If the brand does not continue to work, it loses equity over time. Equity represents the brand’s share of the consumer.If Allergan built a strong corporate brand, it could have more equity with the consumer who buys a variety of Allergan products. On the other hand, having individual brands for various products avoids negative brand carryover. 5. H ow does Allergan connect with its customers (doctors)? How does it connect with final consumers? How does it connect with the world around it? What could it do to improve these connections? Doctors: Allergan has beefed up its sales force to increase promotion to doctors and developed clinics in which doctors are taught the appropriate use of Botox.Final Consumers: It has increased advertising to final consumers. Allergan has developed Web sites that target both doctors and consumers. This is especially the case for Botox. When one goes to the Botox Web site, one finds information for doctors (more technical information on the product and how to prescribe it) and information for final consumers including how to find a physicianâ€â€especially important because final consumers cannot buy the product directly. The site for consumers shows results, give beauty tips, and is fairly interactive as consumers have the opportunity to participate in surveys and polls and view the results.Th e information is much less technical and much more oriented to appearance. Global: The Allergan Web site (www. allergan. com) first pops up asking the viewer to pick a country. Choices are France, the United States, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada. Although the Internet is a major means of promotion for Allergan and Botox stimulating demand from both consumers and doctors, Allergan seems to be making a major push primarily in the more economically advanced countries around the globe. This is logical for a company that has only recently begun to grow.It is far from saturating global markets and would do well to deal initially with more affluent markets as many of its products are expensive. To improve its connections, it could develop Web sites for more countries and cross-sell more products. A logical product extension might be skin care products. At present, it is suggesting the use of various types of skin care products, but it would seem that a line of Botox skin pr oducts would sell very well. This could increase the equity of the brand and strengthen the relationship with the consumer. Teaching SuggestionsIn assigning this case, ask students to read it and to think about the societal issue. Should a company market a product such as Botox for what some consider a seemingly frivolous use? This should stimulate students to begin thinking about the value of the product and the impact extension marketing of it has on consumers. In class, begin the discussion by asking students what they knew about Botox before they read the case. This should illustrate the value of publicity and also the potential for misunderstanding the product and naturally leads to questions about the value of the productâ€â€what it consists of and how that affects satisfaction.You might follow the order of the questions at the end of the case. When you get to the last question, go to the Web sites (www. allergan. com and www. Botoxcosmetic. com). Work through the Web site and focus on the differences in the â€Å"pitches†to final consumers and doctors. This will provide plenty of opportunity to discuss the stimulation of wants, relationship with customers, etc. At the end of the discussion, you might ask students how they feel about the extension promotion of Botox. Should it be heavily promoted for cosmetic purposes?Is doing so good for society? The class might even be divided in those who favor heavily promoting Botox and those who don’t to debate the issue. It’s important to emphasize the needs and wants of consumers as part of a social system. There is always an opportunity cost to buying Botox. If consumers are spending so much on it, what are they not buying? Should this product be promoted to consumers with incomes of $50,000 as opposed to $150,000. What is the spillover impact on consumers with lower incomes? Would that be detrimental to such consumers? Society?
