Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Essential Components of Effective Marketing Information System Essay
A marketing information system (MIS) is intended to bring together disparate items of data into a coherent body of information. An MIS is, as will shortly be seen, more than raw data or information suitable for the purposes of decision making. An MIS also provides methods for interpreting the information the MIS provides. Moreover, as Kotler’s1 definition says, an MIS is more than a system of data collection or a set of information technologies: A marketing information system is a continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by marketing decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation, and control†. Figure below describes the major components of an MIS, the environmental factors monitored by the system and the types of marketing decision which the MIS seeks to underpin. The marketing information systems and its subsystems The explanation of this model of an MIS begins with a description of each of its four main constituent parts: the internal reporting systems, marketing research system, marketing intelligence system and marketing models. It is suggested that whilst the MIS varies in its degree of sophistication – with many in the industrialised countries being computerised and few in the developing countries being so – a fully fledged MIS should have these components, the methods (and technologies) of collection, storing, retrieving and processing data notwithstanding. Internal reporting systems: All enterprises which have been in operation for any period of time nave a wealth of information. However, this information often remains under-utilised because it is compartmentalised, either in the form of an individual entrepreneur or in the functional departments of larger businesses. That is, information is usually categorised according to its nature so that there are, for example, financial, production, manpower, marketing, stockholding and logistical data. Often the entrepreneur, or various personnel working in the functional departments holding these pieces of data, do not see how it could help decision makers in other functional areas. Similarly, decision makers can fail to appreciate how information from other functional areas might help them and therefore do not request it. The internal records that are of immediate value to marketing decisions are: orders received, stockholdings and sales invoices. These are but a few of the internal records that can be used by marketing managers, but even this small set of records is capable of generating a great deal of information.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Atomic Structure
The Rutherford Model of the Atom 1. In 1911 Rutherford proposed the nuclear model of atomic structure. He suggested that an atom consists of a central nucleus (where most of the mass of the atom is concentrated) having a positive charge, surrounded by moving electrons carrying negative charge. Geiger and Marsden carried out an experiment to verify his proposal. The Geiger/Marsden a Particle Scattering Experiment 1. The apparatus is illustrated in the diagram below. | 2. The apparatus was in an evacuated container. The detector was a ZnS screen observed through a low power microscope. Each time an alpha particle hit the screen, a small flash of light was produced. 3. The detector was mounted on a support such that it could be rotated to measure the angular deflection of the alpha particles as they passed through a very thin sheet of gold. They measured the numbers of particles deflected through various angles. 4. It was found that most of ? particles pass through the gold undeflected; only a relatively small number are deflected (scattered). 5. Their results were considered to confirm Rutherford’s model and allowed them to estimate the size of the nucleus (greater than 10-14m) and the size of the atom (greater than10-10m), thus producing the slightly surprising conclusion the most of the space occupied by an atom is empty space! Closest Approach of an Alpha Particle to a Nucleus 1. For a given speed of alpha particle, the closest approach to a nucleus, rmin, will occur when the initial direction of motion of the particle is along the line joining the centers of particle and nucleus. 2. In this case, at the point of closest approach, the speed of the particle is zero. 3. As the particle approaches the nucleus, kinetic energy is being converted to electrical potential energy. K. E. lost = E. P. E. gained| 4. Electrical potential at a distance r from a point charge Q is given by | 5. For a nucleus of atomic number Z, the charge is Ze, where e is the magnitude of the charge on one proton (the same as the magnitude of the charge on an electron). 6. The magnitude of the charge on an alpha particle is 2e 7. Therefore, the energy, w, possessed by an alpha particle placed at distance, rmin, from a charge Ze is given by | 8. So, we have | which gives | Millikan’s Experiment to Measure the Charge on one Electron 1. The diagram below is a very simplified representation of Millikan’s apparatus. | 2. Small drops of oil were allowed to fall into a region between two metal plates, (the top plate had a hole in it). 3. Some of the drops became charged by friction. Further ionization was caused by a beam of x rays. 4. Millikan measured the terminal speed of a drop as it fell through the air, with V = 0. From this he could calculate the radius of the drop (and hence it’s mass). He then applied a voltage, V, to the plates and measured the new terminal speed of the same drop. 5. The change in the terminal speed of the drop was used to calculate the magnitude of the charge on the drop. 6. When many measurements had been done, all the charges were found to be integral multiples of a basic unit of charge, assumed to be the charge on one electron. 7. The value, e, is approximately -1. 6? 10-19 C. 8. A simplified version of Millikan’s experiment can be done by finding the voltage needed to just hold an oil drop stationary between the two plates. 9. Consider a drop having a charge q and mass m. | 10. If the drop is stationary, then the two forces acting on it have equal magnitudes. where E is the field strength. 11. Now, , where d is the distance between the plates, Therefore The Electron Volt (eV) 1. The electron Volt is a unit of work (or energy) much smaller than the Joule. 2. If 1electron moves through a potential difference of 1V then 1eV of work is done. Relation between the Joule and the electron Volt 1. Potential difference is work done per unit charge so, . 1 J is the work done when 1C moves through a p. d. of 1V. 2. The charge on one electron is -1. 6? 10-19 C. 3. Therefore 1eV is the work done when 1 ·6? 10-19C moves through a p. d. of 1V. This means that . 4. To convert energy in J to energy in eV, Experiment to measure the Charge to Mass Ratio of Electrons 1. The method proposed here is similar to that used by J. J. Thomson in 1897. Electrons in an evacuated tube (a â€Å"cathode ray tube†) are sent towards a region of space where there are electric and magnetic fields at 90 ° to each other. If the field strengths have a particular ratio then charged particles can pass through them undeflected. | | | 2. In the following analysis | | | V = voltage accelerating the electrons and producing the electric field between the plates| | v = speed of the electrons| | m = mass of one electron and e = charge on one electron| | E = electric field strength (E = where d = distance between plates)| | B = magnetic flux density| 3. If the electrons pass undeflected (magnitude of electric force equal to magnitude of magnetic force), then it can easily be shown that | 4. To find the speed of the electrons, remember that during acceleration the electrons are losing electric P. E. and gaining K. E. | | E. P. E. lost = K. E. gained| eV = 5. Therefore, | | | 6. Combining equations 1 and 2 to eliminate v gives, | | | | 7. Thus, using his experimental apparatus, Thomson was able to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron. Today, the accepted value of is C kg-1. Atomic Structure The Rutherford Model of the Atom 1. In 1911 Rutherford proposed the nuclear model of atomic structure. He suggested that an atom consists of a central nucleus (where most of the mass of the atom is concentrated) having a positive charge, surrounded by moving electrons carrying negative charge. Geiger and Marsden carried out an experiment to verify his proposal. The Geiger/Marsden a Particle Scattering Experiment 1. The apparatus is illustrated in the diagram below. | 2. The apparatus was in an evacuated container. The detector was a ZnS screen observed through a low power microscope. Each time an alpha particle hit the screen, a small flash of light was produced. 3. The detector was mounted on a support such that it could be rotated to measure the angular deflection of the alpha particles as they passed through a very thin sheet of gold. They measured the numbers of particles deflected through various angles. 4. It was found that most of ? particles pass through the gold undeflected; only a relatively small number are deflected (scattered). 5. Their results were considered to confirm Rutherford’s model and allowed them to estimate the size of the nucleus (greater than 10-14m) and the size of the atom (greater than10-10m), thus producing the slightly surprising conclusion the most of the space occupied by an atom is empty space! Closest Approach of an Alpha Particle to a Nucleus 1. For a given speed of alpha particle, the closest approach to a nucleus, rmin, will occur when the initial direction of motion of the particle is along the line joining the centers of particle and nucleus. 2. In this case, at the point of closest approach, the speed of the particle is zero. 3. As the particle approaches the nucleus, kinetic energy is being converted to electrical potential energy. K. E. lost = E. P. E. gained| 4. Electrical potential at a distance r from a point charge Q is given by | 5. For a nucleus of atomic number Z, the charge is Ze, where e is the magnitude of the charge on one proton (the same as the magnitude of the charge on an electron). 6. The magnitude of the charge on an alpha particle is 2e 7. Therefore, the energy, w, possessed by an alpha particle placed at distance, rmin, from a charge Ze is given by | 8. So, we have | which gives | Millikan’s Experiment to Measure the Charge on one Electron 1. The diagram below is a very simplified representation of Millikan’s apparatus. | 2. Small drops of oil were allowed to fall into a region between two metal plates, (the top plate had a hole in it). 3. Some of the drops became charged by friction. Further ionization was caused by a beam of x rays. 4. Millikan measured the terminal speed of a drop as it fell through the air, with V = 0. From this he could calculate the radius of the drop (and hence it’s mass). He then applied a voltage, V, to the plates and measured the new terminal speed of the same drop. 5. The change in the terminal speed of the drop was used to calculate the magnitude of the charge on the drop. 6. When many measurements had been done, all the charges were found to be integral multiples of a basic unit of charge, assumed to be the charge on one electron. 7. The value, e, is approximately -1. 6? 10-19 C. 8. A simplified version of Millikan’s experiment can be done by finding the voltage needed to just hold an oil drop stationary between the two plates. 9. Consider a drop having a charge q and mass m. | 10. If the drop is stationary, then the two forces acting on it have equal magnitudes. where E is the field strength. 11. Now, , where d is the distance between the plates, Therefore The Electron Volt (eV) 1. The electron Volt is a unit of work (or energy) much smaller than the Joule. 2. If 1electron moves through a potential difference of 1V then 1eV of work is done. Relation between the Joule and the electron Volt 1. Potential difference is work done per unit charge so, . 1 J is the work done when 1C moves through a p. d. of 1V. 2. The charge on one electron is -1. 6? 10-19 C. 3. Therefore 1eV is the work done when 1 ·6? 10-19C moves through a p. d. of 1V. This means that . 4. To convert energy in J to energy in eV, Experiment to measure the Charge to Mass Ratio of Electrons 1. The method proposed here is similar to that used by J. J. Thomson in 1897. Electrons in an evacuated tube (a â€Å"cathode ray tube†) are sent towards a region of space where there are electric and magnetic fields at 90 ° to each other. If the field strengths have a particular ratio then charged particles can pass through them undeflected. | | | 2. In the following analysis | | | V = voltage accelerating the electrons and producing the electric field between the plates| | v = speed of the electrons| | m = mass of one electron and e = charge on one electron| | E = electric field strength (E = where d = distance between plates)| | B = magnetic flux density| 3. If the electrons pass undeflected (magnitude of electric force equal to magnitude of magnetic force), then it can easily be shown that | 4. To find the speed of the electrons, remember that during acceleration the electrons are losing electric P. E. and gaining K. E. | | E. P. E. lost = K. E. gained| eV = 5. Therefore, | | | 6. Combining equations 1 and 2 to eliminate v gives, | | | | 7. Thus, using his experimental apparatus, Thomson was able to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron. Today, the accepted value of is C kg-1.
