Saturday, August 31, 2019
Thesis Paper on Hate Speech
IntroductionThesis Statement: Should hate speech be censored? Yes hate speech should be censored for numerous of reasons due toff the effects it will bring to our society.Expanded Thesis Statement: Yet people might believe that hate speech should be allowed due to belief of freedom of speech, hate speech weather it’s allowed or not still does not make it right.It does not make it right because it most likely leads to bigger issues such as riots, physical abuse, and conflicts. I believe people are allowed to speak their mind and do have freedom of speech but to a certain point.Background: Four Teenagers were arrested in December of 2006 for insulting North Koreans. The hate speech was toward their nationality which ended up as a major conflict.ArgumentsArgument One: Hate speech leads to conflicts, riots, and disagreements in societyIt hurts individual groups, such as people religion, background, beliefs and more.Leads to moral damage. Also damages social structure in societyEve n things such as computer games or internet communication with friends can lead to international conflict and cyber bullyingArgument Two: Hate speech leads to violent crimesIf the number of hate crimes are decreased, we improve the welfare of societyBecause of hate speech society becomes more violent and leads to violent crimesTo avoid conflict, hate speech should not be allowed when it comedown down to certain things such as racism, religion, and cultureArgument Three: Hate speech through the Internet also known as cyber bullying causes many incidents of teenage suicidesAllow people might say censoring the internet for ate speech is nearly impossible due to freedom of speech it should still be overlooked because of its causes and efforts to the people around usMore and more suicides are becoming a major issue in our nation because of hate speech and violenceIt affects people’s lives regardless and should be taken notice weather it’s censored or not, it should not be a llowed to a certain point.ConclusionAlthough people believe of freedom of speech and speaking there mind, Hate speech should be censored due to a certain pointHate speech as many negative affect when it comes to our society and causes many incidents such as violent acts and just hatred. Such actions should be overlooked and taken into more consideration and importance
Friday, August 30, 2019
Problem of Good and Evil Essay
? 12/2/09 How can a God who is both omnipotent and good allow evil in the world? For Christians, evil can be a problem because non-believers can use it as a way to attack Christianity. The first thing they might say is if there is evil, then God must not be good or omnipotent because he is allowing it. Yes, God allows evil in the world, but evil does not come from God. Evil comes directly from Satan. We see this in the book of Matthew, vs. 1-11, where Satan tries to tempt Jesus. Another way an non-believer may discredit Christianity is saying that because there is evil, God doesn’t exist. This is definitely false. God does exist and we know because the Bible says so. We also can see the results of his power. Some examples of that are when Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and God parted the waters of the red sea so they could get through, but he closed them over the Egyptians and they were wiped out. Another example is the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, in Mark 5: 25-34, and with one touch of Jesus’ robe, was healed. This is just a little taste of God’s power over evil. Finally, non-believers could say that God is no better than pagan gods, but he is real and here to save us. God hates evil, but Adam sinned which caused evil in mankind, and he had to bear the consequences of his disobedience against God. The Bible shows us that God is both omnipotent and good. God is omnipotent which means all-powerful. In Luke 1:37, it says â€Å"For nothing is impossible with God. †There isn’t anything that God can’t do. Also in Rev. 19:6, it states â€Å"Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Omnipotent reigns’. In that verse, we see God directly described using that word. Now on the other hand, God is good. How can we define good? That is difficult to do. My definition of good is: â€Å"Having desirable or positive qualities. †God is good to his people, and everything he has created. Psalm 136:1, a passage about God’s goodness, says, â€Å"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. †Another passage is from Psalm 34:8, which says â€Å"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him. †This verse is saying that if you let God in your life, you will see that he can provide only good things for you. He will not bring evil your way. God may cause trials in your life, but that is only because he wants to produce perseverance, as said in James 1:3.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Navy Recommendation
1. While serving in the capacity as the Command Career Counselor the USS STEPHEN W GROVES (FFG 29), I have had the good fortune to have Petty Officer Jason Martinez work with me as the Assistant Command Career Counselor for our ship. 2. This past year has afforded me the opportunity of witnessing the many accomplishments PS1 has been able to achieve both personally and professionally. Petty Officer Martinez has demonstrated exceptional knowledge of all necessary retention programs such as PTS, CIMS, NRMS, Fleet RIDE and NRMS. He has led the way in training and providing information to our crew through First Terms Success Workshops, Career Development Training Courses and GENDET Success Workshops. Furthermore, PS1(SW) Martinez has been a driving force to ensure career development boards are conducted effectively. He has embodied the ideals of career development by encouraging the engagement of the chain of command providing the guidance needed by sailors to attain the objectives of the Sailor Continuum’s five vectors. 3. In addition to the above-mentioned accomplishments, he has completely overhauled our Command Sponsorship Program, establishing a new sponsorship team from the main departments of the ship, and providing the necessary training for instant results. Petty Officer Martinez flawlessly processed and tracked 23 reenlistments of which 15 were SRB entitlements over 110,000 dollars. He has processed six Fleet Reserve, seven Career Status Bonus, and 56 Perform to Serve applications. During this period while assigned as Assistant Command Career Counselor, he has stepped in and executed the duties as the Command Career Counselor, while I was away either TAD or on leave. 4. Petty Officer Martinez routinely performs his tasks flawlessly and at a higher pay-grade than is expected at his current rank, whether it is explaining Navy policies to the Captain, Executive Officer or counseling a sailor as to his career path options. His overall development as both an Assistant Command Career Counselor and a sailor over the past year has been nothing short of exemplary! Petty Officer Martinez is the type of leader that the Navy needs to continue leading the way in the career-counseling field! 5. A very important contribution that PS1(SW) Martinez has made to the success of the ships program is his ability to work together with and support the building of the career development team. In fact, one of his most important qualities has been his ability to earn the confidence and trust of the crew onboard the ship. It is this trait, in addition to all his other abilities, that makes him an effective career counselor. S. J. MARTINEZ
Interview on perceptions of a product or servise and ways of Assignment
Interview on perceptions of a product or servise and ways of motivating customers and increasing customer satisfaction - Assignment Example Being the marketing manager of Samsung Company, I was tasked with the duty of establishing how consumers view our products, specifically the newly introduced Smartphone the Samsung Galaxy S4. This required a survey to be undertaken by interviewing consumers who own the phone. This is very important since in the Smartphone market, consumers are known to shift from one phone to another because of poor experiences and satisfaction. Thus, this paper will explain various aspects of consumer behaviour. It will analyse the findings of the interviews undertaken. Finally, the paper will make a presentation to the board of directors where it will conclude by establishing the importance of various aspects of consumer satisfaction and how it will benefit the company. Concepts in Consumer Behaviour When approaching consumer behaviour there are various concepts, theories and models involved (Sharma, 26). Consumer satisfaction is the level at which consumers feel a commodity has met their need or w ant. Normally customers are satisfied when the product in question fully meets the needs of the customer, which the business establishment has communicated through advertising and other marketing techniques. For example, a consumer is fully satisfied with a smart phone if it meets the technological and physical requirements, which the customer needs, and those that have been indicated on the phone’s specifications that have been communicated by the manufacturer. Thus if a company indicates that a Smartphone has high definition display yet consumers realise it does not, and then the consumer will be unsatisfied. Consumer perception is the manner in which consumers view a particular product with regard to its ability to satisfy them. Consumer perception is a very important aspect of consumer behaviour since it is one of the major motivators behind consumers when they are looking for products to buy in the market (Erlenkamp 26). This is especially the case in the smart phone mar ket, since a phone’s popularity greatly relies on how consumers perceive it regardless of other factors such as the phone’s specification. For example, a study done in the United States of America revealed that most Smartphone users opt to buy phones that they believe are good based on information from their friends and non professional opinions in social media over phones that are better in terms of specifications regardless of the both phones being of the same price range (Himmelsbach 92). Consumer motivation on the other hand, is the process of undertaking various measures and strategies to ensure that consumers in the market are motivated to purchase a particular product or products (Wright 120). Consumer motivation is very significant aspect since it ensures that a business establishment enjoys success since it will attract new customers as well as keep existing customers loyal. Examples of consumer motivation technique include sampling which results in attraction of many consumers. The Product The Samsung Galaxy S4 is a high end Smartphone released by the company in March 2013. The Smartphone was widely anticipated after the company announced its production and the features that the phone would possess. Furthermore, its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S3 had been
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Camping in the Deep Woods to Sleeping in a Motel Essay
Camping in the Deep Woods to Sleeping in a Motel - Essay Example Now keeping your daily life in mind if given a chance to spend a vacation either camping in the forest or a trip around the city with getting yourself a room booked in a perfect motel, what will you choose? Now, this is a question of choice rather than comfort. Some might say that there is no point in putting yourself in danger and camping in woods when one has a decent option of living comfortably in a motel while others might say that there is nothing new in getting yourself a room in a hotel why not try something different and adventurous. So it really depends on person to person that what choice they make but everything comes with a price and so does each of them. Both the options have their pros and cons, which are discussed in the following paragraphs. Camping in the deep woods might sound very interesting and adventurous but it is not a very practical idea especially if one is with his/her family. First of all, you need to have all the required equipment for it and mind it that such equipment is not that cheap so a person who thinks about camping once in his life he may think that there is no point in wasting money in buying such stuff which will not be used that often. Moreover, if a person does have the camps and everything then they should be experienced enough to know how to make it stand so it does not fall off by the gist of wind! Sometimes you do need professional help in such kind of activity and if you are going on a holiday where you have a tight budget then you cannot afford to hire expert help. Compared to this, living in a motel can be simple but not necessarily cheap (depending on the standard of the motel) because they're all you have to do is get yourself a room and pay for it.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03067 Essay
Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03067 - Essay Example A major advantage of the photography business is the low barriers to entry. Additionally, the capital investments are also low as compared to other conventional business sectors. The manpower requirements are also little. Major investments in such a business category are primarily incurred in respect of technology such as procurement of highly efficient cameras (Bowman, 2012). The current paper analyses the feasibility of the new business venture ‘Clickpix’. Clickpix would be a professional photography studio, which expertises in still photography. The company would provide photography services for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate parties, baby shower and so on. It would also provide non occasional casual photography services. Apart from providing the photographs through albums and mails, the company would also provide services such as engraving and imprinting photographs upon different materials such as tiles, clothes, showpiece items, key rings, wall clocks, coffee mugs. Photo framing services in different and unique forms would also be provided. The company would facilitate its clients with customized photography and photo presentation services. Clickpix aims to specialize in portrait photography. The business would be to set up at a prime location in the city of Ottawa. Ottawa consists of the most ed ucated population of Canada and is considered to be the nation’s cultural hub. The standard of living in the nation is seen to be high leading to elevated income earning potency. Due to the existence of such high standards of living, residents of the city are used to luxurious living. Such factors are likely to create more opportunities for the growth of Clickpix as the spending power of the target population especially on luxury products and services is considerably high (Pomfret, 2013). Every business plan requires careful opportunity analysis so that suitable techniques can be
Monday, August 26, 2019
Ryanair assignment ( new instructions to follow) Essay
Ryanair assignment ( new instructions to follow) - Essay Example However, before the airline looks further in different areas where services can be charged for, Ryanair needs to know the customer response to this strategy of charging for online check-ins. The impact of the economic crisis has hit all the carriers since 2008 which has prompted most low cost carriers to take stringent actions (Dunn, 2009). The low cost carriers thrive on the cost consciousness business passengers as people look for cheaper alternatives. Passengers become price sensitive, according to Ryanair while customer sentiment is focused on value, according to JetBlue. The smaller low cost carriers have closed shop while the larger ones can afford to charge for services, as they are the most sought after during such times. Airlines have started charging fees for additional baggage, for checked baggage or for bags that are heavy (Kahler, 2009). Ryanair admits that ancillary revenues made up 20% of its revenues in 2008 (Deprez, 2009). Ryanair does not have an impressive customer service record. Ryanair has been charged for fleecing money from its customers. While they may fly passengers even at  £ 1, passengers they do not offer refreshments for flight delays and nor do they provide a hotel for flight cancellations (HRIMD, 2007). Before deciding to charge for ancillary services, an airline has to take into account customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. There is a difference between perceived quality and satisfaction. Perceived service quality is an attitude, an evaluation whereas satisfaction is a transaction specific measure (Baisya & Sarkar, 2004). Ryanair would have to decide on its objective based on whether they want customers that are ‘satisfied’ with their performance or they want to deliver the maximum level of ‘perceived’ service quality. Customer satisfaction has long-term benefits such as reduced failure costs and enhanced reputation of the airline. Personal service and going out of the way to serve the people in
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Russian Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Russian Revolution - Essay Example The Russian revolution can be distributed into two time slots. The first slot covers the timeframe when the Tsars left Russia leaving their autocratic fallacies behind. After the departure of the tsarist power in which the autocratic environment did not allow individuals or organizations to be politically active, the provisional government came into existence in which the DUMA took charge forming the provisional government. The DUMA were the elected middle class that caused the tsar to leave Russia, the tsar were at that time in full control over the bureaucratic setup and the army. The Duma however criticized the tsar’s leadership thus converting the country into a provisional government setup. The formation of the provisional setup was a turnaround for the Russian autocratic setup but this too was coupled with conditions. The ruling out of tsar happened when the tsar left the government in the hands of his wife in order to lead and rally the Russian armies. But rumors, ulter ior motives and mismanagement lead to the departure of tsar, a much appreciated and awaited revolution by all classes of the Russian community. The higher and middle class celebrated as they foresee a more focused and strong war effort; on the other hand the lower class associated good living conditions in the form of better wages and food with the formation of the provisional system. However this form of government was anti-reforms and did not support any political reforms. The continuation of war by Prime Minister Alexander Kennedy was considered a sign of national duty by other socialists as well because it avoided the disintegration of the Russian peasant army. The revolution did not stop at the formation of the provisional government, the parallel ruling of the council of workers worked as the rival of the provisional setup. The Petrograd Soviet or the council of workers and soldiers’ deputies consisted of intellectuals who believed in the revolutionary democracy. They c onsidered themselves the product of the new Russia that is free from the autocratic culture and is democratic in nature. The parallel workings of the national socialists and the provisional government continued but there were many dips in the forms of strikes and protests leading to the second part of the revolution that hit Russia in the month of October 1917. In October, Vladimir Lenin’s Bolshevik party took complete control and all parallel forms of government were removed leaving the socialists in charge of the setup. However this setup too had its ups and downs. The true political revolution requires more than mere changes of the ruling hands and it holds greater benefits than just switching from an autocratic setup to a democratic one. The demands of the political revolution involve formation of the organizations that is revolutionary and different from the workers’ organization. The worker organizations specialize in trade but the revolutionaries take up revolut ion as their profession. Revolutions require a professional setup and people with a professional training into revolutionaries. They are different from the workers in their thought processes, intellect, training, education and in their profession. We have seen that revolutions hit the masses directly who become the parts of it, however, the requirement is of organization who deals with
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Marriage Traditions- Indian, Chinese Cultures Essay
Marriage Traditions- Indian, Chinese Cultures - Essay Example Stated another way, it is an eye to the culturally relativistic foundations of marriage traditions in Chinese and Indian cultures that a proper perspective of the marriage traditions in those two cultures can be properly had. It is not absolutist in that it does not try to judge the ethics and morals of the marriage traditions of the two cultures, but views them from the standards and principles within the cultures that gave rise to and which continue to promote the marriage traditions (Fluehr-Lobban, 1995; Geertz, 1984; Donnelly, 1984; Hodes, 1985; Polisi, 2003; Moschetti, 2005). In. China the major form of marriage is one where families gave away their female children for marriage to other families when the girl comes to marrying age, usually as early as at puberty, and the girl then goes on to live in the husband’s family home, to then become a part of that family. To fill that gap left by the married girl, the family then made space for when one of their sons took wives. T his is the fundamental marriage arrangement that allowed for the addition and subtraction of members of households based on time-honored traditions in Chinese culture, and certainly prior to China turning Communist, under the old dynasties. On the other hand, the literatrure also notes that some alternate forms of marriage also formed part of the marriage traditions of China, and those include marriage arrangements where a girl is given up for adoption at birth or at a very early age, to a family.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Dutch Artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dutch Artwork - Essay Example Also, the woman’s pregnancy is readily noticeable showing that a significant amount of time has passed symbolizing the beginning of new life. Her lowered gaze and left hand gently resting on the table beside the sparkling gold and pearls, suggest that she’s serenely waiting for the empty balance to come to a rest. The woman’s calm, still posture and peaceful face along with the illuminated painting of the â€Å"Last Judgment†illustrate that she’s weighing much more than worldly objects. This mundane, everyday act signifies a larger, more eternal action. The woman’s pensive posture, thoughtful expression, empty illuminated balance, and the stillness of this brief moment all possibly suggest the need to balance the worldly and the spiritual life. Rachel Ruysch's "Flower Still Life" is a striking painting of a bouquet of colorful flowers blossoming beautifully amidst a swirl of leaves and buds. The dark background and tabletop emphasize the viv id brightness and lifelike hues of the flowers, stems, and leaves. The warm and cool tones of the blossoms highlight each flower, making every small bud visible from between the twisted stems and dark leaves.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
College Students Poor Food Choices Due to Stress Essay Example for Free