Friday, November 8, 2019
GPS Technology
GPS Technology Global Positioning System (GPS) is a new satellite-based technology used to track and reveal important information about direction, speed and location of an object in question. The GPS technology is mostly used in the law enforcement operations where it is aimed at locating criminals and enforcing the fundamental traffic rules (Leick, 2004).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on GPS Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Types of GPS technology GPS tracking technology The technology uses a GPS tracking device that has a radio receiver, which continuously update the target’s location in real time via a communication link. For this reason, it is ideal for law enforcement activities Emergency GPS technology GPS technology is used enormously in navigation purposes by the ships and aircrafts. The emergency GPS devices have maps and other navigational features that enable reporting in the event of emergencies. GPS N avigation technology Navigation technology uses a GPS receiver and internal road database, which provides the user with a clear view of the surrounding in real time (Snow, 2007). Drivers who are not conversant with a given place can benefit from the technology. Hand-held GPS technology This is the commonly used technology, which operates on a hand-held device. It is popular with outdoor enthusiasts and hikers who often travel to remote and terrain areas. The technology enables the users to develop a virtual flags that can be used to trace back their locations whenever they are lost. Use in law enforcement The use of GPS technology in law enforcement has minimized criminal activities and enhanced the law compliance. The adoption the GPS technology eliminated petty mistakes especially in the transport industry that would go unnoticed though their occurrences were fatal (Leick, 2004).Advertising Looking for report on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your firs t paper with 15% OFF Learn More There have been cases of hate speeches and threats send through cell phones by organized gangs to intimidate their victims in order to follow their instructions though cell phone communications. These cell phones have GPS capabilities, which are helpful for the police to track and locate the gang without being noticed (Snow, 2007). Positives and negatives of technology Military Success Just like internet, GPS technology was a military creation but it has become a civilian approach to monitor activities. The U.S. forces were able to navigate through the desert during Gulf war with ease and at the same hitting the targets unnoticed. Business growth With the growing business competition, most business have found it vital to use the GPS technology in collecting business and intelligent geographical data to be used in making business decisions. Emergency rescue services One notable advantage of GPS technology is the ability to locate a vict im who is extremely far or lost. Whenever an accident happens and communication becomes a problem, the GPS device can transmit the exact location so that rescuers can identify the scene and save lives (Leipnik Albert, 2002). Poor interpretation GPS technology may not be useful tool for all people. Data on the GPS devices is important to a person who can interpret them but useless for the one who has no clue about the data. Exploitation of the technology Often, technology always falls into the wrong people with ill intentions. Drug dealers use the GPS technology to monitor their drugs on transit and in drop off points. On the other hand, gang groups can plant GPS units on their victims’ vehicles so as to monitor their movements in order to execute all manner of crime. Overall impacts of the GPS technology Essentially, the use of GPS technology has revolutionized the society both negatively and positively. Movements of people and cargo have become fragile task because of the e mergence of criminal gangs who obstruct to either destroy or hijack in order to steal and kidnap (Leick, 2004).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on GPS Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the negative point of view, the GPS technology has made the criminal gang and drug trafficking a lucrative opportunity because it offers a platform to closely monitor their activities without any notice. Therefore, it may be noted that the GPS technology does not subtract or add something but totally changes everything. References Leick, A. (2004). GPS satellite surveying. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Leipnik, M. R., Albert, D. P. (2002). GIS in Law Enforcement: Implementation Issues and Case Studies. London: CRC Press. Snow, R. L. (2007). Technology and law enforcement: From gumshoe to gamma rays. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Four Surviving Maya Codices
The Four Surviving Maya Codices The Maya - a powerful pre-Colombian civilization who reached their cultural zenith around 600-800 A.D. before falling into steep decline - were literate and had books, written in a complex language including pictograms, glyphs, and phonetic representations. A Maya book is referred to as a codex (plural: codices). The codices were painted onto a paper made of bark from the fig tree and folded out like an accordion. Unfortunately, zealous Spanish priests destroyed most of these codices during the conquest and colonial era and today only four examples survive. The four surviving Maya codices mostly contain information about Maya astronomy, astrology, religion, rituals, and Gods. All four of the Maya books were created after the downfall of the Maya civilization, proving that some vestiges of culture remained after the great city-states of the Maya Classic Period were abandoned. The Dresden Codex The most complete of the surviving Maya codices, the Dresden Codex came to the Royal Library in Dresden in 1739 after being purchased from a private collector in Vienna. It was drawn by no fewer than eight different scribes and it is believed that it was created sometime between 1000 and 1200 A.D. during the Postclassic Maya period. This codex deals primarily