Monday, September 30, 2019
Shoes with Soul: Two Friends Realize a Dream
Shoes With Soul: Two Friends Realize a Dream 1. Renee Albertelli and Richard Rodriguez had certain things about their personality characteristics that helped them navigate the struggles of starting any kind of business. One of these characteristics they demonstrated is something every owner needs in order to run any type of business, which is having passion, enthusiasm, and determination, with these characteristics are needed to launch their new business. The excessive interest and energy they had to start this business never failed them; it was the most essential fuel for their vision on how they want to fully build their business.Albertelli’s characteristics portrayed how unselfish she is because of her current job, it allowed her to travel to different parts of the world and opened her eyes and made her aware and realize how many people from these different parts of the world earned their money. Also, both Albertelli and Rodriguez were both risk takers, they enjoyed seeing the options that potentially fail, but keep it at something positive, aside from being risky, they were committed because they both cashed in their retirement plans in order to fund the production of the products they want to sell. 2.Rodriguez and Albertelli’s decision to focus their marketing efforts on the Artisans who made the shoes was a wise decision. Giving the credit to those who worked hard in creating these shoes creates a belief that would be appealing to their consumers. The belief and idea of their business becomes the trademark of the company, and they will be remembered for their honest ways of wanting others to know where their product is created. This could potentially be a huge hit to those who share the same beliefs and values in wanting to credit those who devote their lives to certain things.The women’s desire to make a living and provide for their families by preparing the leather, designing, and assembling each paid of sandals was very impressive, and without them the product could never have been made. Personally, anyone who has any share in any type of business deserves to be given credit throughout the company’s success. Because without them there would be no business to work with. I’m quite impressed with the way they took their cause and made it a business but stayed devoted to who worked hard completing it.This product could easily have the influenced consumers who share the same admiration Albertelli had and purchase the product because of the positive belief the product has. 3. The management challenges that might cause Shoes with Soul to stagger would probably be the lack of experience. Even though Albertelli and Rodriguez are indeed educated and are knowledgeable in their current arrangements of marketing and finance, they probably aren’t aware or familiar with certain tasks when it comes to being a new business entrepreneurs’.This could be a down fall because of having to seek different advice from different people who could potential help, or harm them. There is a huge possibility that they might face stiff competition from other firms that have been running in the business longer than they have. However, if this business begins to grow and develop, they will need to hire employees who will assist them in running their business because the work load may become too over bearing.Some ways to avoid these â€Å"stumbling blocks†and allow them to guide their new business to success is to develop a new distribution channel, create new products, and cost cutting measures. By doing so, this could open a new door for consumers to see the business developing and exploring to expand, yet doing it in a costly matter rather than having expensive products take control of their company. This allows the country to stick to its main morals, beliefs, and values.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Reverse Osmosis for Wastewater Recycling Essay
Reusing treated wastewater for beneficial purposes, such as agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, or groundwater basin replenishment, is growing in response to environmental and economic concerns. One of the key factors involved in recycling wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent for another use is the need to reduce total dissolved solids (TDS). This is often done by using a reverse osmosis (RO) system, which relies on pressure differential to force a solution (in this case, water) through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. While extremely effective on biologically treated wastewater, RO systems need to be coupled with an effective pretreatment system to avoid common issues that can result in system failure, including plugging, fouling, and scaling. One of the most effective pretreatment options for wastewater applications is membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, in which a membrane process like ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration is combined with a suspended growth bioreactor. MBR provides high quality feed water to the RO, minimizes footprint and the cost of civil works, and reduces treatment plant downtime, thereby reducing operating costs. Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON ® submerged MBR technology has successfully been used as the pretreatment option for challenging industrial and municipal water reuse RO systems, and can help make water recycling technologies more cost-effective. Reverse Osmosis Systems Present Challenges for Water Reuse Pretreatment methods are critical when designing RO systems. For example, RO membranes used for most water reuse applications contain a brine spacer, typically made of low density polyethylene mesh netting. If there is a high level of suspended solids in the feed water, this brine spacer can become plugged. Another issue is the high levels of organics contained in many biologically treated wastewaters, which are rejected by the RO membrane and progressively concentrated as the water flows across the membranes. This concentration of organics can foul the membrane, especially towards the RO system outlet. Biofouling can also occur, because the organics in wastewater make an excellent food source for microorganisms. Also, some treated wastewaters contain high levels of bacteria, so biogrowth may occur quickly even if RO feed water is disinfected. Finally, calcium phosphate scaling can cause problems with RO systems operating on some wastewaters. The scaling can be mitigated by operating at lower water recovery, using acid or other antiscalant to minimize scaling, or modifying the operating conditions of the WWTP to reduce the amount of phosphate in the RO feed. These plugging, fouling, and scaling issues mean that the RO system needs to be operated at higher pressures, leading to increased power consumption, increased chemical costs for cleaning, and a shorter membrane life. How can these challenges be minimized and overall water reuse system lifecycle costs reduced? Effective pretreatment of the feedwater before it flows through the RO system is the answer, provided that the pretreatment steps are chosen carefully to ensure that the RO system can work as intended. Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Options There are many different pretreatment options, and the best for a particular process depends on power, chemical, labor and land costs, wastewater source, and the existing wastewater treatment system. Conventional Pretreatment The conventional effluent pretreatment scheme might be primary treatment, biological treatment and, the most crucial part of the process, solids-liquid separation using secondary clarification. The conventional sedimentation process often doesn’t remove enough bacteria and suspended solids, so sand filtration may be added to improve the solids-liquid separation and provide higher quality water to feed the RO system. Using ferric chloride along with the sand filtration may enhance solids and organics removal. However, upsets in the secondary clarifier can lead to effluent with higher levels of TSS and BOD, causing plugging of the brine spacer with suspended solids and organic fouling. Also, power consumption for RO systems with this type of pretreatment tends to be high, and membrane life is often quite short. Lime-softening has been somewhat more successful in protecting the RO membranes, but this increases operating costs and does not totally prevent fouling of RO membranes. Ultrafiltration Improves Suspended Solids Removal As RO Pretreatment Many of today’s water reuse systems use an ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment step to emove suspended solids. These systems typically use hollow fiber UF membranes, which do an excellent job of providing water with low suspended solids to feed the RO system. However, the UF system is an extra treatment step, requiring additional footprint, and adding to operating costs. The UF system may also be susceptible to upsets from a conventional WWTP, which can further increase its operating costs. Membrane Bioreactor As RO Pretreatment With an MBR, the UF membranes are submerged in the activated sludge to combine the biological step and the solid-liquid separation into a single process. The membrane acts as a barrier, which improves the effluent quality. The MBR eliminates the secondary clarifier and does not rely on gravity for liquid-solids separation and so allows the activated sludge to operate with a higher mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration. The increased MLSS concentration reduces bioreactor tank volume, saving footprint and capital construction costs. Overall, the MBR process reduces footprint significantly compared to the combination of conventional activated sludge followed by sand filtration or ultrafiltration. The footprint savings due to the wastewater treatment plant alone can be as much as 50 percent, along with additional footprint savings from eliminating other filtration steps. Using MBR technology also simplifies the overall treatment train, minimizing the number of unit operations. Benefits Of Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON MBR Technology Koch Membrane Systems’ PURON submerged hollow fiber UF module offers robust, cost effective solutions for RO pretreatment. The patented membrane module contains hollow fibers, the lower ends of which are fixed in a header. The upper ends are individually sealed and are free to move laterally, as shown in Figure 1. The PURON module is submerged in the mixed liquor. All solids and particulates remain on the outside of the fibers while permeate flows in an outside-in pattern by means of a vacuum that evacuates permeate through the inside of the hollow fiber. | The free moving fibers, combined with central air scour aeration, ensure stable filtration during plant operation, long membrane life, and lower operating costs due to reduced need for energy, cleaning and maintenance. PURON MBR has been used successfully as the pretreatment step for a number of challenging industrial wastewater systems. For example, a Belgian firm that manufactures chemicals for film processing and printing uses large amounts of fresh water for cleaning and production. The firm began reusing its wastewater to reduce its fresh water costs, and selected an RO system to produce water with the low salt and nitrogen content required for its process. The firm installed a PURON submerged hollow fiber MBR as the pretreatment step prior to the RO, and the system has been operating successfully since 2005. Another example is an Australian malt-producing company that sought to reduce its use of fresh water by recycling its wastewater. PURON MBR technology was selected as the pretreatment step for the RO system, since it provided the best quality water to feed the RO while minimizing overall operating costs. The MegaMagnum ® RO system recovers the MBR effluent as product water for reuse. The system has been running since 2006. In fact, the RO permeate quality is equal to or better than the local potable water supply. Space & Cost Considerations Treatment operation footprint is a primary consideration in developing the best treatment system. Since the PURON MBR system reduces the volume of the bioreactor tanks and eliminates the secondary clarifier, the footprint for an MBR process is much smaller than tertiary filtration steps with sand filtration or UF. If space is limited, MBR may be the only pretreatment choice that fits in the available space. Other considerations include costs of land, civil works, equipment, power, chemicals and labor, and the payback