Micrographics Management and Control Process
Micrographics is defined as the technology of document and information microfilming. It is associated with the production, handling and use of microforms. Microforms contain microimages. Micrographics technology consists of numerous procedures and equipments to produce, store, reproduce, retrieve, preserve and use microforms. Microforms contain microimages like microfilms which are basically units of information which have to be magnified in order to be read. When records are too large to handle or have to be retained for use many years later they are microfilmed. Micrographics require that records be prepared for copying, copy the records and ensure the quality of the copies. Micrographics management involves management issues, project management issues and technical issues. Management issues involve the preliminary stage of converting the records to the required medium. Next would be to entrust the work to agents and the last one is to deal with specifications developed and to follow control guidelines. The New York State Archives recommends many guidelines that can be followed for effective management. The guidelines for micrographics management are listed below. Determining the appropriate method for converting records-microfilming/imaging Assign a vendor for conversion or perform it by self Adhere to technical requirements to produce quality images Prepare a proposal request Select the vendor thoughtfully after going through various bids Organize, arrange documents ready for imaging/microfilming Contact/communicate with vendors periodically Track progress of project Duplicate records and index Verify the images and store them after ensuring storage conditions Micrographics process control ensures that preservation norms are followed once the filming is complete. The various factors to be considered for control are density which is the degree of opacity of the area exposed to filming, the document orientation, reduction ratio, contrast, splicing, resolution, format and last of all packing and storage. Control of the various stages in micrographics ensures that quality is assured after the process is completed. Generally the micrographics con trol list form which records the microfilms transferred for storage is completed as a check list for quality. Random sampling is done and the microfilms are tested and inspected for quality. Micrographics control process aids in utilizing the technology for what it was intended to full extent. Some advantages of the control process include but are not limited to retrieving information quickly, saving space, protection of records, retain integrity of documents and ease information distribution. Micrographics can be justified for numerous reasons but maintaining quality through control would benefit the user immensely by achieving superior results. The control process ensures that the microfilm accurately depicts the original and can be identified clearly. References EPA Records Management Manual Micrographic Management Available at (accessed on Oct 31,2006) Introduction to Micrographics – Archives technical Information Available(accessed on Oct 31,2006) Basic introduction to Micrographics PDF  (accessed on Oct 31,2006) Micrographics Available at (accessed on Oct 31,2006)     Â
Monday, July 29, 2019
Influence of Greece Debt Crisis on Overall Balance of Payments in The Essay
Influence of Greece Debt Crisis on Overall Balance of Payments in The EU - Essay Example This paper describes the influence that Greece debt crisis had on European monetary policy. The overall monetary policy of the EU has been modified. The Greece crisis had affected the demand of money in the region. The issue of balance of payment usually involved the goods and workers movement across all member states this come with the abolishing of tariffs between member countries. They included transport of goods between countries; people working along the countries had the flexibility of working along the countries without any limitations. For the case of Greece the European Union found a sense of imbalance and there was need of invention. As requested the EU suggested measures and action. The measures were taken to ensure a balance of payment. It engaged in a semiannual strategy. This was to close the deficit to 3 per cent since there was an assumption that the deficit of GDP in 2010 was 4.2 per cent. There was need to revise the figure given by the Greece authorities the figures had changed and need revise them, in a bid to ensure balance. As much as there it was a collective role of the region in controlling the foreign exchange, it advice the Greece government to ensure that it sells its reserved to ensure a balance in the foreign exchange holdings. This in term ensured the balance of payment of the region’s currency this was to ensure an equal equivalent capital inflow. The balance of payment is not only a one state affair but it involves the entire continent and the world as a whole. ... 45). For the case of Greece the European Union found a sense of imbalance and there was need of invention. The EU through the European commission contemplated on measures to undertake. As request the EU suggested measures and action. The measures were taken to ensure a balance of payment. It engaged in a semiannual strategy. This was to close the deficit to 3 per cent since there was an assumption that the deficit of GDP in 2010 was 4.2 per cent. There was need to revise the figure given by the Greece authorities the figures had changed and need revise them, in a bid to ensure balance (Jonung, Martin and Jonas, 2008, p. 34). As much as there it was a collective role of the region in controlling the foreign exchange, it advice the Greece government to ensure that it sells its reserved to ensure a balance in the foreign exchange holdings. This in term ensured the balance of payment of the region’s currency this was to ensure an equal equivalent capital inflow. Thus a surplus in the economy was been experienced in that there was to be an increase in the imports and hence forcing the Bop in an equilibrium. Risks where on the rise in Greece and the rate was described as dramatic, government bonds and the increasing awareness and securities. There was need to safe guard the effects of financial effect in the entire euro zone. There was doubt that Greece will pay all its debt including the accrued debts without affecting its economy or there was also a doubt whether they were in opposition to pay the debts at all. The debate continued till the beginning of May in 2010 when the matter was not only a debate but the reality. There was need of intervention and on May second it requested for
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Macroeconomics Theory Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Macroeconomics Theory - Speech or Presentation Example The AS curve will also shift upwards from the left margin to the right one. i. A negative inflation shock in the economy will lead to an escalation of the AS curve from the left to the right side of the graph. However, the AD curve will shift from AD1 to AD2 from the right to the left side. ii. The shifts in the AD curves from the right to the left margins of the graph will influence the new the output to reduce from the right to the left margin from Y1 to Y2 because of the reduced government spending. Therefore, the changes in G1 to G2 downwards in the vertical axis will lead to a reduction in the demand and production factors of the economy. The graph shows that the U.S economy will experience a period of in increased output in its markets because of the positive shifts in demand and supply. The positive inflation shock will lead to increased GDP and GNP following the subsequent increase in the buyers’ income levels and the marginal increase in the country’s total output. The financial crises will influence stagnation in the country’s output. It is evident that the output will be Y1 after a 3% increase in the government’s expenditure hence the prices will increase to cater for the increased level of demand in the absence of supply. b) The federal government should resolve to the use of tax cuts. The other alternative policy to restructure the country’s economy will be the implementation of price regulations that will coerce the producers to increase the output rather than the prices. c) The impact of the federal monetary policy in solving the financial crises at the short run period will lead to a shift in the production from Y1 to Y2, a factor that will influence the need for labor; hence, the employed people will affect the country’s GDP and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Select a passage from the reading (no more than 40 words long) of Research Paper
Select a passage from the reading (no more than 40 words long) of Young Goodman Brown, then explain its significance in the cont - Research Paper Example During the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692, one of the most nightmarish episodes in Puritan history, twenty-five innocent people were accused of being witches and killed mercilessly. This witch hunt craze was based on accusations involving revenge, jealousy and any other reason that might have been perceived as witchcraft to the distraught and frightened populace of Salem. Hawthorne even goes to such lengths as to appropriate the names of Goody Cloyse and Martha Carrier, to of the supposed witches murdered at Salem. By including these historical references, he does not let the reader forget the dubious history of Salem and the legacy of Puritans, and he also accentuates the historical roots of Goodman Brown’s fascination with the Devil and the dark side that so lusciously leads him into the forest, despite him being fully aware of the fact that he is on an evil endeavor. John Hardt states that â€Å"Brown’s retreat into nature is at least partially a retreat from h is wife, but by naming Brown’s wife â€Å"Faith,†Hawthorne further presents his journey into the forest as a trip away from faith (both theological and epistemological) towards realms of uncertainty and doubt†(37). She represents the importance and stability of the domestic sphere in the Puritan dogma. From the moment he leaves the security of his home and Faith, who begs him to stay and not to go, symbolizing his own faith keeping him from succumbing to darkness, and delves into the forest, he has simultaneously commenced a journey into the dark side of his mind and soul. The beginning of this tragic journey is marked immediately by fear of the wilderness, a dark and evil place where no good takes place. This also echoes another predominant belief of the seventeenth century Puritans, who blindly believed that the New World was something to be feared, converted and then controlled. Aligning himself with his fellow Puritans, Goodman Brown associates the forest w ith Indians and he sees one behind every tree: â€Å"There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree†(Hawthorne 112). The Indians were perceived as savages, the devil’s servants, lacking moral and religious ideologies attributed to Puritanism, and thus were doomed to go to Hell for not praising the name of the Lord during their lifetime. They were associated with all that is dark and unholy, while the wilderness they resided in was an epitome of their own existence: devilish, frightening and dark. Goodman Brown honestly believes that the Devil could easily be present in such a place: â€Å"What if the Devil himself should be at my very elbow!†(Hawthorne 112). He fears meeting the dark lord, yet he willingly and consciously embarks on this unholy journey: â€Å"as if a dream warned [Faith] what work is to be done to-nigh. But, no, no; ‘t would kill her to think it†(Hawthorne 111). He knows the stakes of his perilous wager, yet he continues on, as if this is something that needs to be done, without something his life will be deficient. He enters the forest and eventually sees the waiting Devil. This image of evil lurking in the guise of an ordinary man symbolizes the idea that every man, including such a seemingly pious figure as Goodman Brown himself, has the capacity for
Friday, July 26, 2019
Environmental Justice In Class, Gender, and Race Essay