College Students Poor Food Choices Due to Stress Essay Some examples of uncomfortable feelings might be anxiety, depression, feeling pressured, procrastination, troubled relationships with peers, not doing well in academics, or not being economically successful. Students that live in the dorms may choose fattening foods at the cafeteria or â€Å"treat†themselves to fast food because they are emotionally unstable. Most of these college students also do not think that their new habit is a negative one. The reason why college students eat fattening, high sugar foods could be because of a mental or a biological satisfaction. This research will give an explanation for why many medicate their emotional states with food. Food choices are often made based on one’s unhappiness, angst, or trauma. College students may feel as though pleasing their mouths will please their hearts and ease their state of stress. Many will endorse preferring the taste of highly salted, high sugar content foods, while others will state that this is the food they grew up eating, and some will say this is what is most affordable and accessible. Doing anything excessive because a stressor is acting upon you damages ones psyche; when one over eats and becomes obese, their sense of your self-image is altered negatively. The Cafe with buffets, fast food restaurants, and late night pizza deliveries are just a few of the enticements that college students are facing as they adjust to their new found independence and life on their own for the first time. My freshman roommate was from Sweden; when she came to America she was considered a normal weight. However, as she was experiencing the college and had a lot of American food available she chose fast food and unhealthy foods at the cafe at school to cope with being home sick, and being stressed out about school and soccer. However, she woke up one morning and realized that her belly was much bigger than when she first came to America. She waddled over to a mirror and grabbed her stomach and said, â€Å"how come you’re stomach is not this big? We almost do the same things. †I said, â€Å"I knew it was secretly a dream of yours to be ‘thick’ so the vitamins I gave you the other night were for you to get big overnight. This just relieved the tension and she had gotten her insecurity off of her chest. However, it did not solve her psychological crisis that had triggered negative feelings about her physical appearance. The main reason why she was over eating and eating unhealthy was because she was depressed and missed home – not because she was hungry. Many college students go through the same scenario that my roommate experienced. Some students feel as though abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake will comfort them physically and mentally. This research will be done on the college students who live in the dorms at Holy Names University. The units of analysis that will be observed are poor food choices and the factors of stress. Some major influences that that affect food choice are biological determinants, economic determinants, physical determinants, social determinants, and psychological determinants. A mode of operation that can be observed is the biological purpose that food serves; to put nutrients into our body. Humans need energy and nutrients in order to survive and will respond to the feelings of hunger or satisfaction of appetite. The central nervous system is involved in controlling the balance between hunger, appetite stimulation and food intake. Palatability is proportional to the pleasure someone experiences when eating a particular food. This aspect will most likely play a huge part in the decision making process for the food choices that college students make. Palatability is dependent on the sensory properties of the food such as taste, smell, texture and appearance. Sweet and high-fat foods have an undeniable sensory appeal. It is not surprising then that food is not solely regarded as a source of nourishment but is often consumed for the pleasure value it imparts. Another mode of operation that can be observed is the psychological factors that are in play during the decision making of making proper food choices. Stress and one’s mood can modify behaviors that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice. The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the various types of stress one can experience. The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the stressor and the circumstances. In general, some people eat more and some eat less than normal when experiencing stress. Studies also suggest that if work stress is prolonged or frequent, then adverse dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and consequently cardiovascular risk. Other than causing likely psychological insecurities, obesity can bring on a plethora of health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee and joint problems, various types of cancer and death. Bellise 2005) This study will be nomothetic; it will be describing the study of food choices and agents of stress within the cohorts of undergraduates that live in the dorms, particularly on the C-floor level of Durocher, on the Holy Names University campus. This research will be done by using deductive reasoning. Sometimes this is called the â€Å"top-down†approach because the researcher starts at the top with a very broad spectrum, which would narrow that down into more specific hypotheses that can be tested. Stress can cause bad eating habits like impulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, or compensatory behavior. The key variables and concepts involved in this study are stress and poor food choices. One should not use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, because afterwards he or she will feel even worse. Becoming obese not only causes many physical disadvantages, but also can create psychological insecurities that must be dealt with. I will be using the Student Stress Survey (SSS) that measures the major sources of stress among college students. Also, I will be using a Eating Habit Questionnaire (EHQ) to measure how healthy one’s choices are when they make decisions about food. Some contributing indicators for stress are: anxiety disorders, weight problems, depression, premature aging, heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, memory loss/brain fog, migraines, PMS, sleep problems, seasonal affective disorders, joint disorders, and sexual dysfunction. The peculiar thing is, that the indicators for having malnutrition are similar. However, when dealing with bad eating habits, one who isn’t getting enough food or nutrition or one that doesn’t have enough food or nutrition, can also have more serious indicators like: cancer, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, advanced aging, hormonal imbalance, and a decrease of hepatic function. The level of measurement that will be utilized during this research is mainly ordinal. This research will focus on two dimensions, food choice and level of stress. This allows the research to demonstrate how stress affects ones all around health. During this research, there will be two different types of surveys that will be combined and put into one leading scale measurement. This research will ask HNU students, qualitative questions that are open-ended, sampling questions or scenarios that make individuals contemplate about their food decisions and how it can be used to medicate depression. This is a collective case study that introduces a typology that is useful when selecting participants in multiple-case studies. This typology centers on a parallel sampling design. A parallel sampling design represents a body of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two cases. Unfortunately, there can be a few open ended scenarios where someone could have just been eating badly for that week or some food is more convenient during a time period than another. Another thing to take into account is that perhaps some deal with stress differently than others. Part II This research will take place through the Holy Names University dorm rooms and I will be going door to door, starting with the people that live on my floor, then to the people that live above and below me in Durocher. These students are all undergraduates that are not freshmen. I will be asking as many people as I can later that night because that is when most of my peers are available to sit down and take a survey. The reliability for this experiment should be accurate because this is a replicated study of a survey and a questionnaire that have already been tested and have ways of measuring how sever ones stress is and what food choices one makes. This study has the ability to perform the exact same way every time it is being tested and it will be interpreted under the same conditions. The validity that will be focused on during this experiment is concurrent validity which measures the test against a set benchmark; higher correlated indicators prove that my test has strong criterion validity. Therefore, those who rank higher in stress levels and also rank high in eating unhealthy prove my theory true. The Survey: EHQ: Instructions: * This is not a test. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. * Read or listen to each question carefully and think about it before you choose an answer. * To choose an answer, put an X next to your choice. Choose only one answer for each question unless you are asked to choose more than one. * If you want to change an answer, erase your old answer and mark your new choice. Be sure to erase completely. * Do not skip any questions. What Gender do you fall under? ___Male ___Female Check the food in each line that you think is better for your health. 1. ___cookies OR ___an apple 3. ___chocolate cake OR ___an orange 4. ___ice cream OR __ _fresh fruit cup 5. ___whole milk OR ___low-fat or skim milk 6. ___frozen yogurt OR ___ice cream 7. ___french toast OR ___whole wheat toast . ___grilled chicken sandwich OR ___hamburger 9. ___baked potato OR ___french fries 10. ___fruit juice OR ___soda 11. ___donut OR ___bread 12. ___cold or ready-to-eat cereal OR ___eggs and bacon 13. ___green salad OR ___popcorn 14. ___raisins OR ___candy bar 15. ___pasta OR ___pizza Check the box under YES or NO to answer the following questions if you have experienced this at Holy Names University based off of the availability to the Cafeteria and a grocery store near by: In the last 2 weeks, did you ever. . . | YES| NO| 16. Eaten fruits for bereakfast? | | | 17. SSS: To determine your stress score, add up the number of points corresponding to the events you have experienced in the past 12 months. 1. Death of a close family member (100 points) 2. Death of a close friend (73 points) 3. Divorce between parents (65 points) 4. Jail term (63 points) 5. Major personal injury or illness (63 points) 6. Marriage (58 points) 7. Firing from job (50 points) 8. Failing a class (47 points) 9. Change in health of a family member (45 points) 10. Pregnancy (45 points) 11. Sex problems (44 points) 12. Serious argument with close friend (40 points) 3. Change in financial status (39 points) 14. Change in scholastic major (39 points) 15. Trouble with parents (39 points) 16. New girl-or boyfriend (37 points) 17. Increase in workload at school (37 points) 18. Outstanding personal achievement (36 points) 19. First quarter/semester in college (36 points) 20. Change in living conditions (31 points) 21. Serious argument with an instructor (30 points) 22. Lower grades t han expected (29 points) 23. Change in sleeping habits (29 points) 24. Change in social activities (29 Points) 25. Change in eating habits (28 points) 26. Chronic car trouble (26 points) 27. Change in the, number of family get-togethers (26 points) 28. Too many missed classes (25 point) 29. Change of college (24 points) 30. Dropping of more than one class (23 points) 31. Minor traffic violations (20 points) 32. Roommate problems (15 points) _________Total Points Here’s how to interpret your score. If your score is 500-645, you are at high risk for developing bad eating habits because you are more stressed. If your score is 200-350, you have a 50-50 chance of experiencing a serious effect on your health based on your level of stress. If your score is below 150, you have a less serious chance of your stress level interfering with your food decision making. Bibliography Carol Olander. Eating habit questionnaire. 1999. 3/13/13 lt;http://www. nncc. org/evaluation/nutrition5. htmlgt;. Dr. France Bellisle. The Determinants of Food Choice . 08/03/2013. 3/09/12 lt;http://www. eufic. org/article/en/expid/review-food-choice/gt;. Grilo, C. M. , amp; White, M. A. (2011). A controlled evaluation of the distress criterion for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(4), 509-514. doi: 10. 1037/a0024259 Grossbard, J. R. , Atkins, D. C. , Geisner, I. M. , amp; Larimer, M. E. (2012). Does depressed mood moderate the influence of drive for thinness and muscularity on eating disorder symptoms among college men? Psychology of Men amp; Mascularity, doi: 10. 1037/a0028913 Mackinnon, S. P. , Sherry, S. B. , Graham, A. R. , Stewart, S. H. , Sherry, D. L. , Allen, S. L. McGrath, D. S. (2011). Reformulating and undergraduate women: A short term, three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(4) , 630-646. doi: 10. 1037/a0025068 Morehead State University . Stress Survey. 2011. 3/12/13 lt;http://www2. oreheadstate. edu/leo/index. aspx? id=6299gt;. Stice, E. , Rohde, P. , Shaw, H. , amp; Marti, C. N. (2012). Efficacy trail of a selective precention program targeting both eating disorder symptoms and unhealthy weight gain among female college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 164-170. doi: 10. 1037/a0026484 Tylka, T. L. , amp; Kroon, V. D. (2013). The intuitive eating Scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation with college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(1), 137-153. doi: 10. 1037/a0030893;10. 1037/a0030893. supp (Supplemental)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Harlem Renaissance Essay Example for Free