period used. High land and civil costs tend to favor MBR use. For large municipal treatment facilities requiring RO as a final treatment step, an MBR should compare favorably to conventional wastewater treatment as a pretreatment step prior to RO. In a 20-year analysis the municipality should realize savings in RO membrane replacement and power as a result of the MBR pretreatment step. For an industrial company looking at a short payback, the preference for conventional or MBR technology will depend on the relative cost of civil works and land versus the equipment cost. Conclusions Using RO systems to reclaim and recycle wastewater effluent is growing rapidly, and Koch Membrane System’s PURON MBR technology is now being considered as the pretreatment option for an increasing number of industrial and municipal reuse applications. The PURON submerged membrane modules provide high quality feed water to the RO, minimize footprint and the cost of civil works, and reduce the susceptibility of the RO treatment train to upsets. PURON is a trademark of Koch Membrane Systems GmbH and is registered in Austria, Benelux, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. MegaMagnum is a registered trademark of Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Wastewater Recycling for the Stone Fabrication Industry As a stone fabricator you’re looking for a wastewater treatment system that keeps you in compliance, but wouldn’t it be nice to save some money too? That’s where our wastewater recycling and treatment systems come in. These zero discharge, closed loop systems collect the water you use for polishing, cutting, and other processes; cleans it thoroughly, and recycles it so you can use it again. Your wastewater is never discharged into the public system during this process, so you have no chance of being out of compliance. Between the money you’ll save on non-compliance fees and the reduced cost of your water bill, the return on your investment will be substantial. And because we use the most durable, well-designed components on the market in each wastewater recycling system, you can be sure this system will run efficiently for as long as you need it to. We even design and manufacture some of those components in house, including: * Filter presses * Clarifier systems * Chlorine dioxide generators * Control panels * More The solid, smart construction of our zero discharge wastewater recycling systems results in a wide variety of beneficial features, including automation options, expandable filter presses that can accommodate your business as it grows, the ability to accommodate flow rates for 10 GPM – 200 GPM, the ability to filter solids water down to below 1 micron, and more.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Women's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Women's rights - Essay Example American Slavery. American women."( Fuller, 123). The previous year has seen movement in the Rhode Island council, to secure wedded ladies rights over their own particular property, where men demonstrated that a next to no examination of the subject could show them. To a great extent acknowledged, composed by a lady, instigated, it is said, by glaring wrong to a recognized companion, having indicated the imperfections in the existing laws, and the state of estimation from which they spring; and a reply from the loved old man, J. Q. Adams, in a few regards the Phocion of his time, to a location made him by a few women. These indications of the times have gone under perspective inadvertently: one who looks for, may, every month or week, gather more. The various gatherings, whose slants are now marked and balanced an excessive amount to their brain to concede to any new light, strive, by addresses on some model lady of spouse like magnificence and tenderness, by composing and loaning little arrangements, expected to check out with exactness the breaking points of Womans circle, and Womans mission, to anticipate other than the legitimate shepherd from climbing the divider, or the group from utilizing any opportunity to wander off. A high apex, or in any event a cathedral spire, might be attractive. It may well be an abolitionism party that argues for Woman, on the off chance that we think about only that she doesnt hold property on equivalent terms with men; so that, if a spouse bites the dust without making a will, the wife, as opposed to taking immediately his spot as leader of the family, inherits just a piece of his fortune, regularly brought him independent from anyone else, as though she were a tyke, or ward just, not an equivalent accomplice. The degenerate and unmoving men live upon the profit of enterprising wives; or if the wives abandon them, and bring with them the youngsters, to
Friday, September 27, 2019
Personal aspect management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal aspect management - Essay Example In the organizational context, influencing implies commitment to the desired result enough to spend needed energy to achieve it. The concept of influencing is connected with commitment defined as a state of being in which employees become bound to a particular actions by a belief system that sustains those actions and their own involvement. In many situations (conflicts, disputes and decision-making) influencing is important as an instrument to achieve some preconceived state or desire (Fabian 54). It arises out of a felt need (important enough to cause use of energy) and a mechanism (the control over resources needed by others) that allows for possible improvement of that need. According to Beardwell et al (2001) the power sources include legitimate, expert, reward, coercive, referent. These sources of power are intentional and instrumental in its use. Leaders and managers activate them only as they value the possible outcome sufficiently to expend needed energy in power action. The process of persuading employees is based on argumentation and reasoning. Persuading process can be explained as a relationship in which an employee independently weighs reasons another person. Armstrong (2001) underlines that persuading is central to man's continuing concern for administration and organization. How people organize and relate to each other to get planned goals accomplished is central to organization and administrative theory. The overreaching problem of organization life is securing follower compliance. This compliance comes without losing the long-term amicable relationship between the person desiring compliance and the person whose behavior change we seek. And this must be done with an eye on conserving scarce resources. Influencing and persuading allows management to guide employees and customers, their actions and preferences (Austin, Pinkleton 38). Influence and persuasion are commonly exhibited through orders the managers issue to someone subordinate to them. They can be seen as coercive resource employees get by virtue of authority grants from those above and below us in the social structure. It is often logical, reasoned, legitimate, and systematic in its application and use (Barham, Conway 45). A number of studies have demonstrated that situational factors moderate the attitude-behavior relationship. Individuals differ profoundly in their use of persuasive message strategies. Certain people consistently employ manipulation and deceit, whereas others eschew these tactics. Some people use emotional appeals, whereas others resort to threat. Research has examined individual differences in compliance-gaining attempts to determine the impact that personality and demographic factors exert on message strategy selection. First, participants in the various studies are probably more mindful and self-conscious about their message strategy selections than are communicators in the real world By asking respondents to respond to a series of hypothetical scenarios or to construct a persuasive message, researchers found that respondents reflected on their persuasion behavior (Hannagan 49-52). In the workplace, supervisors who clearly identify the performance expectations of their subordinates and inform them of their degree of conformance to the stated requirements may be providing their subordinates with feelings of control and reducing their feelings of uncertainty. Employees who know that they are acting
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Nursing Case Study Assessment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Nursing Assessment - Case Study Example This shows that she is staining to breathe. The other priority problem that the nurse should note in the diagnostic statement is that Jane is experiencing dehydration. Dehydration is shown by dryness of the lips and the fact that her skin has lost its turgor and has become (Shen, Johnston and Hays, 2011). The other priority problem that should be noted by the nurse is that the patient is experiencing pain. During the examination it is observed that Jane is having problems forming sentences and she is not able to take Ventolin. Q2. During the diagnosis, it has been identified that Jane’s oxygen saturation is alarming which suggests that the oxygen saturation are 90 percent of Room air. To deal with this problem, the nurse will use the four components of the nursing interventions. The intervention will be performed by the nurse who will be in contact with the patient for most of the time during her stay in the hospital. The other nursing component that will be included in the in tervention is performance of respiratory evaluations of the respiratory rate and effort that Jane is using when breathing (Shen, Johnston and Hays, 2011). Assessment of the respiratory rate is critical given that Jane has already shown signs of having problems in breathing and asthma is usually characterized by respiratory problems. The other nursing intervention to be implemented to rectify the problem is to carry out frequent assessment of the patient at least once daily. Frequent monitoring will allow the nurse note the progress of the patient and in case any emergency care is required, a physician can be called in immediately. The fourth nursing intervention that will used to rectify the problem is to administer pain relief to the patient. This is because the patient has shown signs of being in pain (Shen, Johnston and Hays, 2011). Q3. During the assessment of Jane, it becomes evident that she is experiencing chronic pain as she coughs. According to Gagnon (2011), pain is a subj ective symptom and when measuring pain, the medical practitioner aims at identifying pain location, its intensity, temporal patterns, relieving factors and interference. It is hard to measure pain that Jane is experiencing given that she is an infant and has difficulties in communication. However, the best assessment tool should be relying on behavioral assessment of the child. The nurse should therefore observe facial expression as the child coughs and how she makes facial expression after medication has been administered. Therefore the best tool for the case should be the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale which uses to evaluate the level of pain based on the face. Q4. The recommended dosage of paracetamol is 15mg of paracetamol per kilogram. This is calculated by dividing 210 by 14 which gives 15mg per kg. Therefore the dosage recommended by the RMO is correct. Q5. Given the age of Jane and her present condition that gives her difficulties when swallowing, the nurse can utilize d ifferent strategies to administer paracetamol to her. The nurse can administer the paracetamol through a syringe placed at the corner of the mouth after which the nurse pushes the syringe slowly to release the medicine into the throat of the child (Ganzewinkel, 2012). The other strategy that the nurse can use is by giving the paracetamol using a teat bottle where Jane will suck the medicine. The nurse may also administer the pa
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
1.Indirect Investing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