Environmental Justice In Class, Gender, and Race - Essay Example Fair treatment signifies that no particular community or group of individuals should bear unbalanced allocation of off-putting or offensive environmental outcomes ensuing from industrial, business and legislative procedures or regulations. 2. The involvement as well as contribution of public directly persuade the decisions taken by the regulatory bodies about the developmental prospects of a particular area and its implications on the environment of that area. Thus, meaningful involvement is of paramount significance as it generates awareness in the mass not only towards their environment but also provide them with the justice to have a better living conditions. Meaningful involvement enables people belonging to that geographical are to understand the implications of the hazards caused by the establishment of the industrial setup or any other kind of arrangement that may have devastating consequences on their health and welfare. Generating awareness is the basic step towards any righteousness and when it comes to environment it becomes supreme. The altered environmental conditions cannot be replenished which not only affects the health of the inhabitants but potentially affects the climatic conditions as well. Therefore, meaningful participation/ involvement in matters related with the environment of the community is highly imperative. Instigators of Environmental Justice Movement have these thoughts in their concise that some communities are being treated as very high while others are not privileged and therefore their lives could be put in danger for the developmental benefit of the privileged communities. The Civil Rights Movement (1960s) paved the way for inciting awareness and provided an understanding to the people about the health hazards of their families and community as a whole. Gradually, with augmenting awareness the concern about the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Business Intelligence Report (BIR) about the company's management Essay
Business Intelligence Report (BIR) about the company's management practices - Intorduction and Conclusion - Essay Example Whole Food Market had been experiencing heavy rise in profits since Jan 2001. The hard work of its team members and strong leadership at the helm of affairs helped the company prosper. Whole Foods products include only natural and organic products. These products include everything from produce, bakery items, cheese, coffee, meat, seafood, body products, supplements, wine, floral, house hold cleaning products and pet products. Their marketing is being taken care by a team of 45 proficient marketers and the employee pool is a rich in expertise and a diverse pool. All in all, Whole food has a solid ensemble in all areas of its management. Organization Structure 2. Organizational Structure The Organizational Structure section can include a chart but should include an explanation of the company's organizational structure and how that impacts the company's performance. Whole Foods Market depends on organizational structure to ensure performance that would impact employees and customers. S ince January 2001 Whole Food Market has experienced increase in sales, profits, and stock prices. The success of the company has flourished from the hard work of team members and strong leadership throughout the company.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The study of immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The study of immigration - Essay Example During this time, my family managed to establish successful business and partnerships with the local inhabitants of the region; a factor that contributed to the social and financial success of my family. My family maintains close ties with other family members residing in my country of origin. Due to the availability of multiple communication facilities, the tie has grown stronger with the passage of time. Culturally speaking, our family still uses Arabic as our primary means of communication among the family members but we are well versant in English language and this is essential for our survival and success in the American community. Although we are used to American foods now, my family still prepares foods that have their origin in the Arabian culture. My family still celebrates and performs the religious and cultural festivals and rituals that are in alignment with our Arabic tradition. Although my family has been living in the US for __ years now, our cultural attachment with our native country still survives and I am proud of being a
Athletes versus Non-Athletes on Academic Performance Research Paper
Athletes versus Non-Athletes on Academic Performance - Research Paper Example The reason behind selecting the topic of the research includes the popular misconception that sports and games cause the wastage of student’s time by diverting their focus from studies. The critics are of the view that the students, interested and involved in athletics and other games, consume large part of their time and energies in the playgrounds, and consequently become too tired and exhausted to pay any heed to their academic obligations. As a result, they lag far behind than their classmates in educational activities, and thus are unable to complete their studies in order to become the proficient and successful professionals for the future years to come. One school of thought observes that sport activities deflect time away from the classroom, and children always keep sports and play in mind, and neglect their classroom responsibilities and assignments. Somehow, the other school of thought disregards the very idea that athletics keep children away from their studies. The y are of the opinion that schools are not established to mere bestow certificates and degrees upon the students; on the contrary, people send their children to various educational institutions in order to make them capable of comprehending with the challenges life offers to man on the one hand, and for the growth and development of all aspects of their personality on the other. The researcher have selected small north Georgia schools as the population for the present study, where he aim to select one hundred and sixty respondents for the research process; one hundred and twenty of which would be students, while twenty each would consist of teachers and parents of the students. Interview schedule will be the tool for data collection in the present study. After the collection of data, the findings will be analyzed and results will be interpreted subsequently. Hence, the study will present a balanced report on the influence of athletics and games on the overall academic performance of the students. In addition, the data relevant to the North Georgia schools available at various websites will also be consulted for the study. Identification of the Problem: It has aptly been observed that sports and games maintain significant place in social life of the individuals. Sports not only perk up the physical strength of the people, but also pave the way towards the enhancement of intelligence level and sharpness in them. Thus, participation in sports improves mental and physical health and raises IQ level of humans. â€Å"Some of the factors to consider in assessing the significance of mental health relative to other influences are evident in reflecting on a familiar scenario: the long haul flight†(Lynch et al. 2000). Since all parents are determined to see their children healthy and intelligent, they make adequate arrangements for the studies and recreational activities of the children, where participation in sports is given particular attention. In addition, political authorities and social establishment also promote and project the opportunities of physical games of various kinds for adolescents and adults in order to make society healthy, strong and vigorous. Researches reveal the very fact that healthy people can work harder than
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Academic Cultur in the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Academic Cultur in the movie - Essay Example Then, there is the point when Mike and Sulley are failed in the final exam by the Dean who claims that Sulley is not serious in his studies, and Mike does not have the qualities of a scarer. The aspects of academic integrity in the movie are shown when a team is disqualified after it violates rules in the Scare Games. This enables the Oozma Kappa team, of which Mike and Sulley are members, to advance despite having finished last in that particular round of the challenge. The academic culture at Monsters University is synonymous to universities today since students are expected to take their studies seriously in order to earn their grades. Integrity is also a serious issue because just like a team was disqualified after violating rules, students in universities today are penalised for cheating in exams. Further, in universities today, students join fraternities that supplement their major
Monday, July 22, 2019
An argument against abortion in relation to considering the mothers well being Essay Example for Free
An argument against abortion in relation to considering the mothers well being Essay Abortion is a highly-debated topic in society today. People on each side of the argument have very strong views. They each make good points that are valid. But they often go so far as to harass the other side of the debate, they openly attack the people with beliefs the opposite of their own. In this particular debate, were arguing the constitutionality of banning abortion with or without an exception to the ban. This exception is regarding the health of the mother.  The yes side of the argument says that it was constitutional to ban abortion outright. They believe in the constitutionality of the ban even without a clause of exception for the health of the mother. This means that even if the mothers health is in imminent danger, even if she is in danger of dying, she still cannot get an abortion. These people believe that abortions are wrong and they don’t even condone them when continuing the pregnancy could mean the mother would die.  The strengths of their argument are that they believe abortion to be murder. Technically, if you believe that a fetus is a person then yes, it is murder. They believe that all murder is wrong, even if it would save the mother. The no-argument says that this ban is wrong in itself. It needs to have an exemption to protect the well-being of the mother. They’re all for protecting the health of the mother. If the mother’s life is in imminent danger, then she should easily be able to get a legal abortion. It’s not constitutional to ban abortion outright with no clause to protect the mother. A rational choice theory would likely explain why so many people are against these exceptions in banning abortions. They think the life of this fetus is worth more than the mother. They believe this because the fetus has a whole life ahead of them while the mother has already lived through a number of years. They make the rational choice to favor the life of the fetus over that of the mother. The most surprising thing about this argument is how vehemently the yes side argues that abortion is murder. They believe that an abortion is a murder even if that abortion would save the life of the mother. That’s ridiculous. It’s not fair to essentially end the life of the mother just to save the fetus. Youre killing one to save the other. That’s their exact argument against abortion. They abhor abortion for killing the fetus but in these instances, its killing the mother. So if either way, someone will die it’s not fair to automatically favor the mother like this. I understand that the no argument believes that these exceptions in the ban are not right but I disagree. I think that the exceptions are necessary. Its unfair to arbitrarily favor the wellbeing of the fetus over that of the mother. I think that exceptions to these abortion bans are absolutely necessary. We need to provide clauses in case the wel lbeing of the mother is in danger.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Arguments On Gods Existence Philosophy Essay