with astronomy: days, calendars, good days for rituals, planting, prophecies, etc. There is also a part which deals with sickness and medicine. There are also some astronomical charts plotting the movements of the Sun and Venus. The Paris Codex The Paris Codex, discovered in 1859 in a dusty corner of the Paris library, is not a complete codex, but fragments of eleven double-sided pages. It is believed to date from the late Classic or Postclassic era of Maya history. There is much information in the codex: it is about Maya ceremonies, astronomy (including constellations), dates, historical information and descriptions of Maya Gods and spirits. The Madrid Codex For some reason, the Madrid Codex was separated into two parts after it reached Europe, and for a while was considered two different codices: it was put back together in 1888. Relatively poorly drawn, the codex is probably from the late Postclassic Period (circa 1400 A.D.) but may be from even later. As many as nine different scribes worked on the document. It is mostly about astronomy, astrology, and divination. It is of great interest to historians, as it contains information on Maya Gods and the rituals associated with the Maya New Year. There is some information about the different days of the year and the Gods associated with each. There is also a section on basic Maya activities such as hunting and making pottery. The Grolier Codex Not discovered until 1965, the Grolier Codex consists of eleven battered pages of what was likely once a larger book. Like the others, it deals with astrology, specifically Venus and its movements. Its authenticity has been questioned, but most experts seem to think it’s genuine. Sources Redating the Madrid Codex, by Angela M.H. Schuster, 1999. McKillop, Heather. The Ancient Maya: New Perspectives. New York: Norton, 2004.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Protectionism in the U.S Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Protectionism in the U.S - Term Paper Example A trade barrier is a general expression that illustrates any government policy or regulation that limits international trade, the barriers can take many forms, including: Import duties Import licenses Export licenses Quotas Tariffs Subsidies Tariffs, which are taxes on trade in of supplies into a country or region, are among the oldest forms of government intervention in financial activity. They are implemented for two clear economic purposes. First, they grant revenue for the government. Second, they get better economic returns to firms and suppliers of resources to a domestic industry that faces competition from foreign imports. Tariffs are broadly used to protect domestic producers’ incomes from foreign competition. This fortification comes at an economic cost to domestic consumers who pay higher prices for import challenging goods and to the economy as a whole through the inefficient allocation of resources to the import-competing domestic industry. Therefore, since 1948, when average tariffs on manufactured goods surpass 30 percent in most developed economies, those economies have sought to reduce tariffs on manufactured goods through several rounds of discussions under the General Agreement on Tariffs Trade . â€Å"Non-tariff barriers include "non-science based sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, customs procedures, government monopolies and lack of transparency in regulations†. Some non-tariff trade barriers are mainly acceptable in very partial circumstances when they are measured necessary to keep health, safety, or sanitation. Non-tariff barriers to trade can be: State subsidies, procurement, trading, and ownership. National regulations on health, safety, employment. Product Classification. Quotas. Foreign Exchange: controls and multiplicity. Over elaborate or inadequate infrastructure. 'Buy national' policy. Intellectual property laws (patents and copyrights). Bribery and corruption. Unfair customs procedures.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Race and education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Race and education - Essay Example er hand, there are a number of things for identification in the discovery of some of the impacts of British imperialism on the educational systems of the region, as well as the impact of the education systems on its colonies and dominions. A puzzling discovery of the education system in Britain is the fact that there is a considerable absence of a broad historiography on the school curriculum in Britain during the late imperial period. This possibility considers the concerns of the British experiences prior to the year 1945, given that there is a strong emphasis on the presence of cultural assimilation as well as migration into the country. This emphasis is evident in some of the writings on the history of Europe from the early imperial period to the mid-twentieth century. However, a historical consideration of childhood education is achievable through looking into the education systems in the colonial settings, which provides some assistance in the questioning of the pedagogy as well as issues concerning imperialism. On the other hand, there are considerations that the British public schools were responsible for training some of the future imperialists during this period since a number of the students in the Victoria n public schools later served as official in the government and in the British Empire. When looking at the education systems present during the imperial period, questions do not only arise on issues concerning power or imperialism, but there are questions that arise on the influence the schools curricula had on the negative influence of race. The main characteristic of the schools in Britain, whether it was amongst the poor population or the heathen in some of its colonies was the creation of an ordered environment (Barber, 1994 138). The perception at the time was that schools were avenues for creating an orderly and educable child, despite the fact that they might have been experiencing some form of disorder in their homes. The quest that the
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