1.Indirect Investing - Research Paper Example Such investment points towards the fact that the investors are investing in a product whose performance to a certain extent is linked with the performance of the property. The example of indirect investing is purchasing units in the property funds, purchasing shares in any of the property company that is publicly quoted and contributing to any pension plant that has a property in its portfolio (Indirect Property Investments). Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS): These are considered to be the public property companies that are primarily listed on Stock Exchange. The investors buy shares in these companies that may be traded through the investor’s stock broker. The examples of such public companies are Great Portland Estate, Land Securities and Derwent London plc. The Land Securities is one of UK’s largest property companies that invest in almost all the classes and types of properties present across the country. However on the other hand Derwent London plc only invests in property present in Central London and that too mostly in offices. Unit Trusts: There are several other means of indirectly investing in property. These means may take several other forms that are suited for a number of investors. Some examples of unit trusts are mentioned below: The authorized and unauthorized investment funds can be further divided into open and close ended funds. The open ended funds are the ones which do not have a definite life span, which means that they may go on forever and their units can be traded in the open market. The example of Open ended funds is Standard Life Property Income Unit Trust. The close ended funds may have a definite life span, for instance 10 years. After this duration the property is sold and the unit holders are paid out. The example of Close Ended Funds is Schroders WELput Unit Trust. The investment in office property present in London will come to an end in the year 2023, after selling the whole
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Do older tourists to Bulgarian coastal resorts (Sunny Beach) Coursework
Do older tourists to Bulgarian coastal resorts (Sunny Beach) participate in more varied activities than their younger counterparts do - Coursework Example Sunny beach has is full of varied facilities like shopping malls, aqua parks, swimming pools, parks, hotels, and pedestrian roads. These facilities provide social amenities to the visiting tourists. While working on our primary research in Sunny Beach, the research identified many activities that people do there e.g. water skiing, swimming, wakeboarding, spa in recreational facilities like hotels, shopping, cycling, working out in fitness center, among others. A team of five student researchers conducted the research on 12 and 13 January 2012. The researching student team did a survey using questionnaires, tabulated the collected data, and made their observation for the research.Climatic factors usually influence tourism activities. Usually, tourist like going for summer holidays, taking a break from adverse weather conditions back in their homeland. The location of Sunny Beach on the Bulgarian map (Figure 2) indicates that it is on the eastern part of Bulgaria, which is a coast of w estern side of the Black sea. The map shows a strategic location for Sunny Beach because it boarders countries like Greece, Turkey, and Russia etc. Moreover, it is very important to look at price range in Sunny beach in Bulgaria. Many tourists find the prices competitive and would wish to leverage on the low prices compared to other black sea resorts like Varna, Bodrumq, Batumi and, Sochi among others. Hypothesis: a) Elderly people (tourists) participate in many activities than younger people do. The primary focus is the amount of activities not how intensively they do it. b) Male tourists participate in more activities than female tourists do. c) Most tourists visiting Sunny Beach are below sixty five years Aim: The aim was to evaluate the hypothesis with a focus on the topic of the field study. Further, to relate the research report with geographical aspects such as demographic distribution, climatic conditions, and tourism. Methods of investigation: A team of five students interv iewed various tourists in various hotels along the Sunny Beach. The intention of the field study was to evaluate the participation of tourists in various activities. This method of investigation gave us primary information, which reflects the real picture of events taking place in the Sunny Beach. The information collected would help in evaluating the hypothesis of the study. Questionnaire development: Factors such as objective of research, uniformity of the data, population of the research area, area of study (study topics), and time influenced the choice of study method (Jackson 59). In order to come up with uniform study, the five students researching decided to use a questionnaire. Questionnaires provides object questions of the study, saves time and provides a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Terrorism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Terrorism - Term Paper Example Subsequently, he utilized this hard gained skill to conduct several campaigns of violence and intimidation. Prabhakaran used the LTTE cadres for this purpose, and his targets were the longstanding and moderate Tamil political leaders (Biziouras, 2012, p. 554). The LTTE membership was chiefly from the lower-caste Tamils hailing from the rural areas of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. The leadership of the LTTE was replete with these lower-caste individuals, who brought about the institutionalization of the LTTE, by repeatedly emphasizing their intention to promote the lower castes in the independent Tamil state that they would be creating. This ideological posturing was nationalist, radical, and unique with respect to the traditional political parties of that region and the competing Tamil revolutionary groups (Biziouras, 2012, p. 555). The LTTE’s moves served to enhance Sinhalese apprehensions regarding the continued territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. In addition, the political and institutional solutions suggested by the traditional Tamil political leadership were rejected outright by the LTTE, which strongly promoted sustained armed struggle against the Sinhalese dominated Sri Lankan State (Biziouras, 2012, p. 555). During the 1970s, the LTTE and other armed Tamil groups embarked upon an armed struggle, with a view to seceding from Sri Lanka. This strife underwent considerable intensification, in the aftermath of the anti-Tamil riots. These riots transpired in July 1983 in Colombo and other parts of Sri Lanka. Several attempts were made to resolve this strife, notably in the years 1985, 1989-1990, and 1994-1995. However, these attempts ended in a fiasco, and the armed engagement between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan armed forces underwent an escalation in scope and intensity (Nadarajah & Sriskandarajah, 2005, p. 88). During that epoch, approximately 90,000 people lost their life, and the majority of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
What are the contributing factors to the onset of delinquency in Research Paper
What are the contributing factors to the onset of delinquency in adolescents - Research Paper Example The sample population will be 30 respondents; we chose this number since huge sample will results to huge data. Huge amount of data will be difficult to analyse and its time consuming. In essence, we shall be specific on the characteristic of the sample population we will be conducting our research. Accessing large population can be difficult and time consuming. Moreover, this technique will generate in-depth data on the particular study. This research will base respondents on their family history of single parents/ broken family/parental history of crime/ friends of children with deviant behavior. The age group of the children will be between 11-15 years. Independent and dependent variables: peer group, family history of crimes, previous history of deviant behavior, involvement in truancy are the independent variables and delinquent behavior is the dependent variable. Reliability and validity of instruments: Validity is the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure. We shall identify and generalize the contributing factors like broken families and peer influence. Therefore, external validity is measured on the degree to which the sample measures a particular population. Content validity may be measured by checking the representative questions related to delinquency from areas of both broken families and peer influence. Reliability is the consistency of the instrument. In this hypothesis, reliability may be measured by administering the questions to the raters and check the consistency of the answers to each question. Data Collection and Methods: Primary data method will be used to generate the factual data for the easiness of reporting. Age, gender, residence are the standard variables used. Questions will be covering details like habits, hobbies, friends, knowledge regarding the crime systems Data will
Saturday, September 21, 2019
My Favorite Place Essay Example for Free
My Favorite Place Essay Everyone has a special place, a place where people can find happiness, be themselves, and peace. This special place perhaps is a place where people have a dream to go for a vacation, honeymoon, or relax. A tense of mind in life force people to think about the place that they can truly relax. In many people’s lives, a travel is the best option for relaxation. Specially, middle class people who live in the bay area and be under high pressure of work, perhaps they need to have a vacation for relaxation at leisure. Sometime people cannot afford the luxury vacation such as going to cruise around Atlanta, eating fresh seafood in Japan, or enjoying the beauty of nature in Shangri-La Resort Skardu. The best vacation that I had in my country Vietnam was unforgettable. Vietnam is the place where people can have all the joys of traveling by cruise, eating fresh seafoods, and the view of beautiful nature with the low price of cost. People who have a vacation for only three weeks should pay a visit to Vinh Ha Long City in my country because the attractions of its scenery, the taste of the fresh seafoods, and the taste of its nature. Vinh Ha Long is one of the best sceneries in the world. I only can spend less than three thousand dollars for three weeks for the great vacation to Vietnam including the air-plan’s ticket. Everything cost cheaply in Vietnam compare to other countries such as Japan, Korea, or China. Thus, I can enjoy freely for viewing the beautiful of Vinh Ha Long’s City without the worry of expenses. Vinh Ha Long is known as the Descending Dragon where is the world’s eighth wonder. When I arrived to Vinh Ha Long City, I could see the beautiful beach was covered by the dark sand at â€Å"Bay Chay†or scorched beach. Then, I hired an inexpensive beautiful boat to go around the bay for taking pictures. The beautiful of its view created the mysterious scenery in my memory. Looking down from above, I could see Ha Long bay as a giant lively picture. When I walked at the middle of Ha Long Cities, I lost in a fairy world that turned into stone. I imaged that the island named â€Å"Hon Rong†was like a dragon which was hovering above the water. Arriving the island named â€Å"Hon Ong La Vong†, I could see the island as a picture of an old man was sitting and fishing. There were more beautiful islands around Vinh Ha Long City. All of these islands looked really real. The shape of the islands that make wonderful perspective of incalculable light of the day. In my life, I have never enjoyed such a beautiful scenery. It really was the castle of the midst of earthly creation. Vinh Ha Long is one of the cities that have the best seafoods in Vietnam. The City was surrounded by the beautiful beach. The supply of seafoods always new and fresh for visitors. The restaurant that I found the most delicious seafoods and great services with the cheapest prices that I ever have was called â€Å"Ha Long Restaurant†. It was located at seaside where I could eat and enjoy the beautiful view of the beach. I was surprised of how good the service it had. The waiters were so nice and thoughtful about what I needed. They offered and introduced a lot of popular seafoods. Moreover, the price was too cheap to be true. One hundred American dollars can transform its value to two millions vietnam dollars. So I could image how cheap of the food was that compared to America. If this food was served in United State, it could cost more than four hundreds US dollars per dinner of two people. Some of the best food I had eat, it called â€Å"Guava steamed squid dish†. The process of making squid dishes were delicious, cool and full of nutrients of the restaurant. The octopus, sea shrimp paste with the crispy, sweet, when processed into food attractively. Steamed squid were popular by Guava which was flavor characteristic blend with the sea. This â€Å"Guava steamed squid dish†was made by the chef of the restaurant. It