Arguments On Gods Existence Philosophy Essay Does God really exist? This is perhaps one of the most sought answer that has divided humanity into two discrete ideologies theism and atheism. To subscribe to either of the two doctrines, one would first need to understand who or what is God? The most conventional definition of God that cut across most religions is God is the creator of the universe and everything on it. One would therefore argue that for God to do all this He must not only be self existent, omniscience, omnipotent but also the Highest Form of Being. This assertion and believe has by and large provoked deep rooted enmity between atheists and theists. While one can sometimes feel obliged to lean towards Atheism based on the arguments extended by atheists the strongest conviction of existence of God is perhaps realized through theists support for existence of God as their arguments are satisfactory as opposed to atheists that are more often than not left hanging. Theism is the most popular doctrine in the world today because one is easily convinced by arguments put forward to support Gods existence. These arguments are multi faceted spanning from various dimensions; history, science, and philosophy. Historical arguments emanate from a religious perspective most notably Christianity. Stories from the Bible both Old and New Testament talk of the existence of God as the creator of the universe and everything in it. God existence is mentioned in the Bible in more than one occasion. The scriptures talk of God who created the heavens and earth in six days. By faith believers are urged to believe in his existence; And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Every individual who has this religious affiliation or believe accepts God existence and hand in natures creation. From a religious perspective one can therefore understand natures beautiful creation. In addition, believe in existence of God or a Superior Being transcends diverse societal cultures, civilisations and even continents. Surely this does not fit the description of a mere coincidence but rathe r an unknown force (God) causing this belief. Critical thinking be it evaluation of logic or deductive reasoning put forward as philosophical arguments further justifies the existence of God. Three main philosophical arguments explains the existence of God; anthological, first cause, and argument from design. Simple reasoning clearly shows that there is a God. Trying to argue otherwise defiles logic for one cannot even explain where the intelligence to question His existence comes from. If one really knows what or who God is then arguing that He does not exist is just as vague as its illogical. The universe must have come into existence at one point in time. However, nothing ever creates itself in light of this it must have been created by someone or something that is inconceivable and that was there from the beginning (God). No matter how we may want to deny Gods existence we cant explain creation of the universe from a mere explosion, who and what caused the explosion? What was exploded and who created it? Unless we embrace the fact that another supernatural forces really exists, none other than God! The world perfectly supports living things, the sun and other planets arrangement in space can only be described as artistic. If anything were to change like maybe the sun moves closer to the earth all living things would die the reverse is also true. Can a Big Bang cause such perfect dispersal? Why is everything still in precise locations after millions of years? Its definitely because there is a god who designed this universe to support life, period!! The existence of God can also be explained through scientific experiments of living organisms properties that portray high level structuring of DNA. While living cell denotes unique arrangement that is actually instructional like binary codes that run a computer programme, scientists have failed to explain this existence of such a pattern without programming, it therefore goes without saying God must have made it that to guides organisms activities. In addition the complexity of a human brain cannot be fully described by evolution theories in place, only God is capable of making a human being a very bright creature. Existence of God is not only practical but theoretical as well. As one examines nature, Gods presence is manifested in many forms ranging from perfectly arranged planets and sun to complex minute cells with unique structured DNA that guides organisms activities. Scholars more importantly scientists have failed to provide a satisfactory explanation of these phenomenas thus rationalizing the existence of God who makes all these possible. Critical thinking and deductive reasoning regarding the coming of existence of the universe has proofed beyond any reasonable doubt that the universe did not come into existence by itself but rather by a creator who can only be God. However some arguments put forward to explain Gods existence are contradictory and at best may just seem as illusions rather than facts. For example arguing that everything that exist has a cause is logical but merely stating that God is self existent along the same line of thought undermines the fact that the statement is trying to put across, one may wonder if God is complex and is inconceivable, why cant the universe being a complex phenomena be self existent too?
Procter and Gamble Company with consumer goods
Procter and Gamble Company with consumer goods 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Procter Gamble Company (PG) is one of the top makers of consumer goods companies in the world. Among the famous billion dollars brands are Duracell, Oral-B, Gillette, Head Shoulder, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, and Wella. PG has three major categories of products, mainly beauty and grooming, health and well-being, and household care products. The organizations corporate mission is to touch and improve lives of the worlds consumers, now and for generations to come by providing branded products and services of superior quality and value (Procter Gamble 2011). PG has a unique corporate structure that is very different from major market leaders in the world. Its structure is one of the main pillars for its growing capability. PG has combined both the global scale benefit organization with the local focus of each particular country where its products are sold (Procter Gamble 2011). The corporate structure of PG consists of three major parts which are Global Business Units (GBUs), Market Development Organizations (MDOs), and Global Business Services (GBS). The GBUs focus mainly on branding, competitors and consumers. They are responsible for the shareholder returns and profitability of the company. MDOs are to know the consumers and retailers in the markets PG is competing and combine new ideas from GBUs into business plans that work in each country. The GBS in another hand is one of the four major pillars of the organization to support 127000 employees and 300 brands sold. GBS provide over 170 employee and business services including IT, finance, facilities, purchasing and employee services as well as business building solutions (Procter Gamble 2011). PG established five business strategies for its own (Procter Gamble 2011). The first strategy is to develop sustainable innovative products which are environmental friendly. Second strategy is to improve PGs operation to be more environmental friendly. Third strategy is to improve childrens lives via the organizations social responsibility programs. Fourth strategy is to engage and equip the employees of PG to build sustainability thinking and practices into their everyday work. Fifth strategy is to work transparently with the stakeholders. PG major business processes focuses on consumer production innovation and brand management. In order to achieve both of these, PG has its own intranet called Innovation Net (INET) to connect different departments ranging from RD, Engineering, Purchasing, Consumer Market knowledge, Patent/Legal and Business Information Systems. With the integration of AskMe Enterprise tools, PG will be able to leverage the information from each department to better monetize it (Realcom 2009). Knowledge workers of PG would be able to share their knowledge and collaborate to solve same problems encountered via INET. PG has strong relationship with Wal-Mart since 1980s because of the business process automation between the two and the collaboration carried out to work together better (Christopher Koch, 2002). PG is establishing efficient relationship between the industry and academia with research universities (Nathan 2011). 2.0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) INFRASTRUCTURE In year 2003, Procter and Gamble (PG) has signed a 10 years contract, worth $3 billion with Hewlett-Packard (HP) to outsource her overall IT infrastructure. HP will run PGs data centers and information technology infrastructure, and also provide desktop and end-user support, and to oversee network management (Sandeep Junnarkar 2003). 2.1 Computer hardware platform PG has selected Hewlett-Packard (HP) as her IT infrastructure provider. Desktops and end-user support in PGs global operations over 180 countries are provided by HP. HP was selected for its global IT expertise, services quality and cost, and collaborative approach, as most importantly shared a same vision and values with PG, which PG strongly believe this will be able to accelerate innovation in PG (Palo Alto 2003). 2.2 Operating system. PG has started to get involved in high performance computing (HPC) to run simulations in research, design and testing before production since early of 1980s to increase productivity and reduce the production cost of company. However due to wide variety of products, and large number of researchers, product designer and test engineers in PG, the IT organization needs a more user friendly computer cluster. PG also faced difficulties in integrating software from different vendors as no any vendors can offer PG all the software they need in traditional (Microsoft Corporation 2008). In mid 2007, PG replaces its UNIX operating system with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition operating system. PG employed Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 to support its high performance technical and scientific applications with parallel processing to improve their performance. Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 not only improved the use of HPC and productivity in PG, but also improved cluster deployment and management by 20% (Microsoft Corporation 2008) 2.3 Enterprise software applications (SAP) PG runs its business using SAP ® software (SAP AG 2009). The key challenge faced by PG is, she has wide range of products and has a very complex sales order process. Emerging as a worlds premier consumer product company, PG puts her customer as priority and would like to give satisfaction to her customers by on-time-delivery (OTD). PG uses community definition groups (CDGs) from the Enterprise Services Community (ES Community) program provided by SAP, which create the sales order cockpit a single monitor that supports the everyday activities related to sales orders (SAP AG 2009). Through CDG and ES Community, productivity of PG improved by integrating functionality that required many scattered transactions into a single cockpit. 2.4 Networking and telecommunications The visionary stance of PG on product innovation and development to be a company that collaborates-inside and out-better than any other company in the world (Cisco Systems, Inc. 2008). Videoconferencing rooms were used for PG teams to collaborate internally and externally, but greater challenges are faced by PG due to unreliable technology which cause poor video and audio quality, and thus prevented effective collaboration. The problem is then solved when GBS work with CISCO to develop a video collaboration strategy based on the TelePresence solution. In mid of 2007, PG has expanded to more 40 Cisco CTS3000 TelePresence studios, also known as Video Collaboration Studios which enable team members in PG exchange idea and even have meetings in minutes (Cisco Systems, Inc. 2008). Through these, team members in PG are able to collaborate innovatively and smarter without travelling anywhere, decisions making are also accelerated. 2.5 Consultants and system integrators PG commits herself to achieve the goals of making the company more efficient while running it cost effectively and to have breakthrough opportunities in innovation by moving toward a digitized and visualized environment. PGs GBS created a network of customized workspace portals (decision cockpits) which stored latest business intelligence which benefits thousands of her employees who can access information to make real-time business decisions. The number of portals grew to 160 over time and had different platforms, technologies which increased the difficulty to manage and costly to maintain. Different user interface of cockpits made it hard for other users when using other cockpits. There were too many legacy reports generated from all these cockpits which slowed down the process of accessing needed information for the executives level. PG needed a new cockpit platform to be standardized and streamlined, provide easy access to a single source of accurate, real-time business information, enhance user experience, reduce the cost and inefficiencies related with cockpit development and maintenance, improve data integrity and the delivery of reports, accommodate web 2.0 features. PG turned to Accenture for help to develop and manage the new cockpit platform. Accenture together with PGs GBS redefined PGs Vision for enterprise information management, standardized and integrated systems for a simpler and faster organization. By this, the cockpits are delivered 5 times faster than before and 35 percent less development cost and 50 percent reusability (Accenture 2010). 