Harlem Renaissance Essay Claude McKay was Jamaican American who moved from Jamaica to the United States in 1912. He attended the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. This is where he received his first taste of racism here in America and this would have a drastic effect on his future writing. He left the Tuskegee Institute to attend school in Manhattan, Kansas. Mr. McKay then moved to New York invested in a restaurant and got married. The restaurant fell through and McKay moved back to Jamaica. He later became an editor of the Liberator and wrote some of his own poems during the time period known as the red summer. One of his poems he wrote in protest of the harsh times would later be used by Winston Churchill during World War II to motivate the soldiers. (Modern American Poetry, 2011) â€Å"If We Must Die†, written by Claude McKay during the summer of 1919, is a mantra for people to stand up against those who wish to keep them down or in Churchill’s case to kill them during battle(Sayre, 2012). He is saying even if they must die they should do it with dignity. They may only have the grave to come, but he does not wish them to just lie down even in the face of adversity. Claude McKay displays double consciousness from the time he comes to America. He is first an intelligent Jamaican man who has come here to America in search of an education. Here he was seen by the white Americans around him in Alabama as nothing more than just another â€Å"colored†man. Claude had to deal with both being â€Å"colored†or â€Å"Negro†and being an American. In his poem â€Å"If we must die†McKay shows the idea of double consciousness all the way through. He shows the pride of a dignified man who will not just sit back while anyone attempts to push down into the grave. His writing is not specific to one race or ethnicity, as proven when the British Prime Minister used it to motivate the British and American soldiers. (Sayre, 2012) Langston Hughes was a young poe t, writer, and musician during the Harlem renaissance period. According to Sayre (2012), Langston was like many African-Americans searching for a freedom they could not find in America moved to Paris. In France he was subjected to a music very similar to jazz and ragtime. Harlem was quickly becoming the Paris of America to African-Americans because they were free to be who they want to be and accepted by all those around. When Hughes moved backed to Harlem he became one of the most powerful voices for the African-Americans in Harlem due to his abilities, according to Sayre. His capability to speak to your emotion and to create a feeling empathy, as well as his use the local speech, grammar, and dialect made his works attractive to all. According to the Kansas Heritage Group (n.d.), Langston Hughes had only been in college a year before finding the allure of Harlem, where he met many other famous poets of the times. Langston Hughes wrote the poem â€Å"As I grew older†describing how he has a dream but because he is a â€Å"Black†man he has walls that rise up between himself and his dream. This is a perfect example of double consciousness, because like all Americans he has these dreams that are always growing within him. However because of his ethnicity he has walls that are placed in his path. He feels because he is black man he is being forced down into the shadows and blocked from his dreams. He also is persistent enough in the poem to not lie in the shadows and let the wall win. He breaks through the wall and pursues his dreams despites the efforts to block him. (, 2003) The poetry of the times brings out the views and emotions of the people who were writing it. These poems bring out the feelings desire to be free to chase their dreams that write about as well. There are many poems that display thoughts of death and dying. Some of the themes were being brought on by the war, while others are themes were brought on by the feelings of oppression and racism. The biggest theme of them all is the fact we are American, whether we are black or white, Jamaican, German, or French descent, we are American. In Langston Hughes poem â€Å"Theme for English B†he states he is black and â€Å"You are white- yet a part of me, as I am a part of you. That’s American†. We are all American and we are all one. We all have similar desires not identical but similar in nature. We want to be free to be what and who we want to be without being held back by others who wish to hold us back in order to advance themselves. In his poem â€Å"As I grew older†he writes about oppression, â€Å"And then the wall rose, Rose slowly, Slowly, Between me and my dream†, The wall rising is the oppression brought about by the racism he faced here in America. Claude McKay in â€Å"If We Must Die†he writes a poem that can used to motivate a group of people as Churchill used to motivate the soldiers of WWI or to motivate the African-Americans here in America. He wants his people to have their honor even in death. â€Å"If we must die-oh, let us nobly die,†He wants to be seen with honor and dignity as he wishes for all his people. In the poem Christianity I write about beliefs and faith in a world where it seems to shun anyone who openly believes in Jesus Christ and his teachings. In today’s society Christians are often told they are cannot display their crosses in public spaces, because â€Å"we are pushing our beliefs on others†. This country was formed with the idea that people would have their freedoms. Freedoms that their previous government denied them, and one of the biggest freedoms they searched for was freedom to practice the religion of their choice. Christianity in its many forms was the biggest religion at the time of this country formation and you can see that in many ways even still today, however publically today there seems to be a push to hide all forms of religion. Christianity seems to be the religion that people wish to hide the most. This is why I chose to use this theme for my poem. Christianity Faith Belief in only one Love all – even my enemy They don’t want love They don’t want faith Truth Will Science ever agree Where is your evidence Is your truth, My truth Freedom Freedom to live Freedom to Love Freedom to believe Freedom to question Faith Who wants it Who needs it Why have it They certainly do not want it References Modern American Poetry (2011). Claude McKay. Retrieved from http://www.english.illinois. edu/maps/poets/m_r/mckay/mckay.htm (January, 2003) As I grew older by Langston Hughes. Retrieved from Sayre, H. M. (2012). The Humanities: Culture, continuity and change, Volume 2 (2nd ed.). (2011 Custom Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Kansas Heritage Group, (n.d.). Langston Hughes Biography. Retrieved from http://www.
History Of Womens Education History Essay
History Of Womens Education History Essay Over the past twenty years women have made substantial educational progress. The large difference between the education levels of women and men that were evident in the early 1970s have essentially disappeared. Females are more likely than males to attend college after high school and are as likely to graduate with a Masters degree. These gains in educational attainment are due to womens fights for these rights throughout history. These struggles date back to the ancient Greeks, Romans, The Middle Ages, and extend to the Education Amendment Act of 1972 and the Womens Educational Equity Act (WEEA) of 1974 in the United States. In ancient Rome upper class women received education. They were better educated than lower class women and lower class men. They increased their chance for success in managing money, real estate, business affairs and political interest by practicing reading and writing skills. Very few children received an education before the early Republic, but after 300 B.C. child education increased. Children seven to eleven from families who could afford it went to a private elementary school called a ludus. It was a room, most of the time, in the back of a store. There was a teacher who taught Latin reading and writing skills, and arithmetic to only twelve students at a time. At eleven years old, girls either stopped going to school or continued their education at home by their parents or tutors. Most of these girls were getting ready for marriage which usually occurred at fourteen or fifteen years old. Fathers wanted their daughters to receive an education in order to attract a husband that had a higher societal position. However, other fathers just thought education was the right thing to do. Musonius Rufus, who was a philosopher and a teacher in the first century A.D., said: Women have received from the gods the same ability to reason that men have. We men employ reasoning in our relations with others and so far as possible in everything we do, whether it is good or bad, or noble or shameful. Likewise women have the same senses as men, sight, hearing, smell, and all the rest. The Middle Ages or medieval period, 500Â Â 1400, began when the great civilizations of Greece and Rome had fallen. In medieval society womens education depended on their socioeconomic class. Women were thought to be inferior to men and were thus treated that way. Educational opportunities for women were slight. Girls were only allowed to receive basic instruction from their mothers, while boys could go off to be tutored, go to church ran schools, or join a guild or burger school to learn an occupation. Most of the schools that girls attended in the Middle Ages were associated with the convents. Girls of the peasant class were taught good manners and domestic chores within the family. Noble born women acquired their education in palace schools and were expected to learn household chores, music, conversation, and the roles appropriate to the code of chivalry. However, in Frankish Medieval Society women were just as educated as men and many women were just as educated as their husbands (Ruth Dean and Melissa Thompson). The most educated women in this period were the nuns. They educated girls in singing, reading, and writing. They also taught them domestic chores like cooking and weaving clothing. Womens education is the greatest reason why women were able to fight for a voice in politics. As more and more females in Europe during the eleventh and twelfth centuries became educated they were able to fight for higher positions politically. Women were also able to take part in intellectual life as listeners, readers and writers. Although education only took place within the wealthier families with private teachers this was a big step in the right direction for womens rights. The women of the middle ages were the first to appreciate a small amount of the freedom in education that women can enjoy today. In the 1800s, the time period before the American Civil War, there were womens rights advocates, such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony who spoke out for womens educational and political rights. Susan B. Anthony went to a local district school where a teacher declined to teach her long division because she was female and not male. Her father took her out of that school and homeschooled her. He and a teacher educated her and taught her all about womens equality. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, unlike most women of her generation, was formally educated. She went to a co-ed school where she could compete with the opposite sex academically and intellectually. Stanton and Anthony both fought for womens political and social equality. They spoke out against racial and gender inequality and also supported the temperance movement. Catharine Esther Beecher was a teacher and a great contributer in the development of education for teachers and formal education for women in America. She was tutored at home until she was ten years old. She then was sent to a private school where she was only allowed a limited education. This made her want to learn more, so she taught herself the subjects that werent offered to her. She wanted to provide the same educational opportunities to other women. Catharine believed women needed a greater education in order to raise their children to be good citizens, to teach Christian values, and to train other women to become teachers. She wrote a lot on the subject of education for women and girls. She stressed intellectual stimulation, moral education, and physical health. In 1823 she opened the Hartford Female Seminary, and taught there until 1831. She believed that women instead of men should be teachers because they have instinctive qualities that would make them better at it. She felt that women had greater potential if they were educated, and this was the career path that would make them socially useful at a time where opportunities for women were limited. Women are natural teachers because its just a component of their motherly role. Being a teacher would make women financially independent and help shape future generations. The Education Amendment Act of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in a public education stating: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance (United States Code Section 20) Also, the Womens Educational Equity Act of 1974 (WEEA), was the changing point in womens education. Thirty three percent of women twenty five to twenty nine attained a bachelors degree or higher in 2007, which exceeded that of men in this age range (twenty six percent). Twenty eight percent of women twenty five and older obtained a bachelors degree or more as of 2007. This rate was up eleven percentage points from twenty years earlier (United States Census). These statistics were only made possible due to women in history that fought for these rights, or people of previous generations who understood how important it was for women to receive an education.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Learning to Listen in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Essay -- Sonnys B
Learning to Listen in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues In James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues", the verb, to listen, is employed many times in varying contexts. This theme is developed throughout the story as the narrator learns to listen more closely to the aural stimuli (or sounds) which enter his ears. In order to understand the narrator's heightened degree of perception as it unfolds in "Sonny's Blues", it is necessary to begin with a thorough discussion of hearing and listening in general, and then as they relate to the story. First, one must understand the distinction between hearing and listening. Hearing is simply the reception of sound waves by the ears. This may happen unconsciously, as is usually the case with soft background noise such as the whoosh of air through heating ducts or the distant murmur of an electric clothes dryer. Sometimes hearing is done semi-consciously; for instance, the roar of a piece of construction equipment might momentarily draw one's attention. Conscious hearing, or listening, involves a nearly full degree of mental concentration. A familiar i...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Give Children the Vote? I Vote No Essay -- Essay Critique Children Vot
Give Children the Vote? â€Å"What I suggest is that children be allowed to grow into their own right to vote at whatever rate suits them individually,†argues Vita Wallace as her major claim in the essay â€Å"Give children the vote†(1998, p.147). This is a thoughtful argument by Wallace, but I disagree with it. In this essay, Wallace presents her opinion, but the major claim could also be presented as a fact, judgment, or policy (McFadden, 2003). Throughout the essay, I see the interesting approach Wallace takes to try convince the audience. In my opinion she is unsuccessful. Wallace’s major claim, giving children the vote, is a good one and something many kids cringe about these days. She presents this argument in defense of kids, including herself, which she feels are being discriminated against. Wallace was home schooled, so she believes children should not be punished for choosing not to attend school. She continues saying, â€Å"Learning about discriminatory laws preventing high school dropouts from getting their driver’s licenses†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1998, p.145) made her think about the unfair treatment of kids. Realizing all the rights children miss out on, Wallace focuses on the right to vote. She was 16 when she wrote this essay and feels ready to vote. In fact she states, â€Å"I think I would not have voted until I was eight or nine, but perhaps if I had known I could vote I would have taken an interest sooner†(1998, p.147). The qualifiers also play a big role in â€Å"Give children the vote.†A qualifier is a word or two that modifies the claim (McFadden, 2003). Wallace does a good job with the qualifiers, and makes the claim stand out a little better. Wallace’s major claim, again, is children should have the right to vote. But ... ...-election depends on the well-being of the voters†(1998, p.146). Here, again, she uses a statement that has no evidence and more importantly, doesn’t even focus on the issue of kids voting. Wallace has worthwhile ideas, but I believe she needs to develop her research methods and legitimate arguments. Unfortunately, she uses her own examples, reasoning, and analysis to argue for the claim to allow kids to vote. Credible sources or harder evidence might be more useful in Wallace’s case. References Clark, I. L. (1998). The genre of argument. Boston: Thompson-Heinle McFadden, J. (Sept. 12 & 14, 2003). The toulmin method: From classical logic to modern argumentation. Lecture. Buena Vista University. Storm Lake, IA. Wallace, V. (1998). â€Å"Give children the vote.†The genre of argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thompson-Heinle. p.145-48
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The True Tragedy of AIDS :: AIDS
The True Tragedy of AIDS Â When I was in South Africa, I spent some time in a township called Crossroads, which essentially began as a squatter camp for immigrants looking for work near Cape Town. In the late 80s and early 90s, to make room for an alleged development project, the apartheid government tried to relocate the settlers. Whatever the reasons, entire sections of the settlement were razed. Many people did not want to move and, consequently, their resistance was met with arson and both random and targeted violence; many of the victims were women and young children. The settlers' sense of security, albeit loosely bound with wood and corrugated iron, was destroyed. In 1994, as democracy came to South Africa, the settlers who remained began to rebuild their community out of the wreckage of apartheid, only to be confronted by a powerful new enemy: AIDS. Â For me, Crossroads became an example of the conflicting reality in South Africa today - destruction and resilience, hope and continual struggle. Â Crossroads is now home to Beautiful Gate, a home for dozens of children living with HIV/AIDS whose parents are either unable to take care of them or have already died. Converted from what was once a place for troubled youth, Beautiful Gate is surrounded by an imposing fence; I thought this was unusual to have around a place for sick children. On the windows are metal bars, which I originally thought were there to protect the children from violence caused by the stigma surrounding AIDS. I was wrong. In fact, the bars are there because people had tried to steal food...because in Crossroads only half of the people can find work and they are desperate to support themselves. Some of us were able to visit Beautiful Gate a couple times, and I remember talking to Francis Herbert, the social worker there. I asked her why she continued to work there. How could she continue to work when essentially no one was listening, when the government was faced with so many problems it couldn't pay attention, when she knew that for every child that stays at Beautiful Gate, dozens, actually thousands, more have no place to go. Why? Francis looked at me with a puzzled face. She does what she does because it has to be done. I see now how obvious that answer was. And I realize now that Francis and others working in similar conditions will keep hitting a brick wall unless people like myself use our knowledge of the severity of AIDS to mobilize international support.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Drug and Crime Prevention Essay
The purpose of the Final Project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of crime prevention programs and the role crime prevention plays in the overall criminal justice system. You may select a crime prevention program that addresses law enforcement, the courts, or corrections; or it may be a comprehensive program that addresses all three. The program may address the adult justice system, juvenile justice systems, or both. For the purposes of this assignment assume, you are preparing a proposal to a city, county, or state governmental body to recommend the implementation of a crime prevention program within their jurisdiction. You need to demonstrate the value of the crime prevention program and its effectiveness in reducing crime thus reducing the overall costs to the jurisdiction or building value that improves the effectiveness of crime prevention to the community justifying the additional expenditures. Your proposal will include: 1. A summary of the jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, or state) and the portion of the criminal justice System your proposal is designed to address. 2. An analysis of the current trends from three comparable cities in population size, utilizing the SARA Model and the Crime Analysis Triangle. (Note: Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps , Steps 7 and 8). You will compare the data from three comparable jurisdictions and compare it to national data. 3. A determination of the appropriate crime prevention strategy for the jurisdiction based on this analysis. 4. A review of academic literature and studies on the various crime prevention programs to address the needs of the community. How does the crime prevention program address social justice issues†¦ To download this material Click this link – There is no one to clean up after you and cook healthy meals at college. Some indulgences are okay, but still maintain a nutritious diet, get proper sleep, and take care of yourself and your possessions. Take care of yourself well, study appropriately, attend all your classes and follow a regular schedule. You can get ill from being too stressed or not eating healthy enough.