was highly innovative and customer favorite. My favorite food was â€Å"Ha Long Lobster†in this â€Å"Ha Long Restaurant†. Lobsters have a variety of different weight, depending on the number of customers that can be served by restaurants. Prices were also relatively comfortable range from around one millions vietnam dollar per two pounds. In order words, I only spent for fifty US dollars for a perfect â€Å"Ha Long Lobster†. It had many kind of Lobsters such as Lobster roasted salted, Steamed Lobster, Lobster salad, and Lobster porridge. I cannot wait to go back and try its all again. People can enjoy the unique of its nature in Vinh Ha Long City. There were many beautiful cave that people cannot find it else where in the world. The most beautiful cave was â€Å"Tam Cung†cave. It located at the center in Ha Long Bay. People was hardly cannot see it. When I go to center of Ha Long, The Tam Cung cave attacked my eyes right away. Tam Cung cave had a stone shapes which created a natural life. It had three compartment. In the first compartment, I soundly stopped walking somewhere quite to hear echoes of sound of flute. From the first compartment to the second compartment through a small crack of the door, I was walking bumpy, I could see this place was as a living natural museum, which was a stone lions, seals, and the water of god made by stone. In the middle of the third compartment was a first stream of fresh water flowing forever. The two walls were the stone curtain that slender drooping from the ceiling which looked all the curtain stone were shaking. In the Tam Cung cave, I could see the magnificent carving which liked flowers, the natural stone curtain, and gentle elephants were sleeping. The cave was created by nature. I have ever seen anything like the Tam Cung cave in my life. Vinh Ha long City was my favorite place where I can see the beautiful scenery, taste of its nature, and fresh food. My Vietnam trip for three weeks created the best beautiful memory that I never have and forgot in my life. I did not need to spend huge money for this vacation due to the big different currency between the Vietnam and U. S dollars. First, its scenery helped me to relax and get lost in the fairy places. Second, its seafoods were fresh and the taste was delicious. Finally, the Tam Cung cave was created by nature bring me the unforgettable memory.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Homeopathic Medicine Aconitum Napellus for Anxiety Treatment
Homeopathic Medicine Aconitum Napellus for Anxiety Treatment Assessment of homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus in the treatment of anxiety in an animal model Gabriele Baptista Haine, Samarah Hamidi El Ghandour, Sà ¢mia Ahmad El, Ghandour, Andersom and Ricardo Frà ©z Aim: To assess the action of homeopathically prepared Aconitum napellus in a 6CH, 12CH and 30CH potencies in the treatment of generalized anxiety in an experimental model using rats. Methodolgy: 48 adult Wistar rats (Rattus rattus) ranging from two to three months old were divided randomly into six groups. Each group received its corresponding treatment daily for 10 consecutive days: 1) control (diazepam 1 mg/kg/day); 2) negative control (0.15 mL saline solution/day); 3) ACH6 (0.15 mL Acon (6CH/day); 4) ACH12 (0.15 mL Acon 12CH/day); 5) ACH30 (0.15 mL Acon 30CH/day); and 6) ALC30 (0.15 mL 30% cereal alcohol/day). The same person at the same time each day administered respective treatments by a gastric tube. Behavioural effects were blindly and randomly assessed one hour after treatment on the 10th day. Animals were subjected only once to each pharmacological model; an elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field test. Elevated plus maze EPM is a commonly employed anxiety model because it is based on two conflicting tendencies: 1) the ability of rodents to explore new environments and 2) their aversion to high and open places. EPM is comprised of two closed arms perpendicular to two open arms. The closed arms are so named because they have a lateral and an end wall, whereas the open arms have no walls. Anxiety is measured by the total rate of exploration of open arms, thus, increase of the permanence time and number of entries in the open arms is considered an index of anxiolytic action of drugs. The animals were individually tested and conditions remained consistent. Each rat was filmed for five minutes and the data was recorded by software PlusMZ. Open field Rats are placed in a previously unknown sand square divided in smaller squares that allow assessing the exploratory activity of animals to observe their locomotor activity. Each rat was filmed for five minutes and the data was recorded by software OpenFLD. This test assessed the number of crossed squares. Results: Acon in potencies 12CH and 30CH exhibited possible anxiolytic effects on the central nervous system (CNS) since they increased the number of entries in the EPM open arms (12CH and 30CH) and the permanence time in the EPM open arms (30CH only). In the open field test the homeopathic preparations did not show effects on the locomotor system of rats. EPM results Treatment with Acon induced anxiolytic effect, but did not exhibit linear progression according to ascending potencies. The number of entries in the open arms increased with dilutions 12cH and 30cH compared to the control (Figure 1). The animals treated with dilution 12cH also exhibited higher permanence time in the open arms (Figure 2). Figure 1 – % entry in EMP open arms. Significant values: *p Figure 2 – % permanence time in EMP open arms. Significant values: *p A complementary parameter used to evaluate whether the response of the rats indicates anxiolytic effects of the investigated treatments is the number of entries in the closed arms . In this study, it exhibited significant difference in the groups treated with Acon 12CH and 30CH and the positive control diazepam (Figure 3). These results suggest that the anxiolytic effect did not interfere with the mobility of the animals in the EPM. Figure 3 – % entry in EMP closed arms. Significant values: *p Open field test results Treatment with Acon did not show any change of the locomotion of the rats compared with both saline solution and diazepam controls (Figure 4). Figure 4 – Number of squares crossed by animals in open field during five-minute observation Conclusion: Potencies 12CH and 30CH of Acon exhibited anxiolytic effects on the CNS in an animal experimental model without affecting motor coordination. Discussion: Anxiety is an emotional state comprising of psychological and physiological components. Measurable parameters that can be used to assess the treatment of anxiety is limited in rats because rats cannot communicate feelings of apprehensive anticipation, insecurity, fear or the flood of thoughts that accompany anxiety. Testing physiological components of anxiety such as increased arterial blood pressure, increased breathing rate and increased heart rate would also prove to be very challenging. It could also be argued that anxiety in rats cannot be compared to the complexities of human anxiety and that although the tests yielded positive results in rats it’s not enough to validate its application in human beings. However, being rats they cannot be subjected to bias treatment. Rats also behave in a similar way and their reactions and behavioural patterns are more predictable therefore yielding more consistent and reliable results. They are also able to be kept in highly controlled environments where they are unaffected by outside influences that could have an effect on their anxiety levels. EMP and open field tests are acceptable and valid pharmacological models used to measure anxiety in rats, therefore their application to homeopathy and the positive results yielded should contribute towards evidenced based medicine for homoeopathy. Article 2 Effect of Gelsemium 5CH and 15CH on anticipatory anxiety: a phase III, single-centre, randomized, placebo-controlled study Adeline Paris, Sophie Schmidlin, Sandrine Mouret, Enkelejda Hodaj, Philippe Marijnen, Naoual Boujedaini, Mircea Polosan, Jean-Luc Cracowski Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of Gelsemium 5CH and 15CH on provoked anxiety in healthy volunteers, in comparison with placebo. Methodology: A double-blind, single-centre, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted. 180 eligible volunteers from both sexes aged 18 to 40 years with no history of psychiatric disorders were included in the study. Participants were distributed homogenously into 3 groups and randomly allocated to receive Gelsemium 5CH or 15CH or placebo. During the study participants took five doses of globules: a morning and an evening dose on the 2 days preceding the study and the last dose on the morning of the study. Performance of a Stroop colour word test (SCWT) was used to provoke anxiety. The main criterion used to quantify anxiety was the State measure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S). The STAI is a questionnaire widely used in clinical practice and clinical research; it consists of 2 parts of 20 questions each and takes about 15–20 minutes to complete. An anxiety visual analogical scale (VAS) was used as secondary outcome criterion. VAS is an auto- evaluation s cale composed of three sub-scores: self- confidence, cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety. The Trait part of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) was also measured and performed a continuous recording of arterial pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate. In the days preceding the study it was checked with the volunteers that they did not experience any stressful events. On the fifth morning before the main study visit participants were asked to complete the STAI-S, STAI-T, EEAC forms and VAS scale, whilst in the comfort of their own homes in calm surroundings. These measures were used as the baseline data. Results: There was no statistical difference between the groups for the values of STAI-S at baseline. No statistical difference was observed between the groups for the evaluation of the anxiety by VAS. Conclusion: Gelsemium 5CH and 15CH had no effect on anticipatory anxiety in the conditions used in this study, whatever the judgement criteria used. Discussion: There were many noticeable flaws in the study. Homeopathic principles for prescribing were completely ignored. There was a gross misunderstanding how homeopathy works; it seems homeopathy was applied with the expectation of a physiological effect. There was also a misunderstanding for the indication of the remedy. Gelsemium is indicated for anticipatory anxiety, the test was set up in a way that actually tested acute, provoked anxiety, whereas anxiety leading up to the test pertains more to the indication of the remedy. Participants who had no history of psychiatric disorders were included in the study; the study would’ve been better suited to individuals with a long history of anticipatory anxiety. The study should’ve been set up in a way where participants were told they were going to have to perform a test and anxiety levels leading up to that event should’ve been measured. I believe the potencies used, which act more on a physical plane, is also a noticeable flaw. Anticipatory anxiety is a mental condition with physiological components, higher potencies which have an action on the mental and physical plane should have been administered. More importantly inclusion into the study should have been set up to promote Similimum prescribing; a questionnaire that listed indications of the remedy should’ve been used to match participants for suitability. Because the study doesn’t follow homeopathy principles and there seems to be a general misunderstanding of how homeopathy works I don’t believe this article can contribute to evidence based medicine for homeopathy.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Theme of Fate in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare Essay -- Shakespeare,