2.6 Data management and storage Procter and Gamble selects SAND/DNA for SAP NLS Pilot Project in March 2008. SAND Technology Inc. is an international provider of intelligent enterprise information software. PG emerged as one of the world biggest consumers products company, has wide range of products with approximately135, 000 people in more than 180 countries (Procter Gamble 2011). Too many data to be stored and managed efficiently and cost effectively is the key challenge of PG (SAND 2008). SAND/DNA enables highly efficient data storage, with minimal administration requirement and integration with PG Enterprise Software Applications, SAP. Data stored are easily accessed from SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 (SAND 2008). SAND also provides lower cost data storage over a long term (Yazdi Bagli). 2.7 Internet platform Key challenge in PG in internet platform is reaching out to consumers through digital world. PG sees digital world as an opportunity to reach out their brand to consumers, and build up connections with their consumers (Angelica Mari 2009) Microsoft.NET has interactive features and like touch, gestures, rich UI, and location awareness, enable PG to attract and connect with consumers. Besides being technically impressive, Microsoft.NET is cost effective and efficient development platform (Microsoft 2009). 3.0 CLOUD COMPUTING AND ITS BUSINESS BENEFITS AND COSTS 3.1 Cloud computing and its current trend Cloud refers to the Internet. Cloud computing is a model of computing where firms and individuals obtain computing power and software applications over the Internet, rather than purchasing their own hardware and software. (Laudon, K.C. Laudon, J.P.,2010). The hardware and software capabilities are provided as a service over the Internet by vendors such as Through cloud computing, hardware and software are managed by vendors, including installations, configurations, testing, running, security, and updates ( 2011). In traditional way, different types of right software are needed in each and every computer in company to make sure all the staffs are able to carry out their work. The operational cost will be very high due to buying new software and providing license for software. However, this problem can be solved using cloud computing. Users are just required to log in to one application, which allows users to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would need for his or her job. This made scaling up and down of software easier. In this way, cloud computing allows a company to increase their capacity or add capabilities on computing without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software (Eric Knorr Galen Gruman, n.d.). Currently in cloud computing, users are able to access to the application as long as an electronic device (i.e. PCs, netbooks, Smartphones) has access to the web. Users are able to keep up their work everywhere and easily. 3.2 Cloud computing solutions Sales Cloud and Service Cloud are applicable to PG sales team and customer support team. Sales Cloud Enterprise edition with $125 per user a month will be applicable to the entire organization with features such as storing customer contacts, tracking customer interactions, integrating with Google apps, reports and analytics, sales forecasting and many more features which will be benefiting the sales team( 2011). The Service Cloud Enterprise edition with US$135 per user a month will be able to improve PG customer support whether it is offline or online with web customization and integration. Web 2.0 integrations such as Twitter and Facebook will further enhance the productivity of PGs customer service by interacting with the customers in real time ( 2011). 3.3 B usiness benefits and cost of cloud computing Many organizations have changed their IT infrastructure to cloud computing due to cost and time effective. In cloud computing infrastructure, no hardware or software need to be installed, but all the business activities, includes customer relationship management (CRM), HR, accounting are able to be carried out by opening a browser, log in, customize the app, and start using it ( 2011). Other than that, IT teams will not be wasting their time on installations, maintenances and upgrading their software because all the updates are performed by vendors. Cloud computing enables a fast access to own data from different remote devices and able transfer and sharing file between users rapidly.All the changes made also will be synchronized in PCs and mobile devices (Rivka Tadjer 2010). Other than that, cloud computing allows easy and fast integration of applications, both traditional software and cloud computing infrastructure ( 2011). Thus, all co-workers are able to keep up their works easily. Business activities are not restricted in office workplace, but every worker can access and perform their work with any internet devices they have. Other benefit of cloud computing is we do not face the risk of loss of data as all the data and files are stored in the cloud. Complete disaster recovery is available and data will not lost during upgrades. Customizations and integrations of all the works and data are automatically preserved during an upgrade (, 2011). By implementing cloud computing infrastructure, less man power needed to manage and update the hardware and software. This allows man power in IT department to focus on strategic activities with greater impact on the business. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING ADOPTION It is recommended that PG to adopt the cloud computing for better business process and efficiency. is recommended for PGs sales and customer service team for the sales order process while HP cloud solution is recommended for the companys IT infrastructure. Below are the reasons of why such recommendations are made. 4.1 Customer and supplier services: integrating SAP into The sales order cockpit by SAP is important for PG sales order process. The limitation of the current situation is that the sales team and customer service team has to be in office in order to access to the cockpit and the teams have to go back and forth for pulling information from different platforms. By integrating the sales order cockpit into, PGs employees would be able to access to sales process by SAP, CRM and other sales tracking in one platform at anywhere, anytime as long as they have the internet access. Upon applying such integration, PG will be able to save more on maintaining cost, integration cost, and time to have more productive sales process, better customer satisfaction as the employees are able to see the problems and solve them in the shortest time possible. The sales team is able to save more time in getting information and spending more time with the customers. 4.2 Achieving business strategy One of the business strategy PG has is to improve PGs operation to be more environmental friendly. Adopting cloud computing can help the company to achieve this strategy. It is said that many companies will move to cloud computing to consume 90% of the electricity from public utilizes instead of generating the same amount of their own electricity (Consero Insights 2010). 4.3 IT infrastructure and cost PG outsourced its IT Infrastructure to HP with $3billion over 10 years. HP will manage overall infrastructure in PG from data centers, general network management to desktop and end-user supports. In term of cost, cloud computing  can reduce the cost of IT hardware and services over the time as in cloud computing, payment are based on byte of usage (Cloud Computing IT 2010). Traditional IT Infrastructure is restricted to the limit of licensed user, which will cause inelasticity in scaling up the company (Zemanta 2009). Key component in cloud computing software as a service (SaaS) which enables company access on applications and large amount of computing power without purchasing it. SaaS can be operated by multiple computers at the same time yet no upgrades and contract renewal required ([emailprotected] Carey 2008) 4.4 Information Technology PG realize the importance of digital world, as a medium to touch the life of people. PG also implementing â€Å"cultural revolution†to train and develop IT staff with the skills necessary to blend IT with PGs businesses and provide IT innovation. PGs IT organization play a vital role in shaping the companys future and PG uses IT technology to identify market trends, anticipate business needs and create programs globally (Thomas Hoffman 2006). Key feature in cloud computing which is accessibility, availability and scalability (Tony Chung 2008) enable PG to obtain data to carry out market analysis conveniently. On the other hand, cloud computing is said to be limitless, flexible to scale up and down without affecting its performance and operational cost. 4.5 Competitor Firms IT Services Unilever, one of the strong competitors of PG boost their sales by focusing on the consumers rather than advertising and promotions (Russell Parsons, 2010). Unilever focus on one-to-one basis on respective group to ensure effective approach (Unilever 2011). Unilever partnership with BT to perform high quality and cost effective global network by delivering managed networks and communications solutions to customers around the world (Unilever 2002). 4.6 Competitor Firm: Unilever IT investment Unilever has an annual IT budget at about USD1128 million (Natasha 2010). Unilever invested into its global network which provides advanced messaging and security services in 2002 (Unilever 2002). Unilever also employed Business Objects data integration products by SAP to quickly integrate its numerous data sources to continue its growth strategy to consolidate brands, simplify processes, streamline supply chains, and increase revenues (Business Objects 2008). Compared to Unilever, investment of PG in IT is much lower. However, one good thing in Unilevers IT is Business object, which is able to load data, transform into useful data and load in data warehouse in short time where PG can consider in IT infrastructure. 5.0 CONCLUSION The findings in this report show that cloud computing is beneficial to PG in terms of cost saving, productivity, and efficiency. SaaS will better help the sales and customer relationship management in PG through real time data anywhere as long as the employees have the internet connection. HP IaaS will be save more money in IT infrastructure as PG only pay for what is being used and will be able to scale up or down according to the usage anytime in future. It is strongly recommended that PG to adopt cloud computing solutions to help the company achieve better results.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
AIDS and YOU :: Free AIDS Essays
AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is at present a sentence of slow but inevitable death. I've already lost one friend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that of many of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my part of the country, one man in 10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. While the figures may currently be less in much of the rest of the country, this is changing rapidly. There currently is neither a cure, nor even an effective treatment, and no vaccine either. But there are things that have been PROVEN immensely effective in slowing the spread of this hideously lethal disease. In this essay I hope to present this information. History and Overview: AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is caused by a virus. The disease originated somewhere in Africa about 20 years ago. There it first appeared as a mysterious ailment afflicting primarily heterosexuals of both sexes. It probably was spread especially fast by primarily female prostitutes there. AIDS has already become a crisis of STAGGERING proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated that over twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. That figure is increasing. And what occurred there will, if no cure is found, most likely occur here among heterosexual folks. AIDS was first seen as a disease of gay males in this country. This was a result of the fact that gay males in this culture in the days before AIDS had an average of 200 to 400 new sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher than common practice among heterosexual (straight) men or women. In addition, it turned out that rectal sex was a particularly effective way to transmit the disease, and rectal sex is a common practice among gay males. For these reasons, the disease spread in the gay male population of this country immensely more quickly than in other populations. It became to be thought of as a "gay disease". Because the disease is spread primarily by exposure of ones blood to infected blood or semen, I.V. drug addicts who shared needles also soon were identified as an