Friday, August 16, 2019
What Factors Affect Longevity
Life expectancy is affected by many factors. These include diet and exercise, smoking, mental state, environment, career, spirituality, social interaction and support. One of the most easily controlled aspects in my lives is my nutrition and exercise. My physical well-being directly impacts on my life expectancy. I am aware of the value of a well-balanced diet – rich in fruit, and vegetables, low in fat and red meat, the recommended daily allowances for all of these. I can ensure that I follow the advice of medical professionals about what and when to eat and in what quantities.I tend to stick to a no-starch diet, but I believe that that does not provide for a balanced diet, and that I should include starches in limited amounts. I go to a neighbourhood gym five times a week, and spend at least an hour there each time, but I only joined the gym and began morning walks about a year ago. I will continue to attend the gym and can increase the regularity of my walks. The biggest ch ange that I can make to increase my life expectancy is to stop smoking cigarettes.I began smoking at 17, smoked for 25 years, stopped for 5 years and restarted a year ago. I now smoke 10 cigarettes a day, and this is obviously quite detrimental to my health. I will at the very least cut back my smoking to a half of my present consumption. One’s mental state either contributes to longevity or it can detract dramatically from it. To continue to have a stable, contented frame of mind, I will continue to go to the Raj Yoga Centre in St Augustine, where I meditate, learn about the power of positive energy, peace, compassion, the cycle of life and serenity.As a recovering addict I can continue to attend weekly N/A follow up meetings where I have a network of support and advice which helps my emotional balance and gives me a feeling of not being alone in the journey of recovery. My environment affects my life expectancy – both physical and emotional environment. I recently ch anged my physical environment from one of isolation and distance from my family and an emotional desert to a gated community where there is little or no crime, I am able to leave my doors open until I go to bed at midnight and I am surrounded by trees, open spaces and fresh air.I have an incredible view of the Northern Range which instils in me a sense of eternity and timelessness. I am closer to my loved ones, feel more fulfilled and am much happier now. I can continue to make the choices that will add to my well-being, shedding fear of change and trusting in my knowledge of what is best for me. My career choice will also either lengthen or shorten my life span. I enjoy the challenge of study because it keeps my mind active and agile and I enjoy new knowledge.Spirituality, my connection with my Higher Power, has changed my outlook on life entirely, giving me a renewed faith and sense of optimism and hope. I can strengthen and deepen this bond by continuing to attend church regularl y, applying the philosophies to everyday living, positive self-talk and remaining in communion with my Higher Power throughout the day. Finally, I can make positive changes in my social and interaction and support. I tend to be a loner, shouldering my life and responsibilities and problems alone and isolating myself a lot, choosing not to interact very much with others.I realize that interaction (desired or not) is important for my emotional well-being and feeling of belonging, so I can widen my social circles and choose to interact regularly. I scuba dive, do hand gun target practice at Tucker Valley, go motorbike riding, attend meditation classes, go to the gym, walk, work and yet it is possible to partake in all of these activities without interacting other than on a most superficial level. HOW DOES PROJECTED LIFE EXPECTANCY IMPACT LIFE GOALS? The awareness of one’s expected life span must necessarily impact one’s life goals.This knowledge will affect whether one ex ercises, smokes, does drugs, takes vitamins, furthers education, marries, has children, how one eats, chooses a career, attends church, whether or not one purchases property or rents, becomes involved in the community or practices safe sex. A teenager who is told that he will live only until he is twenty-five, is likely to spend the intervening years focusing on short-term gratification – he will see no need to study further, develop deep emotional intimate relationships, marry, plan a career, plan for retirement or expend energy on purchasing his own property.His life goals at this juncture will probably consist of fathering a child to leave some sort of footprint on the planet, exploration of sensual pleasures, world travel, and possibly the quest for a spiritual bonding and serenity. On the other hand, a twenty-five year old who realizes that he will live to be eighty-five, will then begin to plan for a sixty years of future. His goals will include healthful old age, enoug h money to care for himself and his family up to his death, a home to live in and a clear mind with which to enjoy these things.As education is the key to many of these goals, he is likely to focus on furthering his education so that he improves the likelihood of a financially lucrative career. He will look at having a career rather than just a job, and will choose a career which will bring him mental and emotional satisfaction. He will set good mental and physical health as a life goal, as he will want clarity of mind and physical strength and the ability to be active for his old age.He will plan for a family – spouse, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – and knowing that these will be his support and comfort in his old age, is more likely to work toward close bonds with them. His is less likely to get divorced, abuse his children, abandon his family, or suffer from a midlife crisis. He is secure in his knowledge of a long life and will set his goal as pr eparing to make it as fulfilling and comfortable as possible.He will include spirituality in his life, looking for a relationship with his Higher Power to set as a foundation for his life. Projected life expectancy impacts on life goals because we can reasonably predict the time span necessary to complete or reap the benefits of certain processes. A short life expectancy removes certain goals from the picture, such as Masters’ Degrees, home purchase, pension and retirement plans and making one’s first million dollars.On the other hand, a long life ahead will call for long-term goals, retirement funds, proper health and mental care, exercise, due care of the spiritual self, an extended family and the satisfaction of community involvement. It is inevitable that the expectation of a particular life span will affect one’s behavior, life goals, life style choices and planning. DOES EDUCATION PLAY A ROLE IN LONGEVITY? Education is the most significant factor in longev ity. All life choices which affect our life expectancy, with the exception of genetics and culture are shaped by education and knowledge.Education instructs us about a proper balanced diet – despite the influence of culture on our eating habits, we can and do adjust our consumption to more closely align with globally accepted guidelines for healthier choices, serving sizes, low fat and cholesterol diets and regular physical exercise. Knowledge gained through education also can sway us away from cigarette smoking, use of illegal and dangerous drugs, sexual experimentation and exploration and risky lifestyles. Further education (past primary and secondary level) can also prepare us for financial stability.This impacts many facets of our lives – such as the ability to afford regular, competent health care, frequent check-ups and technologically advanced treatment if necessary. As Trinidadians are generally unable to afford health insurance, and what the government provide s is sketchy at best, an individual is much better off being self-sufficient in this area. Economic well-being also enables us to purchase the most nutritionally beneficial foods – snacks and junk food are a lot cheaper than fruits and vegetables.As our physical environment also predestines us to one life span or another, the ability to move from an unhealthy, unstable one to a clean, quiet, safe, green living space is important – this too is driven by financial means, which results from education. A sense of fulfillment and purpose is crucial to our extended life expectancy, and this is also aided by education – exposure to groups with which we can volunteer, causes about which we are passionate, how we can be a vital part of our community and nation.Our spiritual connection which is key to our coping skills and sense of optimism and hope is fueled by education – further knowledge of the God of our understanding. Education, therefore, more than anything else can extend our life expectancy. ARE THERE ANY CATEGORIES THAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED? LIST AND DISCUSS I believe that three categories that should be included are genetics, environment and spirituality.
The Monstrosity: a Common Trait in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein
Through time, the theme of the monstrosity has been a prominent subject in many novels and plays. In the play â€Å"Macbeth,†Macbeth illustrates monstrous traits though his ambition as he strives to become the king of Scotland. Victor in Shelley’s Frankenstein also displays monstrous behaviors by using science along with his ambition to create his prodigious mammoth. Moreover, Both Lady Macbeth and the three witches imply their satanic traits by influencing Macbeth to become the monstrous king that he is while Victor become influence by both his place in time which is the Romantic Era and by the monster himself. In addition, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth died as a result of their diabolical actions. This is comparable to the sufferings of Victor and Elizabeth because of the monster’s revenge plans and Victor himself. Thus, in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein, monstrosity is apparent throughout the ambitions, influences and outcomes of the main character’s actions. In the play, the main character Macbeth has the ambition to become and remain king. In order to become king, Macbeth needs to kill Duncan who has done absolutely nothing wrong. Duncan is a very noble king. However, Macbeth’s ambition leads him to be more abnormal and it hurts his reputation in the process. â€Å"I’ll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on’t again, I dare not†(Shakespeare 2. 2. 53-55). Here, Macbeth intensifies his ambition and drive by trying to become the king of Scotland. Macbeth contemplates the idea that being king, he could do whatever he wants to. The truth is that to attain that position, Macbeth had to murder many innocent people like Duncan. He wants to be king so badly that he never looks back at what he did. By looking back at the situation, Macbeth thinks that it will bring guilt to him. Similarity, Lady Macbeth cold-bloodily expands her ambition to become queen of Scotland. Some of her ambition rubs off on Macbeth. It is she who has the idea to kill Duncan. She goes as far as to call out the spirits. â€Å"That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements, come you spirits that tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe-top full†(Shakespeare 1. 5. 38-41). Here, Lady Macbeth wants to unsex herself. She wants to be more of a powerful, uncaring human by getting rid of her feminine side. It allows her to achieve her ambition. Furthermore, she talks about the crown going from head to toe. Just like her husband, she needs Macbeth to be king so she can be queen. Lady Macbeth is willing to pay any price. Ambition plays a big role in both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s lives as they try to rule Scotland. In Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor and the monster show their ambition during their quest for knowledge. On the night when Victor formulates his creature, he realizes that his ambition has been a failure just by looking at his creation. Moreover, his plans became ruined. He had expectations that kind of came to an unexpected stop. â€Å"How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wrench whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavored to form? His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God†(Shelley 43)! Victor’s ambition has now been a catastrophe. He compares the monster to a wrench because he sees the being as a letdown and a bad accomplishment. His words displays that his feelings are monstrous. By comparing his creature to a wrench, he is being very discriminatory, making him monstrous. He attempts to be recognized by society and from his perspective; it is impossible to achieve that. Like Lady Macbeth, Victor has also unsex himself because while Lady Macbeth gets rid of her feminine side, Victor gets rid of his world view and put aside all of the caring values at home. However, he did not intend to be evil, he did it for the purpose of science. Similar to Victor, the monster has his own ambition. The monster had the ambition to meet new people despite his ugliness. When he introduces himself to the De Laceys, they strike back. â€Å"Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from his father, to whose knees I clung; in a transport of fury, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick†(Shelley 123-124). Here, the monster tries to fulfill his ambition by meeting the De Laceys. He attempts to explain his ambition. However, things turn out wrong for him. Because of the way, Felix discriminates against him and considers him a monster based on his looks. His social drive leads him to being a satanic-appearing creature in the eyes of the De Laceys. That is why Felix hits him with a stick and Safie runs away. They do not believe in him. Likewise, Macduff sees evil in Macbeth, as he does not attend his coloration. He just like Felix thinks that he is a monster. Nonetheless, Macbeth is really evil and has evil ambitions. The monster on the other hand does not. Thus, monstrosity is portrayed in the ambitions of both Victor and the monster throughout their intentions to be accepted in society. Macbeth not only shows monstrosity through his own ambition, he also shows it as a result of other influences. One huge influence on Macbeth is none other than his wife. Although Macbeth had the ambition to become king, he does not have the drive to carry through. This is where Lady Macbeth comes in. She is the one who drives Macbeth into killing Duncan, becoming a temptress in the process. â€Å"We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep, Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey soundly invite him, his two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so convince that memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only†(Shakespeare 1. 