Some people may not believe that destiny is something that truthfully exists in the world. These people doubt that there is anything that is actually meant to be, or supposed to happen, thinking that there is always a way around troubling predicaments, knowing that it is not necessary to turn out just one certain way. They trust that whatever occurs in their lives comes as a result of the decisions that they make with their own free will. Others believe that whatever happens during the course of their lives is inevitable and every event is laid out before them like a road map to life, in other words, fate. William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet has fate as an exceptionally crucial element which makes fate as important as any character in the production. The events leading up to and during the party were definitely caused by fate. The moment that Romeo and Juliet meet is the exact incident that leads to their death, however unaware these "star-crossed lovers" are to that fact. T hus, fate is undoubtedly the most responsible influence for the couple's tragedy. It is not merely a coincidence that Romeo and Juliet meet in the first place. A serving man comes across Romeo and Benvolio in the first act, unaware that they are Montague?s, and informs them about the Capulet party: "My master is the great rich Capulet, and, if you be not / of the house of Montague?s, I pray come and crush a / cup of wine." (Romeo and Juliet I ii, 86-88) It is by fate that Romeo and Benvolio run into the Capulet serving man and discover the party. It is not just a simple accident that the serving man tells the two cousins about the party at which Romeo is destined, yet unaware, that he will meet his love. Furthermore, before Romeo attends the Cap... ...nowingly help Romeo kill himself, and indirectly kill Juliet in the process. Fate is the controlling force of the events that lead up to, and cause, the deaths of Rome and Juliet. It is no coincidence that Romeo meets the Capulet servant and is invited to the party. Fate brought him to the house of the Capel?s where he was destined to meet his future wife, Juliet. At the risk of being killed, the two lovers married their supposed loathà ©d enemy and consummated the marriage without even the slightest hint of detection from anyone who did not know of the wedding. Unfortunately, their sweet success would be short lived and their lives would be a downward spiral staring with Romeo?s banishment and ending with their deaths. Taking into consideration that Romeo and Juliet are predetermined to meet, love and die together, fate is clearly the dominant force of the play.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Facts about Ecstasy :: essays research papers
     Ecstasy, or MDMA, has become a major drug problem in the last few years. Although it is widely used, it has been proven to be dangerous. Ecstasy is a designer drug, which means it is synthetically made by street chemists. These people are not usually certified chemists and are in it for the money. This makes taking E even more dangerous. Ecstasy effects are very similar to Amphetamines and speed. Although the chemical structure is not similar to these other drugs, the effect on the body is the same. This is an informational article and in no way endorses the use of ecstasy, since it is a dangerous and illegal drug. NAMES      Ecstasy, since it is highly illegal, naturally has many names to cover its true identity. Ecstasy is also known as MDMA, pills, Adam and eve, X, E, Ecstacy, XTC, or Adam. Some fake-ecstasy drugs can be bought over the counter, such as Cloud 9, or The Pill. These are herbal fakes, and are considered by experts to not be anything like ecstasy in its true form. They may say they are ecstasy, but they really aren’t.                     DOSAGE      A average person must take 100-159 milligrams orally to feel the full effects of this drug. The drug works quickly, and effects will be noticed about forty-five minutes later. As with other drugs, if it is smoked, snorted, or injected, it will work quicker. The physical effects generally last about eight hours. The mental effects can last much longer, with them trailing off around one or two days.                     MENTAL EFFECTS      The mental effects of ecstasy are sometimes hard to describe since they are mental feelings. Scientists have classified the major mental effects of ecstasy. Entactogenesis is the first major effect of ecstasy when people feel that everything is right and good with the world. They also find interest in common everyday objects. They just have a general happy feeling. Empathogenesis is the next major effect of ecstasy; it is seems to create a feeling of closeness to others and a breakdown of communication barriers. So it seems to make you be much for open with people than before. This effect probably helped ecstasy earn its name of the Love Drug.                     PHYSICAL EFFECTS      MDMA can create any number of physical effects such as dizziness, accelerated heartbeat, sweating, insomnia, incessant talking, euphoria are all experienced. Many users report a loss of judgment, which can threaten physical health. Almost every user of ecstasy has major loss of body fluid through sweating.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Managing the Transition from Maturity to Decline: Diamond Power Corporation :: essays research papers
Managing the Transition from Maturity to Decline: Diamond Power Corporation      This case study, prepared by Richard C. Scameborn, follows the Diamond Power Specialty Company from its humble beginnings in 1903 to its decline in 1991. The birth of Diamond came with the invention of the hand cranked soot blower. As the years and technology progressed, so did the Diamond soot blower. Along with this main product, Diamond also added several other products to its line, but none had the profitability of the soot blower. Diamond had the market to itself for a number of years, but eventually two competitors sprang up to challenge Diamond: Copes-Vulcan and Bayer Company. Competition did not become fierce until World War II, when the soot blower became a major commodity used by the U.S. Navy to clean boilers on board its ships. At this point, the soot blower industry became a seller's market and the need for strategy (both corporate and business) became a necessity for growth and survival.      Diamond Power's main mission at its beginning, to produce soot blowers that would efficiently clean the inside of boiler as it continued working, basically stayed the same up until the addition of competition into the market. At this point, Diamond had to revise its mission to include technological advances to stay ahead of it main competitor, Copes-Vulcan. With the passage of time, production efficiency and technology were not enough. Diamond eventually had to add foreign sales, customer service, and replacement part production to its original plan to keep ahead of the game. By the 1970's, the mission to supply replacement parts and service became one of Diamond's top priorities as it opened parts and service plants in New Jersey, Georgia, Ohio, Texan, Colorado, North Dakota, California, and Washington.      Diamond Power's goals over the years seem to stay pretty congruent with its mission up until the early 1980's. Basically, Diamond's goals included staying on the moderate levels of technology, building a foreign market by exporting machines and parts and establishing joint-venture manufacturing companies overseas, establishing an extensive and profitable domestic aftermarket support system that included minifactories that supplied both parts and service, and to keep the upper hand on the soot blower market share. Diamond Power's parent corporation, McDermott, Inc, utilized several different corporate strategies to try to achieve Diamond's goal of a profitable and extensive aftermarket support system. However, some of the decisions made by McDermott, Inc in regards to its replacement part division caused more harm than good. For example, when a small operator began to copy and sell Diamond replacement parts at a lower cost than Diamond with great success, McDermott
Monday, September 16, 2019
Reaction Paper Information Security Essay
Right now we are living in a world where information is very abundant and mostly open to everyone because of the internet. Security and privacy are big issues nowadays and someone has to do some actions regarding these issues. People dealing with the security and privacy of information belong to the field of Information Security, and we are lucky to meet someone knowledgeable about this field of work. Last February 27 at BA Multimedia Room of Saint Therese Building, we held a seminar about Information Technology and our speaker was Mr. Ferdinand Samaniego and together with him is a Computer Engineering graduate of Adamson University, Mr. Tet Aguila. Mr. Samaniego is the Lead Penetration Tester of Bitshield. His task is to find possible threats on applications and provide remedy to these threats. The seminar was delayed for about an hour because Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila were caught in traffic. Most of us lost their enthusiasm about the seminar because of the delay. But when Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila arrived and started the seminar, everyone became very excited and the eagerness to learn came back to us because Mr. Samaniego told that he will tackle issues about hacking. I think it is normal for us Computer Engineering students to get excited whenever the topic is hacking. We had already attended several seminars and whenever the topic is hacking it usually get all our attention throughout the seminar. So as expected, the seminar was very lively and interactive. Students raised their questions and Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila willingly addressed these questions. At the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Samaniego asked us which operating system we are using in our computers. All of us answered Microsoft Windows Operating System. He laughed and then challenged us that if we are using Linux Operation System just raised our hand and he will give some freebies to us. But no one raised his/her hand. He again laughed and told us that we must try and explore Linux Operating System because it is more flexible and more secure than Windows Operating System. Mr. Samaniego advised us that when we arrived at our home that day, we try to install Linux OS in our computers or download a Virtual Machine and run Linux OS in that VM. After he discussed Linux OS and Virtual Machines, Mr. Samaniego asked us how many programming languages we learned here in Adamson University. We answered 5 programming languages namely, C++, Assembly, C#, Java and C. He advised us to study more programming languages because it is our key to enter the industry world if we want to venture on Programming or Information Security. Mr. Samaniego told us that if we want to enter the field of InfoSec we must equipped ourselves with scripting languages like Ruby and Python because it is the most common language use to analyze threats on applications. He said that based on what programming languages we knew it will be very easy for us to study other programming languages because most of the programming languages are based from C Language. The last part of the seminar was the most interactive part of the seminar, when we are allowed to raise any question we had in our minds. As expected most of the questions were about hacking and some were about Linux Operating System. Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila answered all of our questions and even shared some of their experiences in the industry. Mr. Samaniego shared to us that he once worked with Globe Telecoms as an Information Security officer. There was a time when hackers found a hole in their network and used it to have a free internet connection as long as they have one peso load. It took them weeks to found out that issue and a couple of days to provide a solution regarding the issue. Mr. Samaniego was the one who provided the solution. He told us that the problem was very simple and the hackers were too clever to use it to have an internet connection. The hackers route the DNS of a website to a different IP address, and that IP address gives them internet connection. The solution Mr. Samaniegp provided was also simple, but it was a secret he joked us. He also gave us a list of websites where we can study Information Security, websites like,,,, and other more websites where we can start studying InfoSec. At the end of the day, I was very thankful for this seminar about Information Security. This seminar opened a new career path for me and taught me new things. Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila were truly knowledgeable people from the field of InfoSec and I was lucky to meet them and listened to all their advices and lessons. I realized that Information Technology offers a broad career path and we must not stop learning because IT world is continuously developing and we must cope to these developments. A seminar like this is necessary for us to learn new things and get inspired by IT professionals.