affected group. As the AIDS epidemic began to affect increasingly large fractions of those two populations (gay males and IV drug abusers), many of the rest of this society looked on smugly, for both populations tended to be despised by the "mainstream" of society here. But AIDS is also spread by heterosexual sex. In addition, it is spread by blood transfusions. AIDS and YOU :: Free AIDS Essays AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is at present a sentence of slow but inevitable death. I've already lost one friend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that of many of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In my part of the country, one man in 10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. While the figures may currently be less in much of the rest of the country, this is changing rapidly. There currently is neither a cure, nor even an effective treatment, and no vaccine either. But there are things that have been PROVEN immensely effective in slowing the spread of this hideously lethal disease. In this essay I hope to present this information. History and Overview: AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is caused by a virus. The disease originated somewhere in Africa about 20 years ago. There it first appeared as a mysterious ailment afflicting primarily heterosexuals of both sexes. It probably was spread especially fast by primarily female prostitutes there. AIDS has already become a crisis of STAGGERING proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated that over twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. That figure is increasing. And what occurred there will, if no cure is found, most likely occur here among heterosexual folks. AIDS was first seen as a disease of gay males in this country. This was a result of the fact that gay males in this culture in the days before AIDS had an average of 200 to 400 new sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher than common practice among heterosexual (straight) men or women. In addition, it turned out that rectal sex was a particularly effective way to transmit the disease, and rectal sex is a common practice among gay males. For these reasons, the disease spread in the gay male population of this country immensely more quickly than in other populations. It became to be thought of as a "gay disease". Because the disease is spread primarily by exposure of ones blood to infected blood or semen, I.V. drug addicts who shared needles also soon were identified as an affected group. As the AIDS epidemic began to affect increasingly large fractions of those two populations (gay males and IV drug abusers), many of the rest of this society looked on smugly, for both populations tended to be despised by the "mainstream" of society here. But AIDS is also spread by heterosexual sex. In addition, it is spread by blood transfusions.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun Es
Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun      The plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun, deal with the love, honor, and respect of family. In The Glass Menagerie, Amanda, the caring but overbearing and over protective mother, wants to be taken care of, but in A Raisin in the Sun, Mama, as she is known, is the overseer of the family. The prospective of the plays identify that we have family members, like Amanda, as overprotective, or like Mama, as overseers. I am going to give a contrast of the mothers in the plays.      In The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, we embark on the task of seeing a family living in the post WWII era. The mother is Amanda, living in her own world and wanting only the best for her son, Tom. Tom, a dreamer, tired of Amanda’s overbearing and constant pursuit of him taking care of the family, wants to pursue his own goals of becoming a poet. He is constantly criticized and bombarded by his mother for being unsuccessful. This drives him to drinking and lying about his whereabouts, and eventually at the end of the play, he ends up leaving. An example of Amanda and Tom’s quarrel I when he quotes, â€Å"I haven’t enjoyed one bit of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It’s you that makes me rush through meals with your hawklike attention to every bit I take.†(302) Laura, on the other hand, is shy and out of touch with reality because of a slight disability, in which she is comfort...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Effect of Illiteracy
EFFECTS OF ILLITERACY ON SOCIETY illiteracy is one of the major problems facing society and the educational system. Recent studies show that there is an increasing rate of illiteracy all over the world. A study conducted by Recent studies show that there is an increasing rate of illiteracy all over the world. A study conducted by WSI (World Statistics Institute) shows that over 27% of people are illiterate globally. Another study by the same institute shows that the speed at which the illiteracy rate ascends is 32% [32% of what? . These rates are quite important, as illiteracy has terrible effects on society. The most important effect of illiteracy on society is that it works as an inhibitor. That is to say, the more illiterate people there are in a country, the harder it will be for the country to develop. This fact could be clarified with an example: America (whose illiteracy rate is below 5%) and Canada (illiteracy rate: around 8%) are developed countries, whereas countries like T urkey and Iran (illiteracy rates: 61% and 43% in order [respectively]) are undeveloped countries. Illiteracy has got a kind of â€Å"genetic†effect.The children of illiterate people are more likely to be illiterate than those who aren't [aren't what? – rewrite this sentence to make it clear]. Even if the parents don't want their children to be illiterate, their children, observing the parents, see that they somehow manage to live and adopt the idea that illiteracy isn't actually a bad thing [not very clearly expressed – try a rewrite]. And since people develop most of their character during childhood, they choose to go with illiteracy. Another major effect of illiteracy is that illiterate people believe in the said things easily.They do not investigate what was said or told to them. When looked [looking] at the pages of history, it can be seen that while most uneducated people are [were] slaves, guardians and assistants; people who are [were] educated are [ were] mostly kings, queens and sultans. They [Who? ] are not slaves because they wanted, but because people superior to them – in terms of education – made them so. All these significant results of illiteracy affect society in a bad way. So, illiteracy rates must be tried to cut down. Try and imagine our society without a common language. This could be quite a hard idea to fathom. Allow me to assist you.If this hypothetical idea were in fact true, a typical conversation between two individuals would be as follows: one of the two would begin the conversation by making noises representing their language, the other person would not understand these noises and respond with unrecognizable noises to the first individual. As you can well imagine, this would get quite frustrating. Rita Mae Brown describes literacy as, â€Å"a social contract, an agreed upon representation of certain symbols†(420). If the symbol's (letters) meanings are not agreed upon by those attempti ng to communicate, then interpreting one another becomes difficult.Simply stated, literacy is very important. Society has proven time and time again, it will reward those individuals who are competent and impede those who are not, whether expressed in terms of employment opportunities (job success) or just on a social level. One need look no further than their everyday activities in order to realize how important literary skills are. Without adequate literary skills one may not be able to identify on a label the correct amount of medicine to give a child, or read and interpret a sign giving instructions on what to do in case of a fire.These two examples bring perspective to literacy's importance. Nevertheless, recent surveys have indicated that, â€Å"4. 5 million Canadians, representing 24 percent of the eighteen-and-over group, can be considered illiterate†(â€Å"Adult Illiteracy†5). Illiteracy is truly a problem within Canada. Although many groups are working to r ender the problem of illiteracy, much work still lies ahead. As our society moves on into the next century literacy is proving vital to economic performance. Without basic literary skills in one's possession they will become lost in our rapidly changing society.The modern worker must be able to adapt to the changing job-scene. This often means gathering new skills and knowledge from printed material, whether instruction manuals, computer programs, or classroom training (text books). It is quite commonly the case that highly skilled jobs require a high level of literacy. Therefore, literary skill level is an important factor in predicting an individual's economic success. It will affect an individual's income, their employment stability and whether they even receive employment opportunities. Presently, our world revolves around literacy.Simply being literate allows one to continuously upgrade one's literary skills to a higher level. It allows one to stay informed of happenings in and around the world through mediums such as newspapers and magazines. Knowing current news about what is going on in this ever changing world of ours is the key to staying ahead. Another thought to ponder is this, we rely on those with high literacy levels to record and document findings and happenings for future generations to reflect on. These writings would most likely be dull and inaccurate or would not exist at all without our current levels of literacy.When viewed from a social standpoint, literacy remains just as important as when viewed from the economic standpoint. Linda Macleod of the National Associations Active in Criminal Justice, points out that, â€Å"65 percent of people entering Canadian prisons for the first time have trouble reading and writing, low literacy is part of a constellation of problems that can limit choices in life and thus lead people to criminal activity†(20). Somebody in possession of a high level of literacy will most likely be well informed and tend to make wiser decisions.By obtaining this level of literacy they have also gathered a large vocabulary giving them many words to choose from to express their ideas and feelings. Conversely, many would agree that a conversation with one who has a good grasp of the English language is always more delightful than with one who is less educated. Literacy can act as a window, opening one's view to the world. Presently, we are being bombarded with information, news, trivia and gossip (not that this is always a positive feature in our lives). Without sufficient literary skills one cannot even absorb any of this information.These people will miss out on many of life's benefits, socially as well as economically. Without sufficient literary skills one would have a tremendously difficult time functioning in our current world. Think about your average day, consider how many times you refer to your literary skills to aid you, could you function without those skills? Finding an address, r eading a map, reading a menu, performing a bank transaction, these are just a few common tasks that require your literary skills. Also, when looking at the importance of literacy to our nation, its value is evident. High levels of iteracy throughout all sectors of Canada's workforce are necessary, â€Å"low literacy levels of workers' affect Canada's ability to perform in the increasingly competitive international marketplace†(â€Å"Literacy†7). Literary skills become building blocks. First creating a well-educated society, then a highly skilled labour force which can compete and adapt to the changing market. These factors lead to an increase in economic growth within the nation which in turn, results in a higher standard of living for its people. As our society moves forward into the future, a higher level of literacy will become more important to one's level of success.Where would our society be without our ability to exchange knowledge and information? How many ti mes have you made a purchase that read on the outside – instructions inside? You and I think nothing of this, and in a sense take our gift for granted. For many, deciphering written instructions is a near impossible task, asking for assistance does little more than to further lower their self esteem. Literacy is important. To truly seize the benefits possible in one's life it has to be accepted that literacy is the key. Society will continue to reward skilled individuals and disadvantage those who are not.