7. 59-67). Here it shows that Lady Macbeth takes an enormous role in Macbeth’s ambition. Through her words, Lady Macbeth displays her gruesome traits. She is willing to take the initiative and kill Duncan for Macbeth. Sadly, Macbeth falls for it. The thought of murdering someone is indeed monstrous. The three witches additionally have influence Macbeth in a way that drives Macbeth to become king. When Macbeth first listens to the predictions of the three witches, he is in shock. He later realizes that it can be a reality. The witches are temptresses in Macbeth’s eyes. â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter†(Shakespeare 1. 3. 46-48). Here, the three witches are predicting the future of Macbeth as they tell him that he will become king one day. This evil influence propels Macbeth to do whatever it takes to become king. They make Macbeth believe that he can be king. This influence kick starts Macbeth’s plans to kill Duncan. Thus, monstrosity is demonstrated as both Lady Macbeth and the witches act like temptresses to Macbeth while he strives to become king. Victor also had some influences that cause him to display some monstrosity. The Romantic Era could be a huge influence on Victor as he thrives to create his creation. His society is described as a revolutionary and rebellious one. As scientists in the Romantic Era make new and new discoveries, it thrusts Victor into creating his own. When the professor reveals that Victor wrong about his theory on why the tree lit up, it causes Victor to revolutionize the world of science. â€Å"As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from a old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stamp. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a single manner†(Shelley 26). Here, Victor sees a tree being shattered by lightning. A modern philosopher introduces Victor about his ideas on electricity and galvanism and why the tree completely shattered. He proves that all the scientist Victor follows like Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus were wrong. As the science professor proves Victor wrong, it causes Victor to create and do something bigger so that he can top him one day. He has the thirst for knowledge, knowing that in the Romantic Era, anything is possible. This era also poses some supernatural and mystical effects that might cause Victor to create his monster. It foreshadows that Victor would isolate himself from his family in order to modernize the science world. The isolation of Victor proves that his is monstrous. Victor gets hints from the Romantic Era similarly to Macbeth getting hints from Lady Macbeth and the witches. The monster has also influence Victor to becoming more atrocious throughout the back and forth affair with the two. The conflict between Victor and the monster starts to take its course. Victor promises the monster to make him a female companion so that the monster would not feel lonely. Conversely, Victor destroys the monster, thinking that it would take over and corrupt the world. This causes the monster to be angry. Additionally, he tells Victor that he will be there on his wedding night. Victor becomes paranoid to the point where he starts bringing out weapons. â€Å"In the meantime I took every precaution to defend my person in case the fiend should openly attack me. I carried pistols and a dagger constantly about me and was ever on the watch to prevent artifice, and by these means ained a greater degree of tranquility†(Shelley 182). Victor’s one mistake of abandoning the monster at birth has cause the monster to seek revenge by killing William and Justine. Victor sees this and accepts the monster’s request of creating a female companion, but later destroys it. This triggers the creature to strike back at Victor on his wedding night. At his wedding night, he carries around weapons in case the monster shows up. Victor becomes paranoid ever since the monster utters that he will be there on Victor’s wedding night. However at the same time, Victor is scaring Elizabeth with all his weapons. In Elizabeth’s eyes, Victor seems more evil. Victor is being more horrific to Elizabeth even though he is protecting her. Plus, she does not even know that the monster coming; Victor hides this information it from her. This shows that Victor is worried more about the monster (self-protection) than Elizabeth, which makes him monstrous. Thus, Victor displays monstrosity, as he becomes influence by the Romantic Era and the monster. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both illustrate their monstrous personality, which leads to some key outcomes during their ruling as king and queen. According to the witches, Macbeth gets paranoid that either Banquo or his son Fleance might become the next king. So he calls out three murderers to kill them. He does not have this drive before, but once he is king, he wants to remain king and is willing to do anything. Moreover, he calls murderers to kill the family of Macduff since he poses as a threat to him. â€Å"I have no words, my voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give out to thee†(Shakespeare 5. 8. 6-8). This shows that Macbeth’s immoral actions done on the family of Macduff have made him angry. Macbeth causes his angriness due to what transpired. Macduff calls Macbeth a villain because he is the one who kills Lady Macduff as well as his son. From the looks of it, Macduff really want to get his hands on Macbeth and kill him. Macduff has the quest for revenge and is eager to go the distance. In the end, the outcome is that Macbeth’s actions has cause him to die in the hands of Macduff because of his monstrous traits. Lady Macbeth also dies as a result from her own monstrous actions. Before she commits suicide, she realizes that it is her fault that Banquo died. She is the one who built Macbeth into more of a devilish being, thus making herself monstrous. Wash your hands, put on your night-gown, look not so pale. I tell you yet again, Banquo’s buried; he cannot come out on’s grave†(Shakespeare 5. 1. 54-56). This shows that Lady Macbeth has guilt for what she has done throughout the play. Lady Macbeth just like Victor creates her own monster in Macbeth and now, she suffers the consequences. She cannot even wash away her sins. She feels that it is her fault that Banquo dies. Furthermore, she commits suicide as a result because she can no longer handle he guilt. Lady Macbeth immoral actions have become a weight of guilt on her to the point where she commits suicide. Hence, the deaths of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were as an outcome of their monstrous actions done toward Scotland. Likewise, the conflict between Victor and the monster causes them to be horrific and as a result of their actions, both died which is similar to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Ever since Victor abandons the monster at his house, the monster always wants to seek revenge against Victor. He even kills all of Victor’s family members. He soon realizes that killing all those innocent people was not the right thing to do. â€Å"That is also my Victim! He exclaimed. In his murder my crimes are consummated; the miserable series of my being is wound to its close! Oh Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being†(Shelley 209). The monster now has guilt in him. He believes that his monstrous traits would be the main force towards the death of Victor. The monster put Victor through so much as he tries to reach the North Pole. He calls Victor his own victim even though he never really kills him. The monster realizes his corruptive mistakes, but it is too late. This also foreshadows the death of the monster. Like Lady Macbeth, the monster has a weight of guilt on his shoulders. He dies so that he could avoid that guilt. Also, because of Victor killing the female companion of the monster, it sparks the monster so much to the point where he uses monstrous traits to kill Victor’s female companion, the harmless Elizabeth. â€Å"Great God! Why did I not then expire! Why am I here to relate the destruction of the best hope and the purest creature on earth? She was there, lifeless and inanimate, thrown across the bed, her head hanging down and her pale and distorted features half covering by her hair†(Shelly 186). Here, this displays that the monster uses his scandalous individualities to kill Elizabeth. This is comparable to Macbeth as he kills the members of the Macduff family. This is probably because Victor himself demonstrates some monstrosity by killing the monster’s female companion. In a way, it was Victor’s own satanic actions that cause the monster to kill Elizabeth. Also, Victor shows his monstrous traits as he objectifies Elizabeth. Elizabeth is been treated as an object according to Victor. Elizabeth had been objectified her whole existence by Victor. Thus, the monster and Victor proves they have monstrosity and as a result, Victor, Elizabeth, the monster and others die. Therefore, ambition, influential actions, and outcomes are three aspects of the main characters that display monstrosity in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have the ambition to become king and queen, but they use monstrous actions like killing Duncan in order to get these positions. In comparison, both Victor and the monster uses monstrosity to achieve their goals on gaining knowledge. Furthermore, temptresses like Lady Macbeth and the three witches have influence Macbeth to be king by using scandalous characteristics of their own. Both the monster and the Romantic Era itself has cause Victor to further pursue his goal of gaining knowledge but in the process, he portrays monstrosity. Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s shameful characteristics has also resulted in the deaths of countless others including themselves. The lurid conflict between Victor and the monster has also cause their deaths, as well as the deaths of the other members in the Frankenstein family. Thus, the monstrosity is recognized in both Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein throughout the main protagonists and antagonists.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Marketing Cost Analysis Essay
Business firms use several tools and techniques for marketing control. The important ones among them are listed above. 1. Marketing audit 2. Market share analysis 3. Marketing cost analysis 4. Credit control 5. Budgetary control 6. Ratio analysis 7. Contribution margin analysis 8. Marketing Information inputs and warning signals 9. MBO management by objectives Marketing cost analysis is another important tool of marketing control. In recent years, business firms all over the world have experienced steep escalations in their marketing and distribution costs. They have found, to their dismay, that increased sales do not necessarily bring them increased profits. Containing marketing and distribution costs has become an imperative for optimizing profits. It has also become an imperative for survival against the growing competition. Definition – Assigning or allocating costs to a specified marketing activity or entity in a manner that accurately captures the financial contribution of activities or entities to the organization.Marketing cost analysis, or distribution cost analysis, is the analysis of costs that affect sales volume, with the purpose of determining the profitability of different segment operations. Profitability is determined by sales volume and its associated costs and expenses. The questions Marketing Cost Analysis answers – * Which customers/accounts are unprofitable because of order size or geographic location? * What is the minimum order size that can be filled profitably? * Which distribution channel will be the most profitable for the firm to use? * Which territories are potentially most profitable? * What profit contribution does each salesperson make? * Can cost improvements be made in physical distribution facilities? * Which product lines are unprofitable or could be improved in their profitability? Importance of Marketing Cost Analysis: The first requirement in controlling the marketing costs is to comprehend the components of the marketing costs and the methods available for their control. Benefits & Uses of Marketing Cost Analysis: Careful and systematic marketing cost analysis confers a variety of benefits on the firm. * It becomes an integral part of the decision-making process. * Serves as the basis for management decisions. * Generates a sense of Accountability. * Determining which marketing strategies are the best. * Isolating problem areas. Objectives of Marketing Cost Analysis – The major objectives of marketing cost analysis are to determine the isolated contributions made to profitability and to evaluate the efficiency of all phases of the company’s marketing structure in terms of corporate goals and objectives. Types of marketing Costs: Marketing costs in modern, large-sized firms belong to a kaleidoscopic variety. There are ever so many components of the marketing cost and they vary in their significance, size, measurability and controllability. Generally, marketing costs are more difficult to measure and control, compared with other costs, such as material costs and manufacturing costs. Within the various components of marketing costs, some are relatively more amenable for measurement and control than others Analyzing the costs by function: The first step in marketing cost analysis is to gather the cost details of the various marketing function and analyze the function wise cost. For doing this, in the first instance various marketing activities have to be grouped into a few major and clearly identified functions. The marketing expenditure must be broken up over these functions.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Apush DBQ Essay