Pharmacy Inventory System Essay
1.1 INTRODUCTION AND ITS BACKGROUND A pastor named Ferdie Sinense together with his wife Marisa Sinense who works as an auditor, established Rapa Generics Pharmacy on September 23, 2011. The main branch of this Pharmacy is located at Las Piňas-Zapote Road in Las Piňas City. Anthony Rudil, a licensed pharmacist and Jennifer Robela the assistant pharmacist are currently managing the business. In addition to that, the business opened its door to three more branches located in Pulang Lupa, Las Piňas and Marikina. The advent of new technology, most company nowadays is using computers in their transactions. Pharmacies in particular, are now making their systems computerized since that helps them minimize the time and efforts consumed by using manual system. Point-of-Sale Inventory System is one of the essential components of a successful business. It is a modern replacement for cash register in retail applications. It can help to record securely all the sales and customer’s orders and track products. A sale refers to the exchange of product or services for an amount of money or its equivalent while inventory, on the other hand, is the total amount of items and the act of counting them. A pharmacy owner must know the precise number of items in their storage areas in order to place orders and control losses up to date. Hence, computerizing both Sales and Inventory System will make an easier and faster transaction among the customers as well as monitoring the stocks of the products. Furthermore, the system also gives the person up-to-the-minute and detailed information on each item in your inventory. He/she will know exactly how much inventory comes in; is on-hand now, and where it goes. In fact, most entrepreneurs these days find that computerizing a system gives them a far wider range of information with less effort. Sales and inventory programs now on the market allows one to track usage, monitor changes in unit costs, calculate items when you need to reorder, and analyze inventory levels on an item-to-item basis. In contrast, using a manual Point of Sale (POS) with Inventory System can affect the whole business process in terms of sales and security of confidential documents since it is not reliable enough. Common problems like slow inventory process, lost records, inventory shortages, and high risk of errors can affect the whole business as a whole. Point of Sale with Inventory System makes a particular business much more efficient, lowering the costs of running the business while improving customer service and making the business more pleasant to work with. It also helps the management to control the inventories, lower overall operating costs in the areas of labor, facilities and logistics as well as improve customer service metrics and fulfillment rates. 1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1.3.1 General Objective The purpose of this study is to create and design a Point of Sale and Inventory System which will make every transaction easier, fast, secured, efficient and reliable by increasing information reporting accuracy transaction monitoring of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives * To concentrate automated inventory and sales reports. * To provide a better security for pharmacy inventory management system for pharmacy inventory management system. * To save manpower and at the same time increase the daily activities. * To build an inventory system that includes transaction process, so it will enable to calculate the stock balance. * Helps to make sure that product purchased from a supplier is correctly dispensed to the customer. 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to develop a Point of Sale (POS) Inventory System which will address the following problems of Rapa Generics Pharmacy: * How might a computerized system differ from a manual system for processing a transaction? * How a computerized system can reduce human effort and errors in processing transaction? * How can be the inventory records arranged in proper order? * How accurate the information of a product if it is available? * What is the assurance for the security of a record? 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will help the Rapa Generics Pharmacy for keeping track of the sales and the inventory. Specifically, this study aims to give benefit to the following: Owner. Using computerized point of sales and inventory system is efficient to use so the benefits of it is the owner can search the products availability faster and also they can check the sales and inventory records easily. Customer. They can save time when they buy large quantity of products especially they don’t need to fall in line. Stock Clerk. They are updated the availability of a products. They can easily change the prices of a product. 1.5 SCOPE AND DELIMITATION This study focuses on making a computerized point of sale and inventory system to alter the manual/traditional way so that transactions in the field will become more reliable and to resolve some problems that were encountered using the old / manual system. This study will be conducted in Zapote Road, Las Pià ±as City particularly in the field of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. It will cover its employees as well as some members of the said Pharmacy. It will involve fieldwork, several interviews with the owner, some employees, and customers as well as observing their activities which may contribute to their existing problem. This system is limited only for recording data and calculations in the pharmacy. It can’t be use or any other records like information system and payroll computing. The system will also not accept a credit card as payment and our proposed system is not online or web base transactions. 1.6 DEFINITION OF TERMS Ancillary Business. This term describes any business enterprise created by a law firm or lawyer that offers law-related services to their clients and to those new clients who are not customers of the lawyer or law firm being provided. It is also referred to as â€Å"dual practice†business. Centerpiece. This term is something in a central position and most important feature. Generics. This term described any products as a food, drug or cosmetics that can be sold without a brand name. Interactive Voice Response(IVR). This term allows customers to interact with a company’s host system via telephone keypad or by speech recognition and it also a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice. Missouri’s Ozark Country(MTM).This term is a country located in South Central Missouri in the United States. The county was eventually renamed to Ozark County after the Ozark Mountains and was officially organized on January 29,1841. Medication Therapy Management(MTM). This term is a service or group of services that optimizes drug therapy with the intent of improved therapeutic outcomes for individual patients .Formulating a medication treatment plan, monitoring efficacy and safety of medication therapy, enhancing medication adherence through patient empowerment and education, and documenting and communicating MTM services to prescribers in order to maintain comprehensive patient care. Niche. This term is the habitat supplying the factors necessary for the existence of an organism or species the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption; a specialized market. Patent. This term is a legal document affording full protection for any new or useful device. Design or other invention: open to public knowledge. Pharmaceutical. This term is related to pharmacy or pharmacists; â€Å"the pharmaceutical industry†And also related to drugs used in medical treatment; drug or medicine that is prepared or dispensed in pharmacies and used in medical treatment. Pharmacist Clerk. This term describes to the one employed to keep records or accounts or to perform general works. Point of Sales. This term is a modern replacement for the cash register in retail applications. It can help to record securely all the sales and customer’s orders and track products. A sale refers to the exchange of product or services for an amount of money or its equivalent. Practitioners. This term is a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation and also a person who practices something specified. Probiotics. This term is a live microorganisms that may confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics are also delivered in fecal transplants, in which stool from a healthy donor is delivered like a suppository to an infected patient. Rox Express Delivery. This term is a UK delivery. Orders under  £50 are shipped via Royal Mail Signed For with a shipping time of 3-5 working days after dispatch. Stock. This term describes as a supply of something; a store of goods in a shop, warehouse. Synergy. This term describes as the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects; it also means working together. United States Route 66. This term also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the United States Highway System. One of the original United States Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926â€â€with road signs e rected the following year. Widespread. This term describes as a spread over a wide area or extending over a wide area. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES 2.1 RELATED LITERATURE 2.2.1 Local Literature Rose Pharmacy is one of the Philippines’ top pharmaceutical retailers with over 183 branches it was established in 1952 in Cebu City with the customer being the centrepiece of its corporate plans, Rose Pharmacy has streamlined its branch operation by installing advanced point of sales system in all branches thereby providing not only fast and efficient computerized service but also accurate accounting and inventory monitoring. Rose Pharmacy’s also enhance customer service thru on-line product inquiry and ordering and other on-line services. 2.2.2 Foreign Literature Beginning in the late 1970s, a number of vendors began developing software systems to manage paper-based documents. These systems dealt with paper documents, which included not only printed and published documents, but also photographs, prints, etc. Later developers began to write a second type of system which could manage electronic documents, all those documents, or files, created on computers, and often stored in users’ local file-systems. The earliest electronic document management (EDM) systems managed either proprietary file types, or a limited number of file formats. Many of these systems later became known as document imaging systems, because they focused on the capture, storage, indexing and retrieval of image file formats. EDM systems evolved to a point where systems could manage any type of file format that could be stored on the network. The applications grew to encompass electronic documents, collaboration tools, security, workflow, and auditing capabilities. These systems enabled an organization to capture faxes and forms, to save copies of the documents as images, and to store the image files in the repository for security and quick retrieval (retrieval made possible because the system handled the extraction of the text from the document in the process of capture, and the text-indexer function provided text-retrieval capabilities). While many EDM systems store documents in their native file format (Microsoft Word or Excel, PDF), some web-based document management systems are beginning to store content in the form of html. These policy management systems require content to be imported into the system. However, once content is imported, the software acts like a search engine so users can find what they are looking for faster. The HTML format allows for better application of search capabilities such as full-text searching and stemming. 2.2 RELATED STUDY 2.3.3 Local Study PHARMACY INVENTORY TRACKING SYSTEM Healthcare industries today are looking for opportunities to improve their daily operations efficiencies by reducing costs without effecting patient care. In addition, for these industries to function better they require accurate medical supply and equipment orders, tailored to the patient’s needs, and delivered on-time. Inventory is a subject in business that is hope can maximize profit. However, in many cases inventory has turned into a major cash flow constraint that cause necessary to optimize inventory using analytical and statistical methods in manual approach that is using papers. This will lead to paper wastage. In healthcare industries, inventory management system can handle their inventory especially in pharmacy department. This includes all the activities that run in a pharmacy such as transaction, order items, items movement tracking, and generate reports. 