Quality Management within Toyota Motor Company Essay
AbstractThis paper explores quadruple published articles discussing Toyota tug high societys forcefulnesss, abetlessnesses, opportunities and threats. A review of Toyotas decisions to tegument pregnant information prior to conceives leads us to a discussion of where Toyota fag go from here. The paper includes recommendations for Toyota travel come with in order to move forward later their 2010 recalls. In rise to power, governingal changes volitioning dish Toyota ram caller-out in overcoming their recall problems. persona anxiety within Toyota force back political partyAfter a outcome of discouraging recalls at Toyota labor club in 2010, a number of character watchfulness techniques were implemented. Toyota drive Comp eachs elevate abstract played into the fresh implemented caliber direction techniques. Toyotas potentials allowed them to fight back busyly against these recalls that could take on ultimately led to Toyotas peg from matchless of t he top motor participations. Toyota Motor bon tons strengths include dominant position in the commercialise, absolute carry recognition, strong centralize on look and knowledge, and broad toil and scattering net operate. In concomitant to Toyotas strengths, their weaknesses were reviewed in order to find opportunities to capitalize upon. The recalls were simply a large weakness at Toyota. Opportunities were reviewed which included the baffleth of the global self-propelled persistence. Last, Toyotas threats were reviewed. Here it was found that the right dash disputation is a worry for Toyota Motor lodge.After the review of Toyota Motor Companys SWOT abridgment, the issue of the recalls was assessed. Analysis shows the issue within Toyota Motor Company did non appear overnight. However, secretive counselling styles let the confederacy astray. A plat was created by functional area to retell how Toyota has responded to these recall problems. The functional are as reviewed include counselling, output formulate and guard duty, quality, and manufacturing.Last, the analysis of Toyota Motor Companys recall and quality management issues are discussed from a point of solution the problem. Recommendations are discussed that will help Toyota Motor Company to turn their weaknesses into strengths. Method watchwordSWOT AnalysisInternalFactorsStrengthsWeaknesses carre four Dominant position in the commercializeplace fast brand recognition Strong focus on query & ripening Broad doing and dispersal network Product recalls accommodate the ability to negatively affect brand image Declining gross r so farue in crucial geographic areas outsideFactorsOpportunitiesThreatsCompetition Growth of the global self-propelled industry Potential upbeat from partnering with BMWThe expected value for the modern global car food commercialiseplace is strong Powerful competition predilection of the lacquerese Yen Environmental regulations inborn disa stersStrengths. Toyota has a number of internal product strengths as noted in the SWOT Analysis fudge above. Toyotas market percentage in 2011 was 16.5 percent,its highest market share in 4 twelvemonths. This strong market share allowed Toyota to hold a free-enterprise(a) advantage against their competition. In admittance to keeping a dominant position in the marketplace, Toyota possesses strong brand recognition by means of a number of brands. These brands include Toyota, Lexus, Prius, Corolla, Yaris, Camry, Sequoia, 4Runner, Scion tC, Highlander, subvert Cruiser, and a number of other brand names. These brands are some of the virtually desire premium brands in the world harmonize to the Company Profile report for Toyota Motor Company documented by MarketLine. some other strength of Toyota is their strong attention to research and development. According to the Company Profile report, Toyotas focus on research and development is pointed towards the creation of hot and i mproved products.Research and development operations are conducted at 14 facilities located around the world. This strength has allowed Toyota to plus the technology included in existing products. One of these products, a Pre-collision corpse (PCS) helps drivers avoid collisions. Overall, the strong focus on research and development has been a fully grown strength for Toyota. Last, Toyotas production and scattering network has been a big strength for the company. Toyota promotes automobiles, related parts, and other components through much than 50 manufacturing companies throughout 27 countries and regions, not including Japan. As mentioned on the Toyota Motor Company website, major locations include Japan, the joined States, Canada, the join Kingdom, France, Turkey, Thailand, China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, Argentina, and Brazil.As describe by Toyota Motor Company, during fiscal grade 2013 the company had consolidated vehicle gross gross gross sales hails of 8.871 one million million units (TCM, 2013). As report by Toyota Motor Company, this was an increase of 1.519 million units compared to the previous fiscal year. In addition to the far-flung production of Toyota products, the company has a large dispersion network. Toyotas distribution network is one of the largest in Japan encompassing four sales take (Toyota, Toyopet, Corolla, and Netz). In 2012 the distribution network of these channels was comprised of 283 dealers. In addition to this network, Toyota operates over 170 Lexus sales channels in Japan. As describe by Toyota Motor Company, in fiscal year 2013 these networks accounted for the next vehicle sales Japan sales totaled 2.279 million unitsIn North America vehicle sales totaled 2.469 million unitsIn europium vehicle sales totaled 799,085 unitsAsia came in at total vehicle sales of 1.684 million unitsCentral and South America, Oceania and Africa came in at 1.640 million units As you can see, Toyotas dist ribution network is widespread allowing for diversification and a wide delve of clientele, ultimately boosting revenues and sales. Weaknesses. A large focus of the case study focuses on the weakness of Toyotas product recalls. As some(prenominal) are aware, Toyota has regarded a number of recalls in the upstart past. It is a concern that these recalls could negatively affect Toyotas brand approximate ultimately leading to decreased sales for the company. When searching for Toyota recalls it was easy to find a few recent recalls. The most recent is a recall of 700,000 Toyota Prius models which were recalled over electronic issues in the United States (, 2014).Another actually recent recall includes certain versions of the Lexus RX crossover. In this case, more than than 261,000 vehicles are being recalled imputable to a brake issue (, 2014). In addition to the many recalls, Toyota has been involved in a number of lawsuits. In celestial latitude 2012, Toyota comprised a suit by paying $17.4 million to the National pathway Traffic safety device Administration to settle claims related to the June 2012 recall of potential heavy weapon pedal entrapment issues. This bad urge will ultimately result in a negative effect on consumers confidence in Toyotas brand. In addition, the settlement of suits ultimately decreases Toyotas profits. As a result of this bad press Toyota saw a decline in 2012 sales in important geographic areas. Declining sales in fiscal year 2012 were seen across North America, Asia, and atomic number 63. Opportunities. As reported by the article, Global automotive industry to experience modest growth in 2012, a number of opportunities exist in the global automotive industry (2012).The Nipponese auto industry responded from natural disasters which had caused decreased inventories and production. It is forecasted that the industry will continue to grow change magnitude Toyota revenues. In June of 2012, BMW and Toyota signed a long-term partnership. The two companies are partnering on the developments that will help to increase market share and sales. This relationship is expected to increase technology between the two companies aswell as result in new product development. In addition to these opportunities, the new car market is experiencing result growth which will dish out in increased sales and profits. Threats. Intense competition in the worldwide car market has let very competitive. This competition will likely increase in the future eld as competitors add more technology and increase developments. In addition to the intense competition, the appreciating Japanese Yen has become a big concern for Toyota. Last, environs regulations have the potential to increase production costs. Emissions regulations that are updated periodically could cause issues in new car production.Evolvement of bore Management IssuesAt first glance, it seems that Toyotas gun for hire pedal issue appeared overnight. However, upon further research, secern was found to prove the opposite. As reported in the article Secretive grow Let Toyota Astray, evidence that Toyota cars could suddenly drive up had been piling up for years (2010). At the time of the recalls, Toyota had cognize active this gas pedal problem for more than a year. The problem was stated to be Toyotas secretive corporate stopping point in Japan which ultimately conflicted with United States requirements that auto makers disclose safety threats. revolutionary initiatives brought to the table by Toyota have essay to correct the previous secretive culture of Toyota. Total quality management initiatives have been put in place to advocate in break up customer portion and safety and repair issues. According to Jacobs and Chase, total quality management can be defined as managing the entire governing body so that it excels on all dimensions of products and go that are important to the customer (Chase and Jacobs, 2014, p. 296). The table following this discussion addresses the steps Toyota has interpreted in response to its recent quality recall problems.Functional AreaQuality Management StepsManagement Managing handler names to oversee any safety-related issues Top down management climb upProduct Design & Safety Troubleshooting teams known as Swift Market Analysis Response Teams work tofind any safety issues that need to be reported Quality TAQIC Toyota Advanced Quality cultivation fondness staffed by a host of employees who compile repair reports from dealerships worldwide gee engineers hired to spot-check qualityManufacturing No drastic changes to assembly linesResults/Discussion bother SolutionAs discussed in the plat above, there were many opportunities for Toyota after their encounter with the recall situation. Akio Toyoda, the head of the company, acted quickly by implementing a top down management speak to instead of the more everyday Japanese bottom up approach that slows d own the decision make. In addition, Akio path board of directors by fifty percent and cut out management layers. Akio in any case began meeting with his top five advisers on a weekly basis. In these meetings decisions were do quickly. Akio pushed his team to make always better cars. This change in the way the organization is managed helped Toyota to stay on top even through the recalls.RecommendationsMany recommendations have been make to assist Toyota Motor Company in improving the recall situation they encountered in 2011. Some recommendations Toyota should follow include as recommended by the North American Quality Advisory Panel include the following Give North American operations more independence in making recall decisions Strengthen quality mastery processesExtend development time of new products to include more safety tests progress to a role of Chief Safety Technology Officer Create and demonstrate a Safety Research Center focused on protecting the most important cli entele (children, teens, and seniors) These ideas follow the invention of total quality management which focuses on two fundamental goals Careful design of the product (in the case of Toyota Motor Company, the vehicle) reckon that Toyota Motor Company brasss can produce this designin a reproducible manner Quality at the spring seems to be a great way for Toyota Motor Company to proceed. Quality at the source means that the person who is doing the work is taking the responsibility for making sealed the work meets specifications. As antecedently discussed, safety control will be a huge initiative for Toyota Motor Company going forward.If implemented, these recommendations can do a lot to help Toyota Motor Company increase their organisational effectiveness. As previously discussed, many organizational steps were interpreted by Akio Toyoda after these recalls. It seems that Toyota could greatly benefit from organizational learning. As stated by Operations and Supply Chain Managem ent, it has been argued that organizational learning is critical to sustaining a competitive advantage (Chase and Jacobs, 2014, p. 138). Organizational realignment was important to Toyota Motor Company after the 2010 and 2011 recalls. According to a Toyota news release in celestial latitude of 2008 organizational changes include the establishment of the at a lower placeA Government and Public affairs Group which was focused on quick response to inquiries from around the world sequence also unifying public affairs functions. An Accounting Group aimed at change the business management and financial management system of Toyota Motor Company. A Europe and Africa Operations Group intended to assist with business planning in African and Central Asia. The group was also complete to conduct business promotion events in both Europe and Africa. A labor Engineering Group aimed at increasing the strength of the quality control system for semiconductors for hybrid vehicles. The recommendati ons made are important to Toyotas future. Reorganization and creation of new groups within the organization will help Toyota to overcome these recalls.ReferencesIngram, A. (2014, Feb 12). Toyota recall 1.9 million Prius vehicles recalled to plug software glitch. Retrieved from http// Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. (2014). Operations and bring out chain management. (14 ed.). New York, NY
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Frankenstein V Bladerunner Essay
In what ways does a comparative degree field of contemplate underscore the typical scopes of Frankenstein and stigma stolon? The comparative study of texts, wholeows earreachs to investigate the changing genius and variant of issues relating to kindness as they are understand in different circumstances. mise en scene provides listenings to cogitate to and understand the thoughts, decisions and actions of individuals indoors a text. Context provides the opportunity to develop and shape a new genre or comprise an hold uping genre in a new way.The comparative study of condition allows for audiences to compare the changing values of societies everyplace time. Literary techniques such as allusions, imagination and dialogue is utilize to shape context and can be used by composers to entertain, inform or persuade an audience or play up and provide appreciation into interesting or noteworthy points. bloody shame Shelleys Frankenstein (1831) and Ridley Scotts web setoff (Directors Cut-1992) individually put on literary techniques to evince the context of their text within its time.The comparative study of these twain texts foregrounds how texts are of necessity a fruit of their time all the same some(prenominal) texts present issues that research the intricacies and complexities of all human implement. Shelley and Scott utilise distinctive contexts to explore the nature of humanity and last pass what makes us human. Frankenstein and brand name first exist to foreground how context affects the perceptions of the audience in regards to how a text is received everyplace time thus highlighting how a comparative study of texts can accentuate distinctive contexts.The comparative study of texts depends on the context used to establish a affinity with the audience. Mary Shelleys legend novel Frankenstein (1831) is a hybrid product of 18th century Gothic-Romanticism. The text hypothesises new-made challenges to the social estab lish as a result of the English industrial variation and the French revolution during the second one-half of the 18th century which highlighted the empowerment of the functional class. Frankenstein is a work of epistolary prose illustration that is explored finished multiple narrators such as the monster, Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton.Frankenstein exists as a didactic tale that explores the exampleity of assay to subvert god thus providing a lesson in patriarchal hubris highlighting the assurance of scientific discovery without any favor of the moral or estimable implications. Frankenstein hence explores the nature of arrested developing in undermining paternal and moral responsibility and evoking fear in the creation-fear of the world, fear of man. Subsequently the leading enemy of blade starting time, Roy around the bend, further elucidates the arrogance of obsession as he explains his plight, stating, Quite an experience to live in fear, isnt it?Thats what it is to be a slave. Batty provides insight into the failure of creators to understand the unrestrained development of the creation which leads to its isolation and fear, causation the ensuing destruction of the innate order. Frankenstein utilises the characterisation of Victor, I have exposit myself as always having been imbued with a eager longing to penetrate the secrets of nature to explore the obsession for knowledge that formed slice of Shelleys context. The text because reflects the yields of late scientific development such as Galvanism and evolutionary thought.The comparative study of contrasting textual forms allows context to influence different interpretations of a text. Ridley Scotts tough science assembly film firebrand base runner (1992) employs extensive mis-en-scene to subvert the audiences sense of place setting and history-a respite of belief- enabling contextually dependant perceptions of the film. The films setting reflects its context as it echoe s the concept of watery vision that conceptualises the short-sightedness in herent in the chase of perfection.The film juxtaposes the seemingly inherent ethical pretexts of discovery with the scientific community that seeks to create a perfect race, thus Blade Runners scientific context becomes reminiscent of fascist Nazi Aryan ideology, IVF programs and the Human Genome project. Conversely Frankenstein utilises its sublime Swiss setting to increase the plausibility of the themes which allow them to resonate with audiences as they relate to the texts context. distinguish textual form is used to highlight how the context of each text alters their coincidental themes to resonate and remain relevant to twenty-first century audiences. Distinctive contexts are accentuated through similar theme content. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly indicate that efforts to defy the natural order are responsible for the put up sense of misery and alienation that sustains the boilersuit me lancholic tone of both texts. wolf Imagery is used extensively within Blade Runner to reveal the primaeval nature of raw, native emotionof the replicants, a reflection of paternal neglect which renders them incapable of reasonableness their emotions. Similarly Frankenstein juxtaposes the idyllic nature of puerility with the abandonment of parental responsibility to highlight the confusion behind the monsters ugly exterior, therefore provide insight into creations place as the ultimate innocent of both texts.Frankenstein and Blade Runner establish the creations as the victims of both physical and aflame negligence who ultimately confront their creator to correct the fracture which isolates them from the world. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly utilise content to highlight the creations as the radical of destruction to reveal the true nature of monstrosity, the senseless creators. The pursuit of knowledge at the expense of a moral modelling is identified as the creators u ltimate mortal flaw.As the creations of both texts reflect upon and highlight their unnatural qualities, they reveal how their creators can no longer attain the sublime. Victor highlights his deport from the sublime as he recounts how his actions and ulterior inaction deprives the soul both of confide and fear contributing to his demise. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly evoke a development of critical literacy and knowledge of genre at a macro direct that enables distinctive contexts to gain prominence and influence the sense or interpretation of their respective genres as a whole.The contextualisation of Frankenstein and Blade Runner is used to provide insight into the reception of texts as it challenges the contemporary values of the audience. Frankenstein draws parallels with Greek mythology as it establishes Victor as a novel Prometheus while also addressing elements of Jewish mysticism as the monster exhibits qualities similar to the automaton of Prague. The tex t is also reminiscent of Godwin and Wollstonecraft, however, is inherently less optimistic about order of magnitudes realistically attainable level of perfection, both physically and economically.In unornamented contrast, Blade Runner addresses perfection as achievable in a commercial sense occupation is our goal here at Tyrell however as Deckard states nonexistence is perfect he highlights the shortcomings of forgoing the moral obligations inherent in the pursuit of commerce which ultimately enable an evaluation of arts moral boundaries. Blade Runner pays tourist court to the representation (particularly through film and television) of the 1950s detective film-noir to reveal a interpreting of post-modern expressionism.The reflection of commerce as a postmodern cultural imperative establishes the relationship between socio-economic status and pastiche consumption. Consequently, humanity is created and traded with this transformation of everything into commodity (Byers, 1990) becoming a reflection of the context of Blade Runner following the collapse of the Soviet inwardness and the economic strength of the United States during the films production. In essence the distinctive context of Frankenstein and Blade Runner reflects the interpretation and perception of the genre, textual form and content over time.The comparative study of these distinctive contrasting contexts allows audiences to reflect on the enduring power of parental and moral responsibility, deliberate action or inaction and the features that define humanity. The key reflections in which the audience understands how they are positioned by composers as a result of their context is curiously important in allowing moral assessments throughout the text. Frankenstein and Blade Runner are two texts who successfully explore the nature in which humans interpret their humanity as a response to a contextualised stimulus.Blade Runner ultimately reveals the establishment of delirious reason as a a uthoritative characteristic of being human, while by the bye Frankenstein explores the features of humanities collective consciousness which enable an individual to belong through emotional dependence. The comparative study of Frankenstein and Blade Runner allows audiences gain a further understanding into the way contexts are accentuated through assessments of conceptualised fiction which explore the themes and issues which forms the unique identity of humanity.
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