From 1875 to 1900, there was a new kind of city in America, one that was based on industry, and industry needs workers. The factories needed hundreds of workers to run machinery and other processes in manufacturing, but these workers were not treated properly and they wanted to do something to improve the way that they were treated. The organized labor, although it showed some minor successes, was overall very unsuccessful in improving the position of workers from 1875-1900, because the actions of the unions were mostly unsuccessful, and the results of the strikes were very unsuccessful. The demographics of unions from 1875 to 1900 were mostly unsuccessful in improving the position of workers because they caused people to see them as a group of radicals, such as Anarchists or Socialists. One example of a group that was seen as Socialist were the Knights of Labor who worked to gain rights for the workers through legislation, and also believed in Arbitration. As seen in Document F, the Knights of Labor was one of the spoons that contributed to mixing the â€Å"Labor Interest Broth.†The Knights of Labor was considered one of the groups that led to the failure of unions because there were too many unions with too many different views and they were unable to get anything accomplished. Another group that was considered unsuccessful was the IWW. The IWW was a union chalked full of Wobblies, immigrants, blacks, and what people considered â€Å"radicals.†Document C shows that the public was accusing the unions of sucombing to communism saying that they barred a â€Å"red flag†against the United States. The IWW was full of workers who were chasing after the idea of communism, thinking that it would give them the rights that they wanted, but Document C shows that cutting open the duck to get the â€Å"golden eggs†wouldn’t show you any profit, it has to stay alive for it to lay more eggs, just like the government would have to continue the way it is for the people to gain any of the working rights that they wanted. However, some of these unions showed successes, such as the AFL, which ended up being the only union left at this time, because they achieved a functioning Craft union and Samuel Gompers was allowed to speak to the House of Representatives which had actually formed a committee to deal with the problems with the working conditions, as seen in Document I. However, this testimony by Samuel Gompers was not until 1899, which was at the very end of the push for improving the position of workers and did not hav e much success. Overall, the unions from 1875 to 1900 who were working to improve the position of workers were mostly unsuccessful. Additionally, the strikes that occurred from 1875 to 1900, such as the Great Railroad Strike and the Homestead strike, were overall very unsuccessful due to the fact that these groups lost support because of the violence and job loss that came from their failures. There were also other strikes that occurred at this time such as the Pullman Palace Car Co. strike, where the Pullman workers boycotted and burned railroads cars, however there was an injunction and railroads traffic continued despite their efforts. However, the more infamous strikes, the Great Railroad Strike and the Homestead strike, had much greater consequences. The Homestead strike occurred at the Homestead plant in Pennsylvania when the steel workers were upset about how wages were being set because Carnegie and Frick wouldn’t negotiate. The Homestead Union was upset because Frick said that everyone had to become non-union and then proceeded to initiate lockout, and also brought in the Pinkertons for security. He also tried to bring in barges of scabs with the Pinkertons, but the workers broke into the factory and stopped them from coming in, which ended in a battle. Although the steel workers won this battle it was overall very unsuccessful because the steel union broke apart and all they lost a lot of support from the people because this strike was so violent, and also lost all their jobs. As seen in Document G, the list of the people who died during this strike showed a lot of workers from the Homestead plant, which again attributes to the fact that the strikes bring violence and death. Secondly, the largest strike to occur in the United States at this time was the Great Railroad Strike. The Great RR strike involved the workers of the B&O railroad who were upset because of wage cuts, extended trains without adding workers, and also cutting the time that they had to finish their railroad. The workers decided to go on strike and refused to let the trains run. There were violent conflicts with the militia and riots all throughout the United States, and President Hayes was prompted to intervene. He used the constitutional concept that the national government had the right to regulate interstate commerce, and the railroads were involved with commerce. The media was also not in favor of this strikes which is possible to see in Document B, as was common for any strike tha t occurred during this time. In the end, the railroads started running again and the workers did not end up getting the rights that they had been asking for and learned that mob/violence was an ineffective way to work towards their rights. Although the strike resulted in the formation of the ICC and the creation of Labor Day, they were overall very unsuccessful. In conclusion, unions, which in their part were mostly unsuccessful, and also strikes which were very unsuccessful, the organized labor, was in all very unsuccessful in improving the position of workers from 1875-1900 due to their multiple failures in both categories.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Pricing Strategy - LiveFace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pricing Strategy - LiveFace - Assignment Example Pricing policy is informed by factors such as corporate objective, market demand, government policies, costs, micro and industry barriers and reactions from competitors (Saxena, 2009). There are a number of pricing strategies used by firms around the world some which could be suitable options for Blue Team Focus Company. To start with, the differential pricing strategy is where a firm charges different prices on its product in different market segments mainly because of different social economic statuses of the target markets. This strategy could be an option for the Live Face product. Blue Team can also adopt the geographical pricing strategy which seeks to maximize on the economies of scale by charging lower prices on the product in some areas compared to those charged by competitors (Saxena, 2009). The company could also explore the penetration strategy where it introduces the product with a lower price and increases it gradually based on demand of the product and market
Monday, August 12, 2019
Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example Several scenes from the movie Shawshank Redemption give rise for ethical reflection. In the scene where Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) offered financial advice to Captain Hadley (Clancy Brown), Andy almost got himself killed trying to argue his point across. Eventually, Andy was able to secure his position among the guards and, also, his inmates by giving them a "night of freedom", drinking beers on the rooftop. Andy's "self-sacrifice" proves to be questionable based on Kant's Ethics on Good Will. According to Kant, an action can only be perceived as done in "good will" if the rational being has the right reasons behind his actions-the right reason being honor bound by duty to do the right thing when a person is in power to affect a change. Since the motive behind Andy's actions is questionable, the act is therefore, morally incorrect. On the other hand, from the virtue theorists' point of view, the nature of man is too complex to put an exact science upon. For them, the question of ethics relies heavily upon a man's character and since Andy Dufresne is dominantly good, he is bound to act morally and perform good deeds. This theory is further strengthened in the part where Andy helped a new inmate, Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows), gain his high school diploma in the In addition and, in sharp contrast against Kant's theory, ethical egoism allows for the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Labor Law And National Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Labor Law And National Labor Relations - Essay Example This essay discusses that the same act was held in a ruling made by the Sacramento County Superior Court in Ralphs Grocery Co. v United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 8. The union agents had peacefully staged a picket for five days a week, eight hours per day on the sidewalk apron of Ralph store, which is a private property. They walked back and forth in front of the store’s doors, waving placards and handing out flyers. This was meant to discourage people from shopping in the shop on the ground that its employees were not unionized.The picketers ignored Ralph request to relocate to a distance away from the store. This went on for almost nine months prompting Ralph to file a complaint about trespass against the union in Sacramento County Superior Court. The grocery shops the capability to request an injunction against the protesters who were trespassing in front of its stores in the name of picketing. The board seeks compliance with provisions of NLRA, especially in s ections 7 and 8. It orders Shirelle Company to reinstate the five dismissed workers, start collective bargaining process with the workers and recognize the union as the legal representative body of the employees. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects the welfare and interests of both the unionized and the non-unionized workers. The Board, therefore, holds that the employees in Shirelle Company are protected by the Act and the company has no option but to comply with the relevant provisions concerning staff welfare.... Their main desire was to have the employer afford them and their fellow workers good working conditions. In this case, the Board was of the opinion that even one employee acting solely can satisfy the concerted requirement. It further held that the striking workers had the right to express their dissatisfaction with the working conditions provided by the employer. The board considers this as one of the precedents in resolving the matter of Shirelle and the five dismissed workers. Issues to be resolved Shirelle Company has been in operation since 1983, a cool 27 years without a trade union for the employees. They have a good number of workers who are in charge of various departments within the company. However, the owners, Olga and Gregor Flambe, who are jointly responsible for the labor relations and personnel have not yet registered their employees in any trade union. The company which has been operating for a long time with no trade union for its 40 plus staff has not given the emp loyee the freedom to exercise their rights. The company instead has taken the mandate of resolving labor related disputes using its own mechanisms. This is in contravention of NLRA section 8 (a) 2 where the issue of representation of workers issues is placed under employee led unions, and not company dominated labor organizations. In the Electromation case, the electric company had requested the employees to form committees to deal with their concerns, knowing very well that the committees dominated by the employer do are in contravention of the National Labor Relations Act. In the Electromation, Inc v. NLRB, 35 1148 [1994], the court found out that the initial creation, the structure, and the administration was considerably under the control of the
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