2.3.4 Foreign Study ANALYSIS OF INVENTORY OF DRUG AND PHARMACY The health care in modern days has become more complex sophisticated and more expensive in terms of cost of drugs, surgical equipment and hospital stay. With rise in per capital income of general population and also with rise in the level of general information and education of people, the demand for more sophisticated medical care has come up. However, the rise in hospital costs has been substantially more than the rise in general consumer price. â€Å"Since 1950, the cost of one day’s stay in a hospital has increased more than 1,000 percent compared with 135 percent climb in the consumer price index†. Economics of materials control is a matter of self presentation in today’s competitive environment. Materials control is a matter of rupee control; it is axiomatic that stringent controls must be placed on higher value items. The management of inventory pares the avenues for optimizing the costs of Medicare services besides making available materials to the patients which increase the quality of health care services. Out of materials, drugs consume a major portion of hospital budget. The basic social issue confronting medical practice today is how to improve the organization of utilization of the fruits of medical knowledge, the technological advancement and managerial innovation in Health Care Institutions on most economical terms. The rising hospital cost and methods to contain this have attracted the attention of one and all be it the professionals, the public and private sector management and even the trade union activist. The hospital management has to ensure the availability of various drugs round the clock as these are essential and vital for patient care. The Pharmacy Departments are most often charged with responsibility for managing drug and delivery system costs. Systems should develop to utilize drug and delivery resources in a cost effective fashion. The pharmacy management team should focus on developing effective strategies to maximize leverage of drugs and human resource cost. Since there is widespread concern about the cost of health care, a variety of cost containment initiatives have been pursued. The main health concern now-a-days is allocation of resources on a rationale basis. Management must therefore lay stress on the cost analysis and formulate guidelines for the definitions of cost and established standards through cost analysis. Cost analysis is a research tool for the financial management in a hospital. The objective of the study was to analyze the drugs stored in Drug and Pharmacy of Sher-i-Kashmir institute of Medical sciences according to their cost and criticality. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 REASEARCH DESIGN The research method used in this study is the interview method. This method helped the proponents know what would be the appropriate system be used in making research work easier. This also helped in describing the existing manual system and explaining how the system works. The survey and observation method was used in determining what is the confusing question or situation that is difficult by the users. 3.2 RESEARCH LOCALE The study was conducted in Rapa Generics Pharmacy Zapote Road, Las Piňas City to gather data and information. The proponents decided to improve the manual checking of the product, the manual receipt, and the sales that happen in a day, and monthly sales by creating or by developing a new highly computerized Point of Sales and Inventory System that eventually helps the company in the future. 3.3 DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE The proposed system was made by gathering information from the internet, pharmacist, respondents and thesis book made from the previous students to give the proponents an idea. First, the proponents interviewed the Pharmacist at the drugstore who used the manual process of checking products, giving manual receipt and the proponents observed that pharmacist/employee exceed time to check their products, the remaining and expiration date of the products and eventually take risk of using the manual system. Second, the proponents gave a survey questionnaire answerable by Yes or NO to the customer to gather some information if they encounter or not a problems by using manual system of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. After the survey, the proponents analyzed the answer of the respondents based on the questionnaire provided. The proponents tallied the result of the survey conducted at the Rapa Generics Pharmacy Zapote Road Las Pinas City. Then last, the proponents searched in the internet and different thesis made by the previous students to get more idea for the system. 3.4 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN The proponents gathered data and information through the internet, after the proponents made the propose system, keep the aforementioned helped or checking the in or out of the products and issuance of the receipt. 3.5 INSTRUMENTATION The proponents used survey questionnaire answerable by Yes or No or quantitative method of research as an instrument to gather more information. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the customers. The questionnaire was structured in such a way that the respondents will be able to answer it easily. In this type of questionnaire, the respondents will give five questions. Make some questions to be answered by the pharmacist and the owner regarding the advantages of manual system and our proposed system because this is the convenient and the easiest way for the proponents, for the customer and for the Pharmacist so they will not disturb for what they doing. 3.6 PROCEDURE At first the proponents find a company who are using manual system. The proponents explained and discussed to the staff about the intention of the researcher to their company. Then, the researcher asked permission to the one of the employee if it is ok to them if the proponents make a computerized Point of Sale and Inventory System for their company with a promised that all the information gathered is confidential. It’s only for the researcher’s thesis. After the proponents got the permission from the owner of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. The proponents conduct a title defence if it would pass to the proponents’ professor. After the title defence the proponents started to study the flow of the manual system by interviewing the Pharmacist at the drugstore who use the manual process of checking products, giving manual receipt and the proponents observed that pharmacist/employee exceed time to check their products, the remaining and expiration date of the products and ev entually take risk of using the manual system. Second, the proponents gave a survey questionnaire answerable by Yes or NO to the customer to gather some information if they encounter or not a problems by using manual system of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. After the survey, the proponents analyzed the answer of the respondents based on the questionnaire provided. The proponents tallied the result of the survey conducted at the Rapa Generics Pharmacy Zapote Road Las Pinas City. Then last, the proponents searched in the internet and different thesis made by the previous students to get more idea for the system. After that the researcher started to make the computerize Point of Sale Inventory System and its documentation. 3.7 POPULATION AND SAMPLE The Pharmacist said that she estimate their customers every weekends like Friday, Saturday and Sunday are 100 to 150 customers in Rapa Generics Pharmacy. Out of the said estimated customers, the proponents got 50 respondents of Rapa Generics Pharmacy to gather information. 50 respondents answered the survey questionnaires made from the researchers. The proponents used the Incidental Sampling in choosing those costumers of Rapa Generics Pharmacy who are most available to be asked. The total respondents are 50 out of many customers who encounter a problem by using a manual system of the said Pharmacy. 3.8 STATISTICAL TOOLS For gathering information from Rapa Generics Pharmacy, the proponents used an Incidental Sampling. This is a sample which is taken because they are the most available. The researcher simply takes the nearest individuals as subject of the study. The proponents used Incidental Sampling because this is the most convenient and not hassle especially to the customers. The following questions are answerable by YES or NO. 1. Do you prefer to use generic type of medicine? Figure 1.1 Shows the distribution of respondents in terms of using generic type of medicine in and out of 50 respondents 39 people or 78% of the respondents answered YES and 11 people or 22% of the respondents answered NO. Based on some research, the generic medicine is a copy of the original branded product. Once the patient for the original product has run out, the pharmaceutical company who developed the medicine no longer has the exclusive right to produce and distribute the medicine. Other pharmaceutical companies are able to create their own version of the medicine. The type and quantity of the active ingredient in the generic product is the same as the branded version, but the inactive ingredients are slightly different. The generic medicine is sold under a different brand name and it may look different (e.g. in color or shape) to the original. Without properly understanding the similarities and differences between generic and branded medicines, it is easy to become confused and anxious about taking a new medicine. This is particularly the case when someone is used to taking a certain medicine and is introduced to a new medicine that has a different name and appearance but is ‘the same’ that’s why some people preferred to use this type of medicine. (Source: Virtual medical center) 2. Do you prefer to use Branded type of medicine? Figure 1.2 Shows the distribution of respondents in terms of using Branded type of medicine and out of 50 respondents 13 people or 49% of the respondents answered YES and 37 people or 51% of the respondents answered NO. According to ( The Perceive Benefits of Generic Versus Branded Medicines ; University of Pretoria) Branded medicines are originator products or medicines that have been discovered by a company and are patented to maximize any economic gain that may result from being the sole company producing a new drug treatment for a particular illness or disease condition. This is the avenue for the company to recoup their expenditure in the area of Research and Development (R&D) of the drug. For a period of time after the patent is granted, no one else can produce a drug that is the same as the patented drug; the medicine belongs exclusively to the original company. For this reason, branded medicines are the most well known and most trusted type of that particular medicine. (Google: Virtual Medical Center) as we can observe branded medicine is Pharmaceutical companies making branded medicines spend a lot of money building their brands, that is, that of the corporate image and those of their individual lines of products. 3. Did you experience to wait a long time when you buy a large quantity of medicine? Figure 1.3 Shows the distribution of respondents in terms of experiencing a long time when buying a large quantity of medicine and out of 50 respondents 35 people or 70% of the respondents answered YES and 15 people or 30% of the respondents answered NO. Previous research shows that the objective and subjective waiting time have negative effects on affective and cognitive waiting time evaluation. Taylor (1994) says that service delay will significantly influence the feeling of anger. Moreover, Pruyn and Smidts (1998) find out that the perceived waiting time will affect the cognitive aspect of the waiting time evaluation. Consequently, perceived waiting time will influence on customers’ waiting time satisfaction. There are other reasons that will determine waiting time satisfaction. In psychological theory, during the waiting period, consumers face uncertainty about how long they have to wait, and experience stress (Bielen & Demoulin, 2007). Some researchers suggest that any information provided during the waiting period can reduce the uncertainty of the wait and lower the level of stress experienced by consumers (Bielen & Demoulin, 2007; Maister, 1985). Moreover, the uncertainty waiting time will influence customers’ emotional responses, and then the customers’ emotional responses will affect their service evaluation to this restaurant (Bielen & Demoulin, 2007). For example, in some restaurants, when customers arrive, at the beginning, the host will ask them to wait around 30 minutes, but this 30 minutes just for waiting to get the beeper. After customers get the beeper, the host will tell them to wait another period of uncertainty time, in order to get seats. This situation will make customers feel this waiting period never ends and cause their anxious feeling. 4. Did you experience a long line when you buy a medicine? Figure 1.4 Shows the distribution of respondents in terms of experiencing a long line when buying a medicine and out of 50 respondents 36 people or 71% of the respondents answered YES and 14 people or 29% of the respondents answered NO. The study investigates consumption time when waiting in line; especially the negative aspects associated with consumption time. To describe what is viewed as negative, wasted or unproductive consumption time spent in waiting lines, the term â€Å"regret time†is used. This allows the exploration to determine if an individual who does have â€Å"regret time†would alter his/her behavior (in the shopping situation) to reduce â€Å"regret time†and, if so, how this individual would alter his/her behavior. Thus, the hypothesis tested is: For individuals exhibiting different regret levels (ranging from high to low): A. Individuals with high regret levels will spend less time in grocery store waiting lines and thus alter their shopping behavior* by buying fewer groceries and spending less time shopping in the grocery store. B. Individuals with low regret levels will spend more time in grocery store waiting and thus not alter their shopping behavior. *Altering shopping behavior might also include: switching grocery stores in the future, leaving the grocery store and returning at another time. (Advances in Consumer Research Volume 11, 1984 Pages 41-45 5. Did you experience an incorrect amount of change when you buy a medicine? Figure 1.5 Shows the distribution of respondents in terms of experiencing an incorrect amount of change when buying a medicine out of 50 respondents 31 people or 69% of the respondents answered YES and 19 people or 31% of the respondents answered NO. This may be the cost of using manual system of giving a receipt for the customers and there are several factors that can be attributed to this problem First is lack of knowledge of the employee in terms of giving the right amount of change Second is because of the influx of customers. In many cases inventory has turned into a major cash flow constraint that cause necessary to optimize inventory using analytical and statistical methods in manual approach that is using papers. This includes all the activities that run in a pharmacy such as transaction, order items, items movement tracking, and generate reports. (Local literature: PHARMACY INVENTORY TRACKING SYSTEM) CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE SYSTEM 4. ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 4.1.1 Flow of the Existing System In their manual existing system, the pharmacist writes down the products on the receipt in their transaction. The existing system uses manual process for searching the availability of the products for their inventory they are also using manual system. The pharmacist manually counts the products to know how many stocks are still available that’s why she exceeds too much time for checking and searching their products. And also it takes another time consuming by updating their inventory because the user also needs to record their sales when the day ends, to make every transactions’ recorded so that the owner can review their daily sales if their business is still going right and by doing all this needs much time to finish, effort in writing and focused on what she is doing. 4.1.2 Examination of the Process Users who use manual system had a hard time in making transactions to customer, to check the products and its availability. The proponents observe that using manual system is not appropriate in the pharmacy. As the researcher observed they need many things to do and it consumes time by only doing those things like searching products in their manual list. They need to scan all their files to find what the customers need, and because of that it can cause to have a long line or the other customer waiting for their turn to buy a medicine. Waiting at such time some buyers didn’t have a long patience some will go and find another Pharmacy which they can buy faster at less time. 4.1.3 Comprehensive List of the Problem There are some existing systems just like the hand written system which are not readable and, hence, cannot be understood checking the product. It is definitely hard to retrieve records through manual; in reference to this, the Pharmacy is contemplating how they could provide the best way of meeting customers need, wants and demand conducive to them and to the Pharmacy, respectively. 4.1.4 Data Flow Diagram of the Existing System Process Manual Product Searching Manual Receipt Pharmacist Customer When the customer buy a medicine they can ask to the Pharmacist and the pharmacist will search the product manually and give it to the customer . After the transaction the customer will pay and the pharmacist will provide a manual receipt. Supplier 4.1.5 Process Diagram of the Existing System Customer Selling Products Receive Order Stocks Available No Yes Payment 4.2 PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSE SYSTEM 4.2.1 Overview of the Proposed System After two months of hardship to complete this thesis, The proponents able to make a system which is Point of Sale and Inventory System for Rapa Generics Pharmacy to improve and help the employees and owner to easily check the availability of the products faster than their manual existing system. The proponents provide a system to help them make their work easier by making transactions and searching products. It is much faster and efficient than what they did before. Point of Sale and Inventory System is a computerized system also like their manual but this is much more user friendly to use and it is also secured because of having an account which only the admin can operate first before the employee, the employees can also make an account by the help of the admin so that they can also operate the system anytime. Through this system once you type what you need to search it automatically shows the product what you need and once you make transactions the sales automatically updates the inventory, it counts the sales of products in the pharmacy every day, update the number of products or shocks they still have. The pharmacist can also add new products and delete some items and it can also record the delivery of products daily. 4.2.2 Flow of the proposed system The flow of the proposed system revolves around two people, first is the pharmacist and the second is the administrator. Pharmacist must enter his/her password in the login form and when she/he entered a correct password then the program will automatically open but in a limited access, he/she can access only the form used in selling of products and also the printing of the receipt. Administrator, when the administrator is signed in, she/he can use all forms used in various transactions like suppliers from, product form to input new product, returned form to manage the product return, sale form, product display to form to search for an existing products, and the print form to monitor and create reports on list of products, product expiration, product warranty, sales, and returned products. 4.2.3 Benefits of the Proposed System This proposed system will benefit the user which is the costumer, employee and the owner of the said Pharmacy. Through this system the user’s will not spend more time to check and update the availability of their products and also can help them to give the receipt for the costumer on time. This system can help them to do their task fast and easily. 4.2.4 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Data Flow Diagram for Pharmacist Product Search Enter Password Log-In Pharmacist Begin Transaction Payment Customer Print Receipt Data Flow Diagram for Administrator Admin Log-out Check the Stocks Check the Sales Log-In 4.2.5 PROCESS DIAGRAM OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Customer ask the Pharmacist about the Products he/she wanted to buy Begin the Transaction Enter Password Process Diagram for Pharmacist Log-in Pharmacist After searching, the pharmacists tell the customer if the products that he wanted to buy are available or not The Customer tell how many product he/she needed Pharmacist search the products The pharmacist, compute the total cost and get the payment of the customer and give the change if there is a change Print the Receipt Process Diagram for Administrator Log-out Check the Sales Enter Password Log-in Admin View all the details that the admin wanted to know 4.3 DESIGN PLAN OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Feasibility Analysis In this generation people knew that it is a very high technology because of many gadgets existing, like android cell phones and very updated operating system so that the proponents thinks that creating an Point of Sale and Inventory System is possible by the help of computer application like the proponents use which is the visual basic enterprise 6.0, starting with brain storming on how this system flows so that the proponents knows where to start to make the system. 4.4.1 Operational Feasibility The proposed system can be easily employed by the user since it is user-friendly and can be managed in a convenient way. The system is fully automated and everything can be attained by just clicking a certain button. Thus, users need not to worry anymore for the reason that the proposed Point of Sales and Inventory System is operationally feasible. 4.4.2 Technical Feasibility The proponents applied new technology through using computerized system. The proposed system is compatible in windows XP and windows 7 and the software requirements in visual basic. The recommended hardware requirements are processor that must be Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz and the Random Access Memory should be 512 MB or higher and the hard disk drive should at least 100 MB if free space or higher and the operating system is Windows XP or any higher version. The proposed system will really help the Rapa Generics Pharmacy because of its efficiency in using and processing transactions by applying the technical requirements mentioned earlier. 4.3.3 Economic Feasibility The researchers are certain that the proposed system is economically feasible because it can be afford at a price ranging from 10,000-15,000php. The technical requirements can be available in the nearest establishment selling computer parts and accessories that is why it is very accessible. The proposed system contains all in one package of a Point of Sales and Inventory System, hence users do not need to buy anything that will just add to the expenditures of the organization. 4.3.4 Schedule Feasibility The proponents created and designed the proposed system within 3 months. The proponents constructed a computerized system and it took a lot of time for the team to accomplished it, never 4.4 System Development Life Cycle 4.4.1 System Planning In system planning, first, the proponents provide different titles and conducted a title defense. The proponents got curious on the computerized Point of Sale and Inventory System. Second, the proponents interview the employee of the Pharmacy and study the flow in their existing manual system. It easy to plan on how to make a computerized system that will help to the staff for transacting to the customer. It will help also to easily find the availability of the products. The proponents planned to make a computerized Point of Sales and Inventory System at Rapa Generics Pharmacy because they are still using manual system. 4.3.5 System Analysis In system analysis the proponents conducted an interview in the Rapa Generics Pharmacy with the branch Pharmacist to gather information regarding the existing system. The proponents conducted a survey to the customer to get their opinion about the existing manual system. If they encounter any problem for using a manual system of the Rapa Generics Pharmacy. 4.3.6 System Design The proposed system is designed to handle the transaction in selling medicines in Rapa Generics Pharmacy. this system was created in many purposes and the first is for security purpose, this proposed system includes a login form to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to use the system just to make sure that the data is secured and aside from that the transaction in selling medicines are become more faster because this system the proponent included the database of all available medicines in the pharmacy so that the pharmacist do not consume time in searching the appropriate medicine needed by the customer or the availability of the product. 4.3.7 System Implementation The proponents gave a request letter to Rapa Generics Pharmacy to ask their permission to use their company for the proponent’s research locale. The researchers conducted an interview to the owner and his pharmacist to gather some information needed to start the proposed computerized system and after that the researcher’s created a survey questionnaire that serve as a tool to gather information coming from the costumers of the Pharmacy. The one hundred survey questionnaire gave to the costumer of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. The proponent’s analysis and tabulated the data gathered in survey and displayed it in a graphical form using a graph. Once again conduct an interview to the owner and pharmacist to know those problems encountered using a manual system, base from the problem, the proponents produced a solution and applied it to the proposed computerized system. 4.3.8 System Support In system support, it will explain on how the program will flow and will be used. The proponents provide a system which is user friendly for the staff and also to the customer. CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Summary Having a Computerized Point of Sales and Inventory System has the productive activity or application featured required to run a Pharmacy. Computerized Receipt and Inventory System alter the manual/traditional way of transactions between receipt, return products, and inventory that has a facility to generate report to analyze the daily and monthly sales. And the field will become more reliable to resolve some problems that were encountered using the old manual system. Computerized Point of Sale and Inventory System is the perfect way for managing a business with less time that can increase the total income produce by the sources. This study aims to change the current manual system that would be accurate and much easier to both customers and staff to use. The proponents use diagrams to implement the flow of the proposed system. 5.2 Conclusion The proponents therefore conclude that creating and designing a Point of Sale and Inventory System can help to improve every transaction easier, fast, secured, efficient and reliable by increasing information reporting accuracy transaction monitoring of Rapa Generics Pharmacy. This system also concludes that having a concentrated automated inventory and sales report can provide a better security for their management. To save manpower at the same time can increase daily activities includes transaction process, so it will enable to calculate the stock balance. Helps to make sure that product purchased from a supplier is correctly dispensed to the customer 5.3 Recommendation After studying and analyzing the flow of the existing system of Rapa Generics Pharmacy, the proponents would like to recommend the following: The system proves to have a fast and accurate monitoring of the availability of the products, efficient and reliable for the process of transaction. The system could also save time, and make every transaction fast